

Mystical_Z · Anime und Comics
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Chapter 33 Cute Baby Weasel

In Notting College, Tang San had just come into contact with knowledge of external spirit bones.

"External spirit bone? Teacher, what is that?"

Master explained to Tang San the value of External spirit bones.

"External spirit bones is the most precious treasure for a spirit master besides a 100,000-year-old spirit ring!"

Tang San listened carefully, he knew that the teacher would continue to explain in detail.

"In the world of spirit masters, there is a ranking list of the most precious things for spirit masters, called the spirit master wish list. Among them, the external spirit bone has always been ranked second on the spirit master wish list. It is second only to a hundred thousand year old spirit ring that is almost impossible to acquire."

"The special thing about the external spirit bones is that they will evolve with the improvement of its owner's spirit power. So the sooner you absorb the external spirit bone, the better. If it is said that the probability of an ordinary spirit bone appearing from a spirit beast is one in a thousand. Then chance of the external spirit bone appearing is not even one in ten thousand."

"What are the types of spirit bones? I have already told you last time. The six types are arms, legs, torso and skull bones, and they are all ordinary spirit bones!"

"Spirit bones other than these six types are all external spirit bones"

"Such as wings, tails, and claws, these spirit bones are all external spirit bones!"

Sure enough, the master continued to tell Tang San about external spirit bones.

There was also a spirit bone set, but the master thought about it and let it go, He didn't know if Tang san would ever have a chance to see such a thing in his life!

"So that's the case, thank you teacher for teaching me!"

Tang San was amazed, and at the same time felt strong curiosity about spirit bones and the external spirit bones.

When the master was teaching Tang San the knowledge of external spirit bone, Mo Bai also completed the absorption of his third spirit ring.

Following Mo Bai's call, a purple spirit ring appeared around Mo Bai's body.

After absorbing the spirit ring of the Spirit Power Sacred Tree, Mo Bai's overall spirit power directly increased by 100%.

It's just that as Mo Bai's spirit master level increases, the effect will decrease, reaching 90% when at  Spirit Ancestor, 80% when at Spirit king, and so on.

After becoming a Titled Douluo, only forty percent will be left.

However, Mo Bai can increase the age of his third spirit ring in the future, which will increase the overall spirit power increase value further.

There was also no accident with the spirit skill he obtained, what Mo Bai obtained was the spirit power shield.

As long as there was enough spirit power, the spirit power shield can be turned on!

As for his Blue Silver Grass, it has been strengthened in various aspects, but there was no overall change!

After seeing Mo Bai successfully absorbed the third soul ring, the dean smiled heartily

"Okay, from now on Mo Bai, you are a real spirit master!"

"We should go back"

Mo Bai nodded, and then looked at the Spirit Power Sacred Tree that had been killed by him but was still standing.


Although it still looks fine, it was no longer alive.


Suddenly, Mo Bai heard a slight sound from above the Spirit Power Sacred Tree.

"Is there something on it?"

The dean also heard it, and went up to check in a flash.


Soon, the dean came down, and everyone saw a small creature in the hands of the dean.

If you looked carefully, you could see that it was a newborn weasel, probably only a few days old, very small.

"No wonder that poisonous weasel refused to leave"

Seeing the young poisonous weasel, everyone immediately knew why the poisonous weasel didn't leave just now, but instead attacked Mo Bai and the others frantically.

It turned out that the poisonous weasel actually placed its nest on the Spirit Power Sacred Tree.

The Dean spoke with an inexplicably sad tone.

"The poisonous weasel are fed by single mothers. The mother of the poisonous weasel died just now, so this little one will not survive!"

Hearing what the dean said, Mo Bai suddenly spoke.

"Dean, give it to me, I'll see if I can feed it"

Hey, Its going to die anyway, so it's better to take advantage of such a situation!

It's a poisonous weasel with spirit power, just big enough to swallow in one bite.

Mo Bai knew that it was the mother of this young Poison-clawed Weasel that they just killed, So Mo Bai was a little sad. If he had known earlier, he would have chosen to let the mother of the Poison-clawed Weasel go.

But since the other party was already dead, Mo Bai let go of such feelings.

The little one is going to die anyway, so it's better to send it to reunite with its mother himself.

"Do you want to raise it?"

"It's okay, you can try, but even if you feed it, it's better to release it when it's older. After all, it's a spirit beast. It's easy for people to get hurt if you bring it around"

The dean was surprised when he heard him, but still nodded, and gave Mo Bai the poisonous weasel baby in his hand, and warned him at the same time.

"I know, thank you Dean!"

Mo Bai agreed.


When Mo Bai took the poisonous weasel baby into his palm, the poisonous weasel baby let out a few sounds.

At the same time, one of the front paws of the poisonous weasel baby scratched Mo Bai's palm, which unexpectedly produced a few tiny red marks on Mo Bai's palm.

Seeing this, Mo Bai was slightly startled.

"So fierce, and it could actually scratch my palm?"

Looking carefully, Mo Bai discovered that the front paw of the Poison-clawed weasel baby which scratched his palm, was extremely sharp and slightly purple in colour.

The next second, Mo Bai felt his palm go numb.

It really lives up to the spirit beast name, even if it was young, it is full of aggressiveness.

If he still wanted to swallow it, Mo Bai would have crush it to death.

Some of the sadness he still had just now, was completely gone.

While wrapping the poisonous weasel baby in his clothes and putting it in his arms, Mo Bai also quietly casted his jade hands, absorbing and refining the little poison that the poisonous weasel scratched his palm with just now.

Mo Bai didn't let the dean see this scene.

In the evening, Mo Bai failed to get back to Notting City in time, so he checked into a hotel, and took out the baby weasel.

At this time, it may be because of it being hungry for a long time, but the baby weasel was very sluggish.


But when Mo Bai took it into his hands, it became fierce and wanted to attack Mo Bai again.


After being stunning it, Mo Bai cleaned it, dipped it in peanut oil without a change in his face, and swallowed it in one gulp.

Mo Bai, who successfully swallowed it, couldn't help but curse.


"Fuck, I must find a better way to devour spirit beasts"

It was really hard to swallow.

Afterwards, Mo Bai skilfully killed the poisonous weasel baby in his body, and then used his third spirit ring to swallow the pale white spirit ring produced by the poisonous weasel baby.

Everything was the same as the last time

Until Mo Bai sensed that a special spirit power sprang up from his belly, and then quickly poured into the palm of his left hand.

(end of this chapter)

Again if you see any mistakes point it out so the future readers can have a better reading experience -- this novel will be 246 chapters long , so stick around if you wish --

Mystical_Zcreators' thoughts