
Dreams of the Fool

He died after being hit by a truck. A normal death, right? What is not normal is that he had been reborn and it was not what he expected. 'THE HELL? I AM IN HORIMIYA AS IZUMI MIYAMURA!

Arcanum_02 · Anime und Comics
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80 Chs

Chapter 6: Avengers Part 2

"Now that this part of the mission is done, let's move on to the next phase." declared Izumi.

The others nodded.

"The one where they gather everyone right?" asked Erza

"That's right."

"Are we going to expose ourselves?" asked Kazuma.

"I think it's a good idea to expose ourselves." suddenly said Korosensei.

"Why is that?" asked Kuroneko.

"I'm not saying that everyone should expose ourselves. I'm just saying that we make them aware of our group."

"That might be a good idea. We don't want them to consider us as enemies," said Izumi.

"We must still contain our secrecy because of Hydra," said Kazuma.

Izumi facepalmed.

"Right, I forgot about them," said Izumi

"Hydra?" asked Erza.

"It is an evil group hellbent on controlling the world which infiltrated SHIELD. They won't do anything right now. We will leave them to the heroes of this world." said Izumi.

"Then If we want to maintain secrecy, isn't it better to send only 1 person as our representative," said Korosensei.

The others agreed with the assessment.

"The question is who will we send as the representative," interjected Erza.

"Isn't it obvious?" said Kuroneko.

They all turned towards her.

"We will send Izumi." she continued. The group turned towards Izumi and agreed with her.

"Eh? Are you sure guys?" asked Izumi.

"Well yeah, even if you are an annoying pretty boy, you still fit the role of the leader," said Kazuma.

"I would not put it as Kazuma said, but he is right Izumi. You have shown the qualities of a leader," added Erza.

"You're also the admin of the group which automatically makes you the leader," Kuroneko added her two cents.

"From the small amount of time, we have been together, I believe that you are fit to be the leader student Miyamura."

Izumi smiled gratefully.

"Then take care of me, everyone."

"All right, now that we are done with all this sappy stuff, when are you going to confront them?" asked Kazuma once again breaking the atmosphere.

" I will expose myself when they bring Loki into custody in Germany before they meet Thor," replied Izumi.

"Good choice, you can be a mediator during their conflict and establish their view of us that you are not an enemy." analyzed Erza.

"That's what I was going for."

"All right, I have to get ready because Loki is going to be in Germany in 2 days.." Izumi turned to Korosensei.

"Korosensei, can I have a lift?"

"You just have to ask" the teacher replied.

2 days later, Izumi got ready. He changed his clothes and disappeared with Korosensei.

Usually, a normal human wouldn't survive travelling at the speed that Korosensei is used to. Luckily for Izumi, using (Structural Analysis), he analyzed his clothes and body and activated (Reinforcement). This helped deal with the G-force and Korosensei's tentacles helped with the wind. As a precaution, he also created an aerodynamic shield made out of mana over both of them.

"After this mission is over, I will find a way to learn (Flash Air).'

It took them only a few minutes to reach Stuttgart in Germany.

"Good luck student Miyamura."Korosensei then returned to New York.

When Izumi arrived, he could see the civilians fleeing from the museum. He started to move through the panicking crowd.

"It's showtime."


Loki was enjoying the fear that he had stricken in the humans as they started running for their lives after he had extracted the eye of the scientist who own the iridium. As he moved through the crowd, his clothes started to transform into green and golden armour with a long green cape flowing down his back. His golden helm equipped with two long horns also appeared on his head giving him a majestic aura. Arriving outside, he created four illusionary copies of himself surrounding the panicking crowd and shot a blast at an incoming police car making it crash. Seeing the four copies, the crowd didn't know what to do to escape.

"Kneel!" Loki shouted.

the crowd was still panicking and didn't listen

"I said KNEEL!" Loki roared at the crowd and the latter fell on their knees. When the people quieted down, he started speaking.

"See? Is this not simpler? You humans, now, are in your natural state of submission. Your false freedom in searching for power, for identity, your species was meant to be ruled. You will always kneel in the end," he monologue.

One brave elderly person stood up and pointed at him,

"Not to men like you," he said in a grave voice.

"There are no men like me," Loki replied with a grin.

"But there are always men like you." the old man countered.

The god chuckled.

"Look at your elderly people, let him..." He was about to finish when he was interrupted by a mocking voice.

"No. No. He's got a point," the crown and Loki turned towards the voice. They could see a tall figure approaching wearing black pants, with a black T-shirt. His face was also covered by a white mask. The only noticeable feature was the tattoo on his left arm.

"Oh, an ant approaching me. Why aren't you kneeling to this king?" Loki asked.

Izumi started searching around.

"What are you looking for? No help is coming for you."

"No. I'm not searching for help, I'm just finding the king that you mentioned," Izumi replied.

Loki's mouth twitched.

"I see. Then people, let this person be an example for all of you." declared Loki as he raised his sceptre at Izumi preparing to fire a blast.

"I refuse! Captain America, I choose you!" At that moment, Captain America dropped from the sky and blocked the magic bullet fired by Loki and sent it back to him. The bullet knocked the god back and the civilians began to run away.

"Holy Shit! That worked!" whispered Izumi.

"Stand back. Let me take care of him," ordered Captain America.

"You know the last time I was in Germany, I saw a man standing there above everyone else. We ended up disagreeing," he said said.

"The soldier. the man out of time." Loki recognized him. A Quinjet descended from the sky and hovered while panels opened underneath it revealing a machine gun ready to fire at Loki.

"Loki. Put down your weapon and surrender with your hands in the air!" the voice of Natasha Romanov could be heard through the speakers of the plane.

Loki didn't listen and fired another magic blast at the plane. Luckily, Natasha was able to dodge it. Captain America started attacking him. He punched at his head but the good parried it with his spear and knocked the hero back. The captain then tried to throw the shield, but the god knocked it away. Following his throw, the hero jumps on Loki and tried to punch him, but was once again knocked away.

Meanwhile, Izumi was just enjoying the show. It would've been better if he had popcorn. He was watching the fight until he saw Captain America on the floor with Loki pointing his sceptre to his head.

"All right my turn"

As Loki was about to shoot the soldier, he felt immense pain in his side and was sent flying on the road. Steve Rogers looked confused until he heard a voice.

"Oi! Oi! Oi! Did you already forget about me? I'm hurt," the voice said. Steve looked up and saw the same boy. The boy turned towards the soldier and spoke.

"Looks like you needed help Captain. You okay?" the boy said as he gave him a hand. The soldier took his hand and stood up

"Thanks but who are you son?"

"Do I look like your son?


"Kidding! We can chat later. First, we have to deal with him." Izumi said as he pointed at Loki who was getting up. As he was about to fight again, music started blaring from the speakers of the Quinjet. Not a second late, a man in a metal suit came flying down and shot a beam at Loki.

"All right Reindeer Games, time to surrender," he said.

He landed next to the soldier and greeted him.


"Stark." the captain greeted back.

"Get out of here kid. This ain't a playground," said Stark to Izumi.

"And I would tell you to go home because you're too old to be playing with costumes, but not everyone listens right?" Izumi snarked back.

"What a cheeky brat. Did you never learn to respect your elders?"

"That's enough Stark. He helped me subdue Loki." Steve interrupted the argument.

"Did he now?" asked Stark. The Quinjet landed and Black Widow and Ironman escorted the Asgardian.

Once Loki was secured inside, Natasha came back outside and approaches Steve and Izumi.

"Loki is secured in the plane Captain, it's time to go. And I was also ordered to bring him in," she said pointing at Izumi

Steve was about to open his mouth to object, but Izumi responded first.

"Good, otherwise I was gonna break in and nobody would like that."

Both prospective Avengers looked at him in confusion before ignoring it and leading him inside the plane. Soon after, the plane took off and headed back to the SHIELD helicarrier. As the plane flew in the sky, Stark started to interrogate Izumi as the latter sat comfortably on his seat and Steve observed them

"So who are you kid?" he asked. With a grin behind his mask, Izumi replied.

"You may call me Enigma, Mr. Stark."

"All right Enigma, what were you doing over there?"

"Would you believe me if I said I went there to admire the art?"

Stark only replied with a deadpan.

"Fine, I won't answer right now until I meet Fury." Stark raised his eyebrow.

"What business do you have with Fury?"

"I'm too lazy to repeat so you'll have to wait." Stark was visibly getting more and more irritated.

"Then tell me, how did you manage to fight Loki?". The Japanese boy was about to open his mouth when they heard the roars of thunder cracking of lightning.

"Guys there is going to be some turbulence because of the thunder." Loki looked outside anxious.

"You scared of a little lightning?" mocked Steve Rogers when he saw Loki's expression.

"I don't think he is overly fond of what's coming next," said Izumi. The next thing they knew, a loud THUMP was heard and the plane shook. Stark put on his helmet and opened the hatch. Soon after, a huge man wearing silver armour with a red cape and holding a hammer came into the plane. That person was the Norse god of lightning: Thor. Stark was about to fire a repulsor blast at him but was hit with the hammer. Thore took Loki and flew out of the plane. Tony got up and walked to the open entrance of the plane when Steve called out to him.

"Wait Stark, we need a plan of attack!"

"I have a plan. Attack" replied Stark and jumped out and flew down.

Steve followed soon after wearing a parachute. A few seconds late, Izumi finally stood up.

"What are you doing?"

"I'm going to join in on the fun," Izumi replied. He saw Natasha's expression.

"Oh relax, I'm not going anywhere. I will come back, I still need to talk to you guys," he replied and proceeded to jump out of the plane before she could protest. Natasha was dumbfounded when she saw him jump.

"He forgot his parachute," she said with a baffled tone. As Izumi fell down the sky, he opened his magic circuits. Glowing blue-green circuit-like pathways started covering his body as he fell down the sky. Izumi used (Reinforcement) and started to form a stream of wind below him to cushion the fall. Once the clouds parted, he could see Thor was about to attack the captain and Tony once again. Aiming right between them he landed making a huge crater and knocking everyone back. Even with the wind spell cushioning his fall, the shock of the landing sent shivers through him otherwise he was injured.

"Have you guys had enough?" Izumi asked in a calm tone.

"Am I seeing things or did he just fall from the sky without injuries?" asked a confused Stark.

"I don't think you are imagining, because he really did fall from the sky." replied a wide-eyed Rogers.

"Another one came to fight me!?" asked an angry Thor.

Izumi squeezed the bridge of his nose and sigh in exasperation.

"Is it really time to fight now?"

He turned to Thor.

"You're Thor right?"

"Yes, I am."

"You just came for Loki right?"

"Yes, he has to speak for his absence and his fake death on Asgard."

"Well, why don't you come with us because we also have questions to ask. You can take him later. Deal?"

"Hey kid, I don't think you have the authority for that kind of decision," asked Tony.

Izumi promptly ignored him.

Thor took a few seconds to calm down.

"Very well young mage. May I ask your name?"

"Mage?" asked Izumi.

"Yes, do you not practice magic? I can sense a lot of magical energy from you."

"Yes, I practice magic. You may call me Enigma."

"Ok, first super soldiers, then gods and now you're telling that magic exists? I call bullshit!" interjected Tony.

"There are a lot of things that you don't know Mr. Stark. You do well to remember that," replied Izumi.

"All right, now that everyone has calmed down, let's bring Loki back to SHIELD then we can get answers from him," said Steve.

Once they brought Loki back to the plane, everyone resumed their flight to the Helicarrier.