
Dreams of the Fool

He died after being hit by a truck. A normal death, right? What is not normal is that he had been reborn and it was not what he expected. 'THE HELL? I AM IN HORIMIYA AS IZUMI MIYAMURA!

Arcanum_02 · Anime & Comics
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80 Chs

Chapter 7: Avengers Part 3

Hello everyone, I have received some comments about how the ancient one said that Izumi was better than her and that was not true. After thinking about it, I realized my mistake and it would make sense, however, you guys also have to realize that the Ancient One also focused more on magic and I don't think she's had someone challenge her to improve herself for a long time, therefore, stagnating her skills in martial arts. So now I just put that Izumi was on par with her in hand-to-hand combat. I also wanted to inform you that for those asking about the non-harem tag, I just want the mc to be with one person for now, if I can add more girls I will, but it will be only 2 more that's it. I'm no good at writing harems.


Reaching the Helicarrier, a team of SHIELD soldiers escorted Loki to his cell while the rest of the heroes went to the meeting room. Once Loki was in his cell, a large circular and transparent room, Fury began to speak to him.

"You see this cell was made to be drop at a moment's notice. One single wrong movement, you drop." He pointed at Loki,

"Ant." He then pointed at the button.

"Boot." Loki chuckled.

"It's an impressive cage, but I don't think it was meant for me."

"No, it was made for something a lot stronger than you." Loki grinned evilly and went on a speech about how SHIELD had to rely on monsters to protect themselves and that they were desperate. Since he already knew this speech, Izumi tuned it out. Once Fury finished listening to the evil god's monologue, he left and went to meet the heroes.


As soon as everyone gathered, they began to talk.

"We know that Loki is going to delay this out. Where do we go from this? Thor, what do you know about Loki." asked Steve Rogers.

Before Thor could answer, Izumi, beat him to the punch.

"He plans to bring an army called the Chitauri."

Everyone turned towards him.

"I believe an introduction is in order."

Nick Fury glared with his one eye,


Izumi dramatically bowed,

"Hello everyone, you may call me Enigma and I am the leader of the MCG."

"The MCG? What kind of organization is that?" asked Natasha. Izumi just gave a sly grin behind the mask,

"That's for me to know and you to find out."

"How come I've never heard of your organization and what are your goals?" asked Fury. Izumi didn't bother correcting them. It was better to make them think that he was the leader of a huge organization instead of a member of a group chat. The Japanese boy also just wanted to troll them.

"Let's just say that our organization's information is just beyond your reach and our goal is to protect the earth from major threats."

"But how can we trust you? We've never heard you and you hide behind a mask."

"That's kind of ironic don't you think but no problem. I believe we've already saved you guys once." Fury raised his eyebrow.

"Really? When was that?"

"When you let the Tesseract get stolen," Izumi answered. The director of Shield tried to keep a neutral expression, but Izumi could see a tick mark appear on his forehead.

"Were you the one who saved all those soldiers?" Everyone looked at him in surprise, it looks like he didn't tell them. Izumi shook his head,

"It wasn't me, but a subordinate of mine."

"I see."

That's when Tony spoke up,

"What about the fact that you can do magic, Is that true?"

"Yes I can do magic, but I don't think that it's important right now. Maybe we should focus on the fact that I don't know, a literal army of aliens is going to attack us."

"He's right. We should focus on Loki and why it felt so easy to capture him."

"I don't think we should focus on Loki. It's all crazy in his head. You can smell it. I think we should think about how he's going to bring his army. We know that he needed the Tesseract therefore he plans to build a portal. The question is how."

"Magic is kind of a big deal," whispered Tony

"It's why they captured Dr. Selvig," said Natasha.

"Selvig? He's a friend" asked Thor.

"Iridium!" Tony interjected.

"Iridium?" asked the Captain.

" Yes, Loki stole the iridium to help build the portal. Iridium is a stabilizing agent for the portal. With it, he can create a stable portal that has large and leaves it open for as long as he wants."

"And when did you become an expert in thermonuclear physics?" asked agent Hill.

"Last night, with Selvig's notes and research of my own. Most of the materials, Barton can get them easily, but the only thing needed is a power source to kickstart the cube." Tony then went on explaining his research with Banner sometimes interjecting.

"Mr. Stark, this is Dr. Banner. I was hoping that you could join him on the search for the cube. We know Loki's sceptre uses the cube to power itself and I would also like to know how he turned two of the sharpest men I know into his flying monkeys."

While they were discussing a plan, Izumi was not paying attention. As he already saw the movie, he already knew what they were talking about. He didn't know whether he should warn them about Loki's plan to escape. On one hand, it would make it easier to plan and stop his escape. On the other hand, it would not strengthen the Avengers team and it would not help lure out the entity from outside of the Universe. Which is why he was talking with his teammates.

[Korosensei]: I think you let the story follow its course.

[Erza]: But why? Wouldn't it be better to stop Loki's escape?

[Kazuma]: I think Korosensei is right. Following the story would mean less unpredictable actions and the possibility of luring the one blocking the ability to see the future of the Ancient One.

[Kuroneko]: What if the entity wants that to happen?

[Korosensei]: My dear student, let's say that we do stop Loki here and now, we don't know where the entity is or what he wants. If we change the course of this story, it would likely make the other person retreat and we won't be able to deal with it.

Izumi was about to type a message when the system gave an emergency notification.

[Warning! The system has detected an anomaly in this universe.

Quest: Defeat the anomaly!

An Anomaly is an entity that is out of this universe. They can be anyone, but the common factor between each of them is that they received a blessing or a gift from the Outer Gods who are known to sow chaos and evil throughout the Multiverse.

Location: New York

Name: Unknown

Time limit: As soon as possible

Reward: A random mystery chest

Good luck!]

The whole chatroom went silent.

[Korosensei]: Well I'll be damned.


[Kuroneko]: Oh my god! We're doomed!

[Erza]: I'm sorry, but I am confused. Why is everyone scared?

[Izumi]: Calm down guys. Panicking won't solve anything. Erza, an Outer God is an entity that exists in the Multiverse in the space between the universes. None of them are good and just as the system said, they are known to sow chaos and evil. Also, they are really powerful. In their own space, they are omnipotent and omniscient with freaky reality-warping powers. It seems that they can't enter the universes for some reason therefore they send someone to do their bidding for them.

[Erza]: Oh that's terrible.

[Izumi]: Don't worry guys. We can do it. We will defeat that person before they do something. First, I want you guys to start scouting New York City because that's where the system told the anomaly would be. Second, I think we should let the story follow its course otherwise, there wouldn't be the formation of the Avengers and we don't want that. But we will try to keep the casualties to a minimum.

[Korosensei]: I will evacuate the citizens to shelters or the underground before the invasion.

[Kazuma]: I can also try to reinforce the infrastructures with my earth magic.

[Erza]: I will stand by with my weapons for the invasion.

[Kuroneko]: I will go with Erza.

[Izumi]: That's good. All right, I am leaving because it seems that they finished their discussion.

[Kazuma]: Ok

[Erza]: Ok

[Kuroneko]: Ok

[Korosensei]: Ok

Closing the chat room, Izumi looked up to see the group had already started to break up.

Tony and Banner went to the labs, Thor went with Coulson to make sure Jane was okay, Natasha went who knows where and Fury went wherever super spies go. For the next few hours, Izumi was wandering around the helicarrier until he heard the sound of arguments.

"Oh yeah? what are you without the suit?" Izumi heard the voice of Steve.

"Genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist" replied Stark.

"You humans are so petty and tiny," Thor said. Izumi entered the room and saw that everyone was arguing with one another. he cleared his throat once, but no one heard him. He did it again, but still nothing. Losing patience, he reinforced his vocal cords.

"Enough!" shouted the teen.

The room went silent as they turned towards him Izumi scanned the room until he stopped at the sceptre.

'So it was influencing them.' he thought as he felt the energy influencing the people in the room making them more aggressive.

"Step away from the sceptre, I can feel it influencing you," Izumi ordered.

"And how would you know that?" asked Fury.

"Magic," he simply replied.

Tony listened. The others looked.

"What? I'm not arguing with a wizard."

"Can you do something about it?" asked Banner as he calmed down.

"Right now, I can't do anything as I am not specialized in sealing artifacts. The only thing I can advise you is to not go near it." The others nodded and gladly retreated a little.

Fury pinched the bridge of his nose and asked the pair of scientists.

"Have you found the location of the Tesseract?"

"Yeah, it's just about to finish finding it. Just give me a moment."

A few seconds later, the results arrived and Bruce frowned,

"That's weird. It says that it's here."

"Here?" asked Natasha.

"Yeah, on the Helicarrier. That doesn't make sense." Not a second later, Izumi shouted as he looked at the window of the lab,


Everyone looked out the window and saw a plane with a machine gun starting up. They soon got the message and hit the deck before it started shooting them. At the same time, one of the Helicarrier's turbines exploded and rocked the ship hard.

"Suit up?" asked Steve Rogers.

"Yep, suit up," replied Tony Stark as they went to get their gear. Izumi saw that Fury went to assess the situation and Thor went to Loki's cell the check on him. Finally, he saw that Natasha fell with Banner who was having difficulty calming down and risked unleashing the Hulk. Making a quick decision, he went to help Natasha, if the Hulk was unleashed, it would cause a lot of damage. As he went down the hole where they both fell, he heard the Black Widow trying to calm Banner down unsuccessfully.

"It's okay Bruce. Don't let him get to you! I swear on my life that I will get you out of this." Natasha told him.

"YOUR LIFE!" shouted Bruce in a distorted voice as he was slowly losing his control. Soon after he started expanding and his skin started to turn green. Natasha's eyes were wide in panic as she saw the transformation when the beam that was trapping her leg was lifted.

"Ms. Romanoff, I advise you to get out of here and fend off the intruders. I will take care of Banner." said a voice. She soon recognized that it was Enigma.

"It's the Hulk, are you out of your mind!" she shouted.

"Last time I checked, I was very sound in mind... I think," he replied.

"Let me help you," she said.

"I doubt you would be much help against him." he pointed at the Hulk who was now fully transformed.

"Therefore, I would advise you once again to get out of here to help the others."

Natasha looked torn between helping Izumi or helping the other, but ultimately, she decided to listen to him.

"Okay." she then went out leaving Izumi with the Hulk who was already starting to move toward the mage.

"All right big guy. Let's see what you got." Izumi said as he went into his stance.

"ROOOOOAAAAARRR!" Hulk seeing him getting ready let out an inhuman shout and started running toward him destroying everything in his path. Seeing this, Izumi also started running, but in the opposite direction.

"Nigerundayo!" he shouted and ran. Outraged, Hulk followed him and soon they arrived in the hangar of the Helicarrier. The sound of battles was heard everywhere. Activating the rotation speed technique, Izumi could feel his magic circuits thrumming through him and could hear small engine-like noise. Getting ready, he turned around and saw the hulk smash through the doors too small for him.

"Okay let's fight," he said as the green beast barreled towards him. Activating (Mana Barrier), blue mana emerged from him and solidified in a hexagonal shape in front of him to block the Hulk's punch. As the punch landed on the barrier, a shockwave reverberated throughout the Hangar. Izumi examined the barrier and noticed that it held up fine, but his mana reserve dipped a little. Satisfied with his little experiment, he applied (Reinforcement) to his body, and he went to fight the Hulk bare-handed. After parrying another punch from the Hulk, he went for a forward kick to create some distance between the two. In addition to the kick, he applied (Mana Burst) at the sole of his feet to add extra power to his kick. As his kick connected with the Hulk's stomach, blue energy crackled and exploded from his right foot and the Hulk was blown backwards through a plane.

Without missing a beat, Izumi flowed after him, but the Hulk emerged from the plane looking uninjured.

"Well, your one tough son of a bitch." Izumi said. He only got a roar in response. They ran at each other and started to fight physically. Izumi would've wanted to use his elements, but they were too destructive and he didn't want to damage the Helicarrier and kill everyone with it. Izumi was caught off guard when, out of nowhere, Hulk lifted a plane's wing and threw it at him like a very dangerous version of frisbee. Ducking underneath it and letting it pass overhead, he didn't see the Hulk upon him, seeing that it was too late to make a shied, he flooded more of his mana into his body reinforcing, even more, raising his arm in guard and taking the punch. He flew back into a wall making a huge indent in it. His arms throbbed because of the strength behind the punch.

"Damn, I shouldn't underestimate his strength even if it's the movie version of the character." he scolded himself.

"All right. It's time to finish it. I have to use it." He extracted himself from the wall. Seeing this Hulk roared once more and ran to him trying to finish Izumi off, but the latter waited. Even if the green monster got closer and closer, he still waited. Even when the Hulk went to punch him, he waited. Just when the punch was in front of his face about to decorate the wall behind him with his blood, he sidestepped, parried the punch with his left hand and struck a glowing palm thrust with his right hand at the beat's torso. As soon as his palm landed, a glowing green body shot out of the Hulk's back. The hulk's body collapsed on the floor while the glowing green body behind the body was roaring, but this time it was silent to whoever who don't have the means to hear it. What Izumi did is a little nifty thing he learnt from the Ancient One and it was (Astral Projection). It lets the soul and the body separate from himself or someone else, but this spell cannot be used indefinitely. Sooner or later, the soul has to return to the body otherwise the soul would dissipate into nothingness and return to Lady Death while the body would physically die. What Izumi did right now is he separated Hulk's soul from the body and kept Banner's soul in the body. But this spell came at risk, if the body had more than 1 soul like Banner's body, there is a chance that the wrong soul would be ejected and there would be unfortunate side effects. This risk is only associated with wizards who are not masters of this spell yet. Fortunately, Izumi got it on his first try.

Because the Hulk is a being of pure physical strength, therefore, had no means of defence against attacks of magical nature, he couldn't do anything. As Banner laid Izumi's feet, he started to shrink until he became a normal human being again.

" Ugh." groaned Bruce.

"You okay there Doc?" asked the Japanese high schooler.

"I have a killer headache. What happened? I don't remember anything after turning into him. Did I hurt anyone?"

"No, you died."

"WHAT!?" he shouted in surprise.

"Kidding, but no you didn't hurt anyone because I stopped you," Izumi replied with a grin.

"Thank you, but how did you stop him? You must be super strong to do it," he asked confused. His confusion is not unfounded because the Hulk is the strongest thing he knew.

"All right Doc, I don't want you to freak out, but look behind you." He did and he blanched. He shakily pointed at the roaring soul and stuttered.

"W-what is the d-doing here?"

"I just separated your soul and his soul temporarily."

"What?" Izumi shook his hand in the air.

"That's not important. This is temporary, therefore he is going to go back into your body."

"Why can't you keep him separated? I don't want him. He's made my life a mess." Bruce said with a voice tinged with desperation. Izumi softly smiled.

"I'm sorry Bruce, but since you injected that serum and absorbed that gamma radiation. This body..." Izumi pointed at Banner.

"became his as much as yours. To not die, he saved you from that radiation."

"Then what should I do?" Banner asked with resignation.

"Everyone has a light side and a darker side, you just took that to the extreme. You have to accept him just as much as he has to accept you. Do not try to reject him at every second. Do not treat him as a monster but as another person"

"I have to accept him? That's not possible."

"Dr. Banner, we live in a world with superhumans, aliens and gods and now magic. I think that definition of impossible has been stretched a little."

After a pause, Bruce nodded.

"Okay. Okay. I will try. I will try to accept him." he said as he looked at the Hulk who looked like he calmed down. Izumi nodded and put the HUlk's soul back into his body. As soon as he entered, there was no change whatsoever.

"Are you okay Doc?" the doctor took a deep breath and nodded.

"All right. It will take time do not rush this okay." Banner nodded again.

Using (Alteration), Izumi repaired the ripped pants that were hanging off him, brought a new shirt and gave them to him.

"Here we don't want running around buck naked," said Izumi.


"Well then let's go." The two then went to regroup with the rest of the people who were left.