
Drawing Cards With My Lifespan: Starting By Gamifying Reality

One day, the whole world gamified in the eyes of Su Mo. Not only could he use his lifespan to draw cards, but he could also see the hidden attributes of every item in life. As such, when he looked at the hanging lamp above him, he saw: [Item: An old hanging lamp] [Hint: It will drop after one minute and seven seconds.] When he looked at his right arm, he saw: [Item: The right arm of a young man] [Hint: The grip strength of his right arm is 3% stronger than that of his left arm due to continuous training.] When he looked at the ginseng on the table, he saw: [Item: A stalk of wild ginseng] [Hint: It is tinted with a layer of source power. Consuming it could make you feel energized.] … Excited, Su Mo rushed to meet his girlfriend, who was a school beauty and had just agreed to date him. He then saw a bright red HP bar on top of her head. [Item: A very thirsty fox demon] [Hint: You might not be able to put up a fight against her.]

Pears Are Fragrant · Spiele
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130 Chs

Space 7 Escape Room

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Redakteur: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Space 7 Escape Room.

As one of Tianmu City's not-so-well-known escape room facilities, it was extremely popular now.

Just the waiting area outside was filled with tourists who were mainly young people full of vigor.

Their gazes fell on the girls walking around from time to time.

These girls were all employees of the store.

Every one of them was upbeat, bright, and beautiful, with friendly smiles.

They looked like female celebrities from a TV show who had come to work as a shop assistant.

Most importantly, they were not as aloof as the female celebrities.

They treated their guests like the warm spring and provided thorough and friendly service.

Even if one didn't want to experience the escape room and simply came to chat with them, many would still feel that the ticket price was worth it.

In the office on the second floor, two figures were standing quietly by the glass wall.

The man with three moles on his neck watched the bustling scene downstairs through the one-way transparent glass. He smiled and said to the slim woman next to him, "I didn't expect that your business would grow so big in just a month. I'm afraid that even the old foxes in this line of work would have to admit that you're a formidable junior when they see you."

The graceful woman opened her folding fan, covered her mouth, and chuckled, "Mr. Yang, you must be joking. I'm just using the racial specialty of the fox demon. If we're really comparing business capabilities, any street vendor can be my master."

"You can't say that," The vampire Yang Zhichao, who was seen as fiendish by outsiders, said with a warm smile, "As far as I know, many demons have come out of the origin world over the years. Some of them are powerful, some have strange abilities, and some have cruel means. However, only a few have brains and wisdom. Most of them have been busy eating humans and creating all kinds of disasters, only to be easily annihilated by the Dawn Bureau on the spot. Only you, who developed in a low-profile way and integrated with the human race, have been and still are hard to find. As expected of the fox lord known for your intelligence."

"Mr. Yang, you think too highly of me. I just wanted to find some food for my clansmen," The fox lord looked at the crowd on the first floor, her eyes exuding a dreamy brilliance, "It's because of this shop that we can attract a steady stream of energetic young people. Even if we only absorb a trace of the essence from each young man, my clansmen would still be able to eat their fill. Those young people won't feel much either, so we can use them again and again. With this, we would not need to kill and thus attract the Dawn Bureau, nor would we run out of food and cause the death of my clansmen. It is the best of both worlds. The only thing to worry about now is that my clansmen are still very weak. If they were to encounter the group of Transcendents from the Dawn Bureau, it would be difficult to hide. Please give us a little more time. When everyone has advanced, even if the Dawn Bureau comes to search us, we will not be afraid. We can even continue to expand our business under their eyes and open branches in various cities to bring more clansmen over and completely root here."

Yang Zhichao did not comment on the grand blueprint that the fox lord had weaved with her words, "To be honest, it's fine even if the Dawn Bureau comes over now. We can just lay low for some time if that happens. After the tiger emperor successfully comes over from the origin, you can walk in the human world openly. At least, no one in Tianmu City will be able to stop you then."

"That will have to wait till the tiger emperor arrives," The fox lord looked at Yang Zhichao and asked, "Have you brought the void-splitting stone? "

"Of course, why would I come if I did not have it?" Yang Zhichao opened his suitcase.

In the suitcase was a fist-sized transparent crystal that was filled with countless cracks. The strangest thing was that the cracks were constantly changing positions as if they were alive.

The fox lord carefully observed and nodded. She took the suitcase and waved to a fox demon who was waiting nearby.

Soon, the fox demon brought over a ziplock bag that was wrapped with several layers of clingwrap from the freezer.

Yang Zhichao took the bag and counted the number of hearts in it. The smile on his face grew wider, "With these 25 hearts, that's a total of 100. I should be able to break through to level 4."

"I lost a considerable number of clansmen just to get these hearts," The fox lord said faintly.

"However, isn't it a good thing for your race if the tiger emperor can descend?" Yang Zhichao's smile remained on his face, "Your people sacrificed themselves for the development of the race."

The fox lord didn't feel too emotional. She looked at the ziplock bag and asked with a little doubt, "From what I know, you don't need so many hearts to complete your level-4 advancement ritual, do you?"

"It's better to be safe than sorry. Although thirty-six are enough, what if there's a mistake? After all, even for those of the same profession, there are slight differences in the advancement rituals. I have to be fully prepared. For example, I've already found a blood puppet of excellent quality as the main material, but just in case, I've prepared three more spare ones to ensure that there won't be any problems with the advancement," Yang Zhichao said confidently with the ziplock bag in his hand, "When we meet again, I'm sure I'll have successfully passed that barrier and become a level 4 blood priest."

"Well, I'll have to congratulate you in advance."

"Same to you."

The two of them chatted for a while before Yang Zhichao left in a hurry with the bloody hears.


An hour later, three seven-seater SUVs stopped nearby.

Nearly 20 Transcendents got out of the cars one after another.

In addition to Xu Liushuang, who was at level 4, there was another level 4 Transcendent on the team.

It was a dark-skinned young man with an Afro. His name was Xu Wei, the leader of Team Hancang, and he was also Xu Liushuang's subordinate.

This time, to hunt the mysterious fox lord, Xu Liushuang had brought along Team Furong, Team Hancang, and Team Dongfang to strictly carry out the strategy of ganging up on the Fox mother.

With so many Transcendents with rich combat experience, let alone a level 4 opponent, even a level 5 opponent could be killed on the spot.

Xu Wei glanced at the sign of the Space 7 Escape Room and asked Su Mo, "Are you sure that the b*tch is here?"

"I'm not 100% sure either. It's just a conclusion I came to based on my analysis," Su Mo cautiously replied.

"What analysis are you talking about? Tell me about it," Xu Wei used his pinky to pick his ear, then flicked it to the side.

Zhang Zhenyu's face darkened and he patted his suit hard.

Su Mo explained, "My girl ... My ex-girlfriend never liked dark places, nor did she like exciting games, so she would never choose to play escape room. However, after we confirmed our relationship, she came here three times in just three days. I have reason to suspect that she is like the other fox demons, sending the hearts she hunted here."

"So it's purely a guess?"

"You can say that."

not bad, not bad, you have my style," Xu Wei patted his shoulder and said with a smile, "I'm a gambler by nature. I like to take a gamble on everything. For example, when I thought there was a 30% chance of breaking through to level 4, I tried. In fact, I did succeed, unlike someone who seems to be extremely cautious, but has remained at level 3 after four years.

Zhang Zhenyu still smiled, seemingly not angry at all.

Xu Wei looked at Su Mo and said with a sincere expression, "You're very much to my liking, kid. Do you want to join Team Hancang? If you're willing to come, I'll make you our vice-captain! If I get promoted one day, you'll be the next king of Team Hancang!"

"Xu Dajuan, can you have some shame? How dare you try to rope my teammate in right before Deacon Xu and me? Do you really think I'm afraid of you?" Zhang Zhenyu couldn't hold it in any longer. He rolled up his sleeves and roared.

Xu Wei looked at Xu Liushuang, who was looking over, shrugged his shoulders, and gave Zhang Zhenyu the middle finger, "You'll definitely step on stinky dog shit when you go out tomorrow!"

"F*ck, don't stop me! If you weren't at level 4, I would've beaten you up a long time ago!" Su Mo looked at Captain Zhang, whose surroundings were empty, and wondered if he should go and pull him to give his captain some dignity.

However, at this moment, with a burst of fragrance, his arm suddenly sank into an extremely soft place.

Then, a sweet voice said, "Su Mo, look, Team Dongfang is made up of girls, and we need a man to help us. All of us think that you're very suitable for the role of the family head. Do you want to come over to our side? I guarantee that you'll be served very comfortably every day!"

After saying this, she even blew into Su Mo's ear.

Su Mo trembled.

Before he could fantasize, a mocking voice came from nearby, "Can you, a 33-year-old woman, stop pretending to be a young girl? I'm disgusted by your voice and sound."

Su Mo turned his head to look at Chu Qingwu, who had spoken, with a blank expression.

Was this still his valiant and heroic sister Qingwu?

How could his sister Qingwu say such a thing?

Then, he turned and saw Xue Qiaoqiao nodding in agreement, "The word "girl" should be used to describe young girls like us who are in our teens and twenties. After thirty, "aunty" is a more suitable name."

The face of Chen Rong, the captain of Team Dongfang who was holding Su Mo's arm, immediately flushed, "You guys ..."

"Alright! It's time to get down to business!" Xu Liushuang ordered expressionlessly.

Chen Rong released Su Mo's arm reluctantly.

For a moment, Su Mo felt some unwillingness to part.

Then, the group followed the established plan. Four people were left outside, and the rest surrounded the Space 7 Escape Room.

Xu Liushuang walked to the shop.

Looking at the lively crowd inside, he rubbed the ring on his left index finger. The small beard at the side of his mouth curled up slightly, and he said in a low voice, "Domain of slumber, activate!