
Drawing Cards With My Lifespan: Starting By Gamifying Reality

One day, the whole world gamified in the eyes of Su Mo. Not only could he use his lifespan to draw cards, but he could also see the hidden attributes of every item in life. As such, when he looked at the hanging lamp above him, he saw: [Item: An old hanging lamp] [Hint: It will drop after one minute and seven seconds.] When he looked at his right arm, he saw: [Item: The right arm of a young man] [Hint: The grip strength of his right arm is 3% stronger than that of his left arm due to continuous training.] When he looked at the ginseng on the table, he saw: [Item: A stalk of wild ginseng] [Hint: It is tinted with a layer of source power. Consuming it could make you feel energized.] … Excited, Su Mo rushed to meet his girlfriend, who was a school beauty and had just agreed to date him. He then saw a bright red HP bar on top of her head. [Item: A very thirsty fox demon] [Hint: You might not be able to put up a fight against her.]

Pears Are Fragrant · Games
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110 Chs


Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

As Xu Liushuang gave the order, an invisible wave spread out from the ring, covering the entire Space 7 Escape Room.

In an instant, all the tourists, whether they were playing or waiting for their turn, felt drowsy.

Following that, everyone fell to the ground with a series of thuds. Their eyes were shut and they were sound asleep.

The fox demons in the shop were all shocked when they saw what happened.

But soon, something even more shocking happened. The unconscious tourists all disappeared from the scene.

After moving the ordinary people in the domain to a safe place, Xu Liushuang ordered an attack through his phone and led the way into the shop.

Su Mo was in Team Furong as he followed closely behind.

Originally, with his strength, he would definitely not be allowed to participate in the attack this time.

After all, the opponent was a fox lord that was at least at level 4. The shockwaves from the battle might even be able to kill him easily.

However, Su Mo patted his chest, saying that he and the fox demons were nemeses and that he had to take revenge for his ex-girlfriend no matter what.

Chu Qingwu had been moved by his passionate performance and said that she would take care of him during the battle, promising that she would not let Su Mo lose a single hair.

This was why Xu Liushuang reluctantly agreed to let him come along.

At this moment, Su Mo was obediently following Chu Qingwu.

He watched as she fired at the fox demons in the distance one after another.

There were quite a few fox demons present, but most of them were of very low levels, only at level 1 or 2.

level 3 fox demons were as rare as phoenix feathers and unicorn horns.

Furthermore, these fox demons were unable to unleash their full strength due to Deacon Xu's domain of slumber, which he had cast with the help of a magic item. It could force the targets within the domain into a state of deep sleep.

Never mind ordinary people who would be affected without a doubt, even the fox demons with higher resistance felt drowsy.

The level 1 fox demons were like drunkards, unable to walk properly. The level 2 ones could barely escape, but their steps were staggering. Only those at level 3 could still maintain a certain combat power for the time being.

However, any two Transcendents could easily kill a level 3 fox demon now.

Looking at this one-sided battle, Su Mo felt for the first time the immense power of magic items.

If he had a powerful magic item, even he, who was only at level 1, would be able to kill an opponent at level 3.

Of course, an ordinary magic item could at most give the wielder a corresponding advantage in a battle of the same level.

To kill an opponent across two levels, one had to use a top-grade magic item.

Su Mo did not know if he could do the same with other magic items, but with the lightless sword that was said to be able to cut through anything under level 7, it shouldn't be a problem.

This made him even more desperate to get merits.

However, even if they managed to kill the fox lord here today, he probably wouldn't be able to get any merits.

Even though he had found the exact location, it wouldn't take look to filter through the locations without the information he provided either...

"It's really too difficult to get merit! It's much easier to gain lifespan," Su Mo looked at his continuously rising HP and felt quite pleased.

He wondered how much lifespan he would gain from today's battle.

Just as Su Mo was thinking about this, a loud noise suddenly came from above him.

A bright glass wall was smashed into pieces, and a huge grey fox with warts all over its body suddenly fell from the sky.

There were many wounds on its body, but it was not blood that flowed out of the wounds. Instead, it was a gray-black mucus.

As soon as the sticky liquid landed on the ground, the ground began to corrode and a light smoke rose.

"Xiao Chu, stop it!" Before Xu Liushuang had even finished his order, Chu Qingwu had already pulled out her gun and raised her hand to shoot out a few red bullets.

The fox dodged a few times but was unable to completely avoid the many bullets.

A red bullet hit its shoulder, and the wound burst into flames. The flames rose as if they wanted to devour its entire body.

However, the Fox simply stretched out its claws and pressed them against the flames. With a sizzling sound, the flames were suddenly extinguished, leaving only a piece of charred flesh. Soon, the flesh fell off and regenerated.

It looked at them with cold eyes and suddenly opened its mouth, letting out a sharp roar, "Roar!"

Chu Qingwu had already sensed that something was amiss when the fox had moved. She pushed Su Mo far away, and in the next second, the terrifying sound wave fell on her.

Chu Qingwu let out a muffled groan and was sent flying on the spot.

Su Mo stuck to the wall. Even though he was 20 or so meters away and was blocked by the counter and other items, he still felt a splitting headache and extreme disgust.

Endless terrifying illusions appeared in front of him. Every illusion was mocking his failure, disdaining his cowardice, scolding his selfishness, and asking him to die quickly!

He raised his trembling right hand and aimed it at his temple.

At this moment, a voice that sounded like an incantation came from upstairs, "Brilliant light!"

Endless light suddenly burst out, and it was as if there was another sun in the sky.

The hall on the first floor was enveloped in light, and the grey fox let out a shrill cry before fleeing like lightning.

Xu Liushuang and Xu Wei followed closely behind.

Under the illumination of the light, a wisp of black gas rose from Su Mo's body and was instantly burned away by the light.

Su Mo suddenly came back to his senses.

He looked at his right index finger, which was very close to his temple, and immediately put his hand down, but his back was covered in a cold sweat.

If the finger sword was released, he would definitely not be able to block it no matter how solid his head was!

He didn't expect a level 4 monster to be so strong.

Just the aftershock of the attack almost made him die on the spot.

No wonder Xu Liushuang didn't want him to come.

There was a huge difference between level 4 and level 3.

Even if he were to launch a sneak attack, it would probably be very difficult for him to cause any harm to that demon.

Su Mo stood up from the ground and looked at Chu Qingwu, who had also fallen beside the counter. He quickly stretched out his hand and said, "Sister Qingwu, are you alright?"

"If you're fine, how can I not be?" Chu Qingwu rubbed her head and held his hand. She stood up with her strong legs.

Looking at Su Mo's sorry figure, she smiled and said, "Now you've seen how powerful a level 4 demon is, right?"

Su Mo bitterly smiled and replied, "It's truly powerful."

"Don't worry, when you break through to level 4, you will definitely not be weaker than it. After all, you are a sword saint," Chu Qingwu patted his shoulder and consoled him with a smile.

Su Mo was not dejected, and he turned to look around the hall.

The hall was empty, with only some glass, paper, teacups, and other miscellaneous items left on the ground.

The low-level fox demons that had been killed earlier had already turned into pus.

Then, the pus was all evaporated by the terrifying light.

Now, not even a trace was left behind.

The remaining fox demons had all fled into the escape rooms.

Even the level 4 gray fox had done the same.

Considering the large group of Transcendents who was fighting inside, Su Mo decided not to join in the fun to ensure his safety.

Even if he would have to let some lifespan pass him by, it would be better than dying in the aftermath of a battle between high-level Transcendents.

Either way, he had already gotten a huge share.

Looking at the eager Chu Qingwu, Su Mo smiled and said, "Sister Qingwu, you can go in. After all, maybe you can help. I'm going outside to get some fresh air."

After saying that, he took the initiative to leave and walked towards the door.

Looking at his back view as he left, a rare trace of emotion flashed in Chu Qingwu's eyes.

Without much hesitation, she entered the escape rooms.

Such a complex and dark environment was natural home ground for a gunner who could curve their bullets.

At the same time, in the deepest part of the escape rooms, a green figure covered in blood stumbled in.

It stretched out its paw and pressed it against a brick. In the next second, the wall immediately turned, revealing a small hole. The green fox quickly crawled in.