
Dragonoids: League of Myths

This is the story of "what if the side character is the main character." Giljen is an unfortunate human, who went missing for four days... And within those four days, a lot of unbelievable turns occurred in the place he got trapped in. The only way to got out therein was to fulfill the quest. In his return, the myths that supposed be in only myths will set forth with assistance. This is the story of a side character, who is the main character at the same time.

Exkalego · Andere
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10 Chs

Chapter 1: A Little Spark

Today, I got kicked out from the soccer club and lost my girlfriend at the same time. Such bad luck did indeed broke my heart, throwing myself on my bed with dark cloud filling my head.

Right now, all I wanted to do in my daily life, is to live an extremely peaceful life. Like a bird who have freedom along the wind.

As to why I'm currently like this, the story goes like this, but before that, I would like to introduce myself first.

My name is Giljen Kazumi, just your everyday typical student you could find anywhere, since the day I got kicked out from the soccer team.

I have a girlfrien— (*ahem) ex-girlfriend whom I know since kindergarten. She is Kaede Sakamoto, the girl I foolishly loved. As the time we grew up together, I began to see her, differently. Perhaps, this is what they called "love". It was the feelings that, I, should have never let my self got taken over. But, it's too late now, I was hurt and wanted to move on as soon as possible. By the way, she used to wake me up every morning.

... life. Just remembering all about it makes puke.

Kaede is a popular girl in our school for she is indeed an attractive one. As I am aware of that fact, I became impatient and without looking ahead, I sent her a text message.

Kaede met me on the rooftop, therein, I confess my feelings to her. The outcome?

"What is it, Gil?"

A beautiful and cute female student was standing before me. She has short brown hair that only reaches her neck and slender and we'll refined body. Needless to say, it was Kaede.

"I... I've been looking at for a long time. But I guess, this is it...the right time.


My heart was pounding crazy. I felt like my stomach was tightening as I said those words.

Kaede looked at me suspiciously as if she was expecting something behind my words.

"I like you, please go out with me."

What a lame line. I was even bowing my head down 90° as I asked her out. My face also felt odd and I'm aware that I'm blushing, crazily. It was my first time after all, asking out a girl.


For a moment, Kaede fell silent. Because I was being impatient at that time, I wanted an answer, immediately.

As I tried to peek a glimpse of her face, something hit my heart as I saw her tears flowing with bright emotions.

Yeah that's right... It's the the outcome.

"I'm glad..."

"I've always liked you too."

Kaede accepted my feelings with tears and a warm smile on her face. I really hate to admit it, but that was the happiest days of my life. And for the first time in my life, I experienced how to love someone in that kind of manner.

But then... a year had later, something changed about us. Kaede seems to become...distant.

I don't know why, but these days she'd gotten busier on her phone. Of course, I'm not that fool. My suspicions began to sprouted to grow along with a feeling of disappointment.

On my way home, I saw the ace player of the our soccer team. He was a transfer student who's famous for being handsome and tall, but for some reason, I found his face to be a little smug as he was holding my girlfriend's hands. Kaede, on the contrary, gave a smile of someone in love. It was the first time I see her smile that way. Perhaps, I not good enough for her.

Well I already expected this, and for some reason, I felt like a little portion of my emotions died. It was as if someone blew my candle as I felt a little headache. Then suddenly, an unfamiliar image splashed in my mind. It was a holographic matter, glowing naturally.

A drops of blood came out from my nose as my eyesight became a little blurry. To avoid them from finding me, I wearily walked away and leave them alone do whatever they wanted.

For the past two weeks, our relationship continued until...

"Kazumi, I'm sorry, but we need you to quit in our team."

"What? Why?"

"It's because we're tired of your misguided passes and your arrogant play."

"Seriously? I'm just passing the ball to the person who's in the best position to do so."

"Then why aren't you passing the ball to me? I'm the ace, you know?"

Daiki Arimaya, the transfer student and a bastard who stole my girlfriend. Seriously, your going this far just to stand-up? It's not that I'm popular, you know?

He was the handsome guy I saw with my girlfriend two weeks ago. He was famous for not only being a good-looking guy, but also for being overwhelmingly talented soccer player.

Wow, if you're this talented, then you should get the purpose of my passes. What a disappointing player.

"What do you think, sensie?"

"Well, honestly, I, too, don't understand Kazumi's passes... and they all seems to be hard to catch and complicated. I also find it strange that our ace striker doesn't received the ball that much from Kazumi. Well I guess, Arimaya has a good point."

Eh? Seriously? Are you really couching a soccer team or just couching us to watch our play from the sidelines like the audience does? Wow, I never thought that our strict-headed couch could get twisted by a mere words of his soccer player.

At that time, I was losing passion for the team, realizing that even our couch could be this idiot. I guess he just know how to play in the end.


I sighed, realizing the flaws of the soccer team. Well, I guess my job here is done, thus, I no longer needed here.

"Fine... I'll give report of my withdrawal from the club." 'Since it will become a pain in the ass if I don't.'

Accepted the fate and my bad luck, I just agreed with them with a sigh. The others seems to be having no problem of me leaving the team.

After my contributions to the team, never did such day as this occurred to me. Well I guess, things could be this wayward sometimes.


On my way out from school, Kaede, my childhood friend, called me over. She wanted to talk to me and I guess it was something about...I already expected.

"Let's break up."

"I see. Well then, thank you, I hope you find happiness with that guy."

"Eh? Wai—"

Just like that, my first love story ended. I left her there with a shock expression on her face. I guess she thought I didn't know. Well, I understand, even, I, myself, admitted to be pretty boring.

Again, another portion of my emotions snapped and faded. It was as if someone deep inside me pushes me to doubt and be wise on every pace I would make. Thus, from that day onwards, I learned to prioritize my patience and be wary first.


And that's how I lost my girlfriend and my role on the team. Perhaps, I'm really not good enough for them.

But right now, those unfortunate events occurred recently to me, didn't bother me that much... Instead, what I've been worrying about is my aunt's new coffee shop. It was currently having bad reviews because of those motherfuckers.

"Kouki Akamatsu, I will one day make you pay for your shits."