
Dragon Overlord system

"Congratulations on dying and coming back my dear husband " Hearing a beautiful voice say that Clay opened his eyes. What greeted him was not the usual white ceiling of his hospital room. Instead it a vast blue sky.

Black_knight12 · Fantasie
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31 Chs

Chapter 16

After opening the evolutions tab Clay looked over each possible choice carefully. He knew unlike in a game where he could just reset a character he only had one shot.

<Possible evolutions>

Adolescent Volcano dragon: Volcano dragons are a mix that can only be born when a dragon with earth mana gains a fire aura. Due to their birth, they naturally have a high affinity towards the earth and fire. Thanks to their earth armor being bathed in their aura it now becomes hot to the touch.

Adolescent Tundra dragon: Tundra dragons come about thanks to a dragon having earth mana and an ice aura. These dragons possess a high affinity to the ice and earth elements. They also gain an additional layer of hardened ice over their original earth armor.

Adolescent Tera dragon: Terra dragons are proud earth dragons that not only master earth mana but also earth aura. Due to this trait, they are even more skillful at controlling the earth. Their armor also becomes denser approaching a metal's hardness.

Adolescent Nature dragon: To become a Nature dragon one must first possess either the Imperial or royal dragon bloodline. The reason for this is that these dragons are said to have been the first ever created. They were born with not only an affinity for all elements but also life elemental energies. Thanks to this they have such great control over lifeforce they are nearly Immortal. They may lose the earth from before be instead gain an elemental cloak.

"Darling I know you did ask but I urge you to choose the nature dragon evolution" she pleaded.

Clay was stunned since normally unless he asked Eve would never give her opinion on anything. This made him wonder what could be so amazing about that race. From what he read it seemed to give an overall increase rather than specializing. This meant he wouldn't have any absurd advantages.

"Darling trust me when I say that for what it lacks in immediate growth the race more than makes up for it in its flexibility. Besides the ability to control not only plants but also animals is a plus" she further explained.

Clay sunk into a deep thought considering everything she said. Until now Eve's advice never failed to be helpful. He still hesitated since once his choice was made there is no going back if he regrets it later on. Clay closed his eyes still not sure what to do. As he was struggling with this dilemma his guards walked up next to him.

Finally, after a lot of agonizing Clay decided to once again put his trust in Eve. His choice was made now he needs to find a good place to evolve. The dragon girls followed him unsure about where they were going. He looked all over until he came across a large clearing.

"Hey, neither of you wouldn't happen to know a spell to create a safe zone for me to evolve in," Clay asked.

The girls were shocked at the news of his impending evolution. It has to be known that normally years would pass between each evolution a dragon goes through. Even the current dragon queen who is heralded as the greatest genius of the race took 2 years. Clay's monstrous talent made the girls even more hopeful for the future. They quickly snapped themselves from their daydream when Clay lightly coughed.

"Sorry, your highness we got a little distracted. Now to answer your question there is a magic array royal dragons use when they need to evolve" he responded.

Clay nodded his head slightly surprised his shot in the dark worked. The girls quickly went to work setting it up and in a few minutes, it was done. Its purpose was to prevent any nearby monsters from sensing his evolution. This was something important because if left alone a hunger-inducing smell would draw surrounding monsters. Dragon's weakest period is when they are evolving making them a prime target for predation.

Once they were done setting it up Clay sat down in the middle and took a deep breath. It was the moment of truth the moment when he began to fulfill his promise. Selecting the yes button a bright silver and gold light wrapped around his body starting the evolution. His guards watched the pulsating light cocoon from the side.

"How powerful do you his majesty will be after evolving" Emma questioned.

"To be honest chances are he going to just become a more mature earth dragon" Lisa replied.

As a fellow earth dragon, Lisa was more than a little familiar with the fact that the race trees only branch out later on. It did have the benefit of boosting basic physical abilities more than the evolutions. Still, it did make earth dragons late bloomers. Regardless she couldn't stop herself from feeling she was about to witness something historical.

while they anxiously waited for him Clay found himself in a strange world. He was floating in the air with a vast sea of stars above and an expansive land beneath him. Clay could feel a deep innate connection to his surroundings. It was as if he finally came home after years of being away. The more he looked the deeper this connection came. Eventually, he was broken out of his trance by a familiar voice.

"Damn brat people used to call me talented but you are a monster" the voice joked

Clay whipped his head around to see a man with long wild gold hair. A cocky smile was plastered on his face. His most distinct was his pair of sharp red eyes.

"Sorry, but who are you" Clay taunted.

"Very well since you forgot the dragon that gave you your technique I shall remind you. It is I the invincible golden dragon king Ladon" the man clarified.

"Enough of that can't you see young Clay isn't in the mood for your jokes" a beautiful silver-haired woman scolded.

An excited smile formed on Clay's face as he watched the two argue. It was a strangely calming site to see the two elder dragons again. They continued arguing until Clay jumped at them for a hug. Regardless of how old Clay was previously he still felt weird about being in a new world. However to ensure his survival Clay pushed those feelings down. It wasn't until he met Ladon and Ariana that those feelings truly started to fade. If you asked them who his new parents were without hesitation he would say Ladon and Ariana.

"Alright enough of that boy, you are a proud and noble dragon you can not go around crying so easily," Ladon said patting his back.

If Clay viewed the two as his parents then they saw him as a son. Before they died Ladon and Ariana took two young dragons as their disciples. Although they loved them like daughters a desire for a son never went away. Clay ended up becoming their chance to fulfill that dream.

"Listen child we can not remain awake long but there is something you must know. I know we previously only asked to help repopulate but after seeing your potential we may need more from you" taking a pause Ariana continued "it might be difficult but we hope you can lead both the royal and Imperial dragon clans."