
Dragon Overlord system

"Congratulations on dying and coming back my dear husband " Hearing a beautiful voice say that Clay opened his eyes. What greeted him was not the usual white ceiling of his hospital room. Instead it a vast blue sky.

Black_knight12 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
31 Chs

Chapter 17

Clay thought about their request as carefully as possible. The possibility of him having to lead the dragon of the west did pass his mind a few times. It was something that would often keep him up at night. He knew that once he set foot in the dragon kingdom there were bound to be a few political issues. At least if the web novels from his previous laugh were to be believed.

His hesitation vanished when he saw the nervous looks on their faces. Both the former dragon kings didn't even blink when they gave Clay their techniques. Not only that they weren't forcing him to do anything. Clay took another look around him a realization of how small his problems were. Not how matter he fought there is only one male dragon in the world him. Even if he tried to avoid trouble it would always find him one way or another.

"Don't worry mom it is my duty as dragon king to bring both clans no matter what" Clay smilingly replied.

Ariana's eyes widened upon hearing Clay's answer. She originally thought it take more convincing or he would flat-out refuse. Never did she expect him to not only agree but also call her mom. A tear formed in her eye as she hugged Clay closely. Ladon watched from the side smiling at the touching moment.

"Alright brat it is time for you to go back and before you ask yes you can back here to see us again. Just know it will take a lot of training though" Ladon explained.

Clay let go of Ariana as he nodded his head at Ladon. Seconds later he vanished waking in a cocoon much like his previous evolution. Having experienced Clay immediately breaking out of the cocoon. When he finally managed to get free Clay noticed a few changes to his body. First off his point of view seems higher meaning he is taller.

Secondly, his previously skinny frame was put on some meat. Although not a mountain of muscle he still got some bulk looking a little like that wrestler turned actor. His new physique filled him with a new sense of power.

Lastly, he could feel a strong connection with his surroundings. It was as if with just thought the trees would do anything he wished. On top of that, the energy found in the surrounding air also seems to slowly float toward him. Confused Clay decided to look at his current stats just to get a surprise.

Name: Clay Aurum-Argentum

Race: Dragon(human)/????

Job:Martial artist

Level: 20=>21

Racial level(s): Young Earth Dragon level 20/20. ????-????

bloodline: Royal dragon bloodline

Mana core: rank 2=>3

Aura core: rank 2=>3

Health points: 9120

mana points: 3000=>4000

aura points: 3000=>4000





Status points-55=>5

Skill points-53=>55


-Dragon's endurance(max level)

-Golden dragon body technique( Level 3)

-Silver dragon manipulation technique(level 3)

-Earth magic(level 2)=>Nature magic(level 2)

-Earth Dragon's Armor(Level 3)=>Nature Dragon's scales(level 3)

-Earth Dragon's breath(level 1)=>Nature Dragon's breath

-Fly(level 5)

-Martial Path(level 1)

-One with nature(level 3)]

Clay looked over each of his skills one at a time starting with the newly evolved ones.

[Nature magic:Magic that allows the user to control the life found within nature. The control over plants and animals is but the beginning of its power. A particularly skilled user can even transform into nature's creatures.]

[Nature Dragon's scales:Unlike their cousin, Nature dragons do not have overly bulky and heavy armor. They instead process powerful scales that are reinforced by both their mana and aura.]

[Nature Dragon's breath:A breath attack containing pure mana and lifeforce mixed.]

[One with nature:As a dragon born with a close bond to nature itself you again have a passive ability to recover aura and mana more quickly. At the time plant and beast foes will tend to be less hostile.]

As he read over those new skills he also noticed a few other things not displayed on the system. The most important of which was a massive enhancement to his senses. Seeing that he just made a massive improvement Clay felt it a good idea to get used to his new strength.

"Well then lady I think now is as good a time as any to head back," said Clay.

The girls did not respond instead they just stared at him and slacked jawed. Clay's evolution not only brought a boost in strength but also his body's age. Basically if before he looked like a cute child then now he was a handsome young man. Besides that, his body had now started going through puberty meaning he was throwing out hormones. Dragons may be apex magical predictors but they are still technically beasts so they can of course go into heat.

As it stood thanks to him being a nature dragon Clay jumped to the top of the dragon race's most attractive partner. This when combined with the fact they have not seen a male before fried the poor girls' brains. They were torn between their duty as knights and a burning desire to be with him. Clay already noticed their situation as he could smell their pheromones. He could also feel his body heating up.

"Darling now that you are approaching maturity you will start to desire things," Eve warned.

Clay took her words to heart as he pushed his growing desires down and head back to town. Seeing their lord walking further and further away they snapped out of their aww and chased him. It didn't take their happy band long to get back. When everyone else saw Clay's changes their jaws dropped to the floor.

"What the hell you left for one little goblin extermination and came back as some kind of chad" Freya complained.

Currently, they were gathered in the living room talking about Clay's changes. They were constantly surprised throughout the conversation.

"Who cares about that Freya the most important thing is his evolution. Clay you seriously evolved into a duel attribute dragon" Zeke questioned.

Zeke was shocked to find out Clay evolved into a rare double attribute. From what he heard the last double attribute was born several years ago. So long ago in fact that their name was lost to history. Although some players theorized the current dragon queen was one no one has seen any proof. Regardless this would be monumental news for the game. However, the question now is what kind of dragon is Clay now. At first, Zeke was going to appraise Clay but he stop himself when the dragon ladies glared at him with murderous eyes.

Clay noticed this so he offered Zeke a way out from his beating.

"Relax girls he doesn't mean any harm besides anyone would be curious" Clay paused to think "to answer your confusion I am a nature dragon now."

The reactions in the room could be separated into two groups. One was Zeke and Freya who were just confused. The other was Clay's guards whose eyes opened wide. Unlike the siblings, they knew that according to dragon legend nature Dragons were the first made. They became excited over the fact after they became nothing but a memory a new Nature dragon was born.