
Dragon God of Domination

The story is about a Boy named Clark Kent who is also happen to be wielder of Current Boosted gear. He was almost going to die during his birth but Ddraig managed to save him by Changing his heart with a Dragon heart, turning him into a Pure Blooded Dragon. What he will do next? Find out All of these Characters in this Story Belongs To thier Respective owners I merely wrote this Story for Fun

Power_King_4153 · Anime und Comics
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50 Chs


3rd P.O.V

"Is that A girl?" Sirzechs said as both rushed towards that Girl

What they saw is an almost Life less Girl who would be around 10 years old her clothes were Almost burnt; she was covered with brushes and cuts

" I-Is she is a Fallen angle?" Grafiya asked

" Yes, Half breed apparently" Sirzechs said

" What should we do?" Grafiya asked

Sirzechs thought for a moment

" Well let's give her to Rias" Sirzechs said

" What! Why?" Grafiya asked somewhat shocked

" Well, Ria tan has just received her Evil pieces and what I sense she has Good potential she will be a Great asset to our family, and She can also be the Girl R- Super Dragon Emperor was talking about" Sirzechs said.

Grafiya took a Moment to absorb what he said after realizing she became nervous

" Sirzechs! If what you said is True, you know that we are playing a Dangerous game! It can also cause a full-scale War with Super Dragon Emperor! Not to mention, his Power is astonishing! Do you truly believe you and Ajuka Combined can Beat him? I am Very much sure if 4 Satans Combined attacked him Our Winning chances are Still Slim! What will happen if he makes Allies? Many will Die" Grafiya said.

Sirzechs knew what she said is True Even He can't himself sure that he and Others combined can beat him, even if they did, They will suffer a Great Loss. And if he Attacks Innocent of Underworld they won't stand any Chance, considering Their Past with Ddraig their Satans Where Killed by him by blink of an Eye witnesses who survived to tell the story stated that He didn't even tried and three Satans were vaporized by his Aura Alone. And then he Killed Lucifer. Even Though Original Lucifer used most of his Powers to Create Devils he was Quite Strong, he was Gods First Son After all Current Sirzechs can't truly win In a Fight if Original Lucifer was in his Prime.

" I know Fia- Chan, but he won't because we are gonna save her, and he will Somewhat In debt to us if he leaves Three Faction we will suffer a Great Loss, and who can Say he can Also become a Devil can't be!? Knowing his Lover is Devil I can offer him to be an Ultimate Class devil he can have his Harem, his love, and maybe he can free Ria from her Marriage what do you think?" He explained his Smart ass logic.

Grafiya wanted to punch his face but what he said is true, but it is Also Somewhat a Possibility only so there is a High risk also no one knows where Super Dragon Emperor went. He is a threat enough to make Hindu deities worry, not to mention if he joins some Faction!

"Ok! I understand ""that's great, let's take her to home, I have something to do here." Sirzechs said as Grafiya left the spot carrying Akeno

' Now I don't have anything to do here, from what I sense Vishnu reconstructed most of the things Now I have to take care of their memory I Guess?' Sirzechs was thinking his next step as he heard something.

" CLARK! MY SON WHERE ARE YOU?" a man shouted to search for his child as he hears the call he decided to respond him, and he went towards the voice as he met the man he decided to speak but something else happened.

" Stop their mister! If you're searching for your child, then I am Afraid he isn't here" Sirzechs said.

But the Man Suddenly opened a Pocket space and Brought out a Minigun

" WHERE IS MY SON, YOU FILTHY DEVIL?" John screamed, pointing machine Gun towards devil.

Sirzechs was Physically taken aback by the man's behavior he was not only wielding a Minigun which is Possibly Imbued with Light element but also his killing intent it was second to nothing he felt from a Human he is around 200+ years old, but he never faced a Human who can release this much Malicious intent, he can't mistake him as a rough priest he is far too muscular for that and tall not to mention Only priest was this Muscular was Vasco Strada who easily Clapped kokabiel

Now he doesn't want to face a Human Of Such Caliber right now!

" Whoa! Calm down mister! I am not here for Fight, and I don't even know who your son is!" Sirzechs defended himself.

" Why do I believe you, devil? You guys are after my son's power since past year! If my son wasn't strong, he wouldn't have survived, I know you have done something to my son others wise I didn't have felt his Aura! Now WHERE IS HE?" John roared as scaring Sirzechs a Little.

' So this IS Super Dragon's father? Explains why he is so Strong! If something happens to him, Underworld is done for.Wait, is he a Kid?' Sirzechs thought.

" I am Truly sorry If Some Devils attacked you, but I can assure you that they weren't My People. They were from Old Satan Faction who Opposes New Satan Faction we don't have any relationship with them as Current Satan Sirzechs Lucifer I can give you my Word we never Touched Your son." Sirzechs said as he bows to him.

John has now taken aback knowing that he is Sirzechs he did know Current Satan's Name, but he didn't expect to see him in a Place like this

"W-What is Satan himself is doing here?" He asked

" Well you see this Kuoh town is Actually My sister's territory, and she is still a Child and I have to manage this town and when I felt that Immense Aura I immediately ran to See what Happened" Sirzechs said.

" Why should I trust you?" John asked calmly, not pointing the Gun down.

" You don't have to! But I have recorded the entire Incident, If you excuse me." Sirzechs said as he started his Recorder a While screen appears and the video starts playing.

John sees the Horrors his Son went through even though he absolutely destroys the Devil, Clark Vanishes makes him panicked

" Where is my son now? Where is Akeno? Shuri? Baraqiel? Where is everyone?" John asks panicking.

' So I was right about her being Super Dragon's mate? And Baraqiel? Meaning Cadre Baraqiel? So, she was daughter of her? Oh! great now Another reason to' Underworld's end 'Sirzechs though as he sweat dropped.

" I am Afraid I don't know, I never found anyone here! I am Sorry, and As for your son All I know is he got teleported somewhere Unknown, I will try my best to find him." Sirzechs said, which is Only half True.

John now broke into tears, he didn't know what to do. He didn't know what will he say to Martha, he didn't know what will happen if Martha hears this.

Sirzechs consoles him and says?

" You can't cry here like this, your father of the Strongest Red Dragon Emperor! You have to be strong he isn't dead yet, here take my Phone number you can call me anytime you want you have my Protection from now on." Sirzechs says as he somehow calms him down.

" Yes, you're right! Thank you, you're not bad as I heard about you" John said after calming himself down.

" That's a good thing to hear. Now let me drop to your house" Sirzechs said as he proceeds to John's house.

After both parties departed two Figures from Dark Emerged

Both are Devils and One of them is None other than Rizevim

" Well done Euclid. Bravo my loyal subordinate, you success fully completed your Mission even if you're dead now but Don't worry I can Still revive you" Rizevim said as he collected some of Euclid's Blood from ground which was on the ground because of his physical damage and collected that into a test tube.

From behind the other figure appeared he is none other than Shalba Beelzebub. He is appearetly holding Unconscious Shuri who is supposed to dead

" Lord I have collected the Target, we should get out of here now" he said as he stared at Shuri whose clothes were mostly destroyed exposing her most of the body parts

Shalba licked his lips in lust as he scanned her whole body multiple times

" Damn she is even sexier than I thought! That Fallen does have good taste in woman , My Lord of you don't mind can I have my Fun with her before we do anything to her?" Shalba asked as he had a Boner in his pants

" Don't even Think about it! If you do anything to her I will turn you into a Girl and make you a Cumdump of Devils" Rizevim said with coldest way possible.

The reason is simple if someone force fully Impures her her Blessings will be gone and Self EXPLODE her body killing her and Rapist she will die without any kind of Suffering and Enter reincarnation cycle but the Rapist will die Worse death possible

Shalba was now scared to death he never saw him to say anything this serious in Centuries

In disappointment he said

" Y-Yes my lord as you wish"

" Good now let's go" Rizevim said as both departed

Shalba being way too disappointed maybe he will seduce Katerea?


Space Sector 2815.

A Behemoth Space ship is Currently flying in Vast Endless space at many times speed of Light!

Sheer Size of The Space ship Dwarfs A Small City the Teachnology Used in that Space ship will Look like Science Fiction in front of Any Human till date, Including Super natural beings !

Yet inside that Ships Medical Bay a Little 10 years old Boy is Lying. Resting, he is Exhausted both Physically and Mentally this Child is None other than our Hero Clark Kent!

Near his Medical Capsule a Leg Less Robot with S mark in his Chest is Running medical tests on Our hero

"Patient's mental and physical condition is Stable, Depression, Amnesia and anxiety is cured, he is gonna wake up in any moment now, I should Inform master" as the robot said he left the Room to inform his Owner. Unknown to him Ddraig was Awake and Observing him

{ Just what is he? Where are we? I never heard of Such Teachnology that can Cure depression! Not to mention he even Cured Down fall Dragon Syndrome which has 99% guaranteed Death for any Dragon!} Ddraig Amused inside his Gear

" Ughhh" Clark Groaned in his Sleep as he woke up

" W-Where I am? Where's Akeno? Where's everyone?" Clark asked in shocked state after what happened

{ Good Morning Clark} Ddraig Projected himself outside of his Gear and Greeted him but he have to prepare himself what will happen next

" Good Morning Dad, W-w-where is Akeno dad? Where is Aunty? " Clark Asked worried

But all can Ddraig do is Remain silent he can't muster words to Encourage his Son

Suddenly his memories began to resurface on the tragedy he saw occur right before his eyes. Akeno and Aunty Shuri were gone and he was powerless to do anything. His emotions shifted from confusion to sadness as he began crying in his Dad's arm

"n n no no no no, this cannot be. Aunty Shuri and Akeno can't be gone" Ddraig was simply Devastated to see his Host and Son in this Condition, it's thanks to That Robot he is still sane concidering how much Clark Loved Akeno it's also thanks to that robot he survived Down fall Dragon Syndrome which has 99% death rate and 1% case he would have turned into Evil Dragon he didn't knew what to do all he can do is Hug him and give him a Shoulder to Cry

"I failed them. I failed Akeno. I promised... promised to protect her from harm and yet when she needed me the most, I was powerless to do anything." He slowly recalled the times he promised himself he would grow up to become a splendid dragon like Ddraig and he will Protect Akeno for rest of his Life and yet he can't "ughh I'm a failure of a dragon, I'm a failure as a friend. Akeno-chan, I'm so so sorry" he kept repeating the same apologises over and over.

{Listen to me Son} Ddraig said as he lifted his sons chin so he could look at him in the eyes.

{You should not feel guilty over events that were beyond your control. What happened today was not your fault, nor Barakiel's nor anybody. It is the actions of very bad man that caused this tragedy and all blame lies with them, not you. Plus we both managed to Kill him! We avenged them son!

Now all we can do is Live for them. So from Now On never Be Sorry Be Better!} Ddraig said

"ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" he unleashed all his suffering, crying loudly clutching at Ddraig's Chest. Ddraig returns the Embrace he was also Suffering

Eventually minutes passed Clark Calmed down

" 'sniff'... I... I want to get stronger." He said looking at his parent who was taken by surprise by his sudden declaration. Nevertheless, he continued

"I want to gain the strength to be able to protect those I care for... so that something like this never happens again... so that I never have to feel... so useless ever again." he told them with clear grief in his voice yet his eyes were filled with absolute determination to get stronger.

{ That's my son! But I am Afraid it's not the Right time for that!} Ddraig said

Clark wondered what he meant until he scanned nearby he found out he is inside someshort of Sci-fi medical lab or something

"W-Where are we?" Clark asked

{ That's what I also would like to know, but I know this much this place isn't from Super natural world I don't feel a single percent magic From here} Ddraig said as they heard footsteps approaching them

Ddraig Immediately went inside gear and Clark sits like a Good boy would sit. As the Mechanical door opens It reveals two men who are Easily 6 ft+ height and extremely muscular

" Hello My Child, Looks like you finally wake up and healthy My Name is Jor- El it's Nice to meet to " Jor said

Jor is an Extremely muscular man Who had White hair and Strong face and he has a Scar on Left eye pointing he is Blind at left eye, his scar indicates he experienced wars and Countless fights, he appears to wear a Skin tight inner with a Blazer covering his chest and a Green cap which is hanging and the Fabric is what Finest Known to man

" Hello there Little one, It's Glad to see your wake up, My name is Ernest Kalashnikov or People Calls Me GigaChad " GigaChad said

( A/N: Here GigaChad is Hero if people can use him as Motivational Character so why Not a Hero?)

GigaChad easily towers over Jor, and he has What appears the Finest Physique known to man even Ddraig Astonished by his Godly Physique even his Physical form isn't even that Conditioned as well he wasn't wearing anything besides his Track pants which indicates he was Grinding until now

" Hello Mr. Jor, Hello Mr. Chad it's a pleasure to meet you, My name is Clark Kent, and thank you very much for taking care of me when I was Unconscious." Clark Bowed down to pay respect.

" What a Polite boy you are, it's a pleasure to meet you" Jor said

" It's a pleasure to meet you little one, We were really worried about you, I am Glad to see you healthy, Jor he is speaking English we should Turn the transmitter off" GigaChad said as Jor turns off Something in his Smartwatch

" Ummm Where I am?" Clark asked

" Well you on our spaceship" Jor said with a Grin

" What!?" Clark said his brain is Running millions miles per second to process what he heard he immediately ran outside to see Glasses and behind it is Nothing other than Starts and Endless Cosmos.

Clark stared at the window for a Good amount of time As GigaChad and Jor were watching his reactions

" Well, so that means you Guys are Aliens?" Clark asks,

" Well yeah we are theoretically, you are also alien to us since we don't know what you are!" Jor said, " Are you guys going to eat me or something?" Clark asks bluntly, hearing that both men Bursts out laughing.

" HAHAHAHA Nice one Little one It's been a While since I Laughed this hard don't worry I am a Human well if you know "GigaChad said

" Your human? I don't even feel you're human at all! Well, can you leave me on earth back?" Clark Stormed him with questions.

" Calm down Clark, first of all you're not from this Universe, so it will be pointless to go back to earth." Jon said shocking Clark.

" So- I am in a Different Universe? So, a different universe exists? How did you know I am From a Different Universe?" Clark asked again.

" Yes little one you're in A Different universe and as for how did we know we Scanned your atomic structure finding out that your Atomic Structure is Weaker from our universe reaching this Conclusion that you from a Different Universe" GigaChad said shocking Clark again

" Let's take this To guest Room, it's not good for your health standing this long" Jor said as Clark nodded and all of them proceeds to Guest Room

As they are sitting Kelex Served some Cookies finest quality Know to Clark as Both of them having Coffee

(A/N Fact: for people who doesn't Know coffee is a Very Important drink in DC whatever You're watching any movies or Web series of DC and even In Comics Coffee is a Common Drink alongside with Burger and Ice Cream)

" So, how did you guys find me?" Clark asked while eating his Cookies

" You were floating outside space aimlessly, thank your luck we were on Daily patrol, and we found you!your physiology helped you to survive outside space" Jor said.

" If you don't mind, little one, can you tell me what happened?" GigaChad asked.

After hearing this questions his face overshadowed by his hair showing clear sadness

Which both men Noted they are Super heroes they have their experience in these kinds of fields

It took a Few Minutes to explain what happened, which Saddened both of them, Clark was now Crying as both men Hugged him

" I am Really Sorry for your loss, Clark. You tried your best boy She will be proud of you" Jor said.

" I am Sorry for what happened to you little one, I wish If we were present there to help you" GigaChad said

" It's Ok it's not you guy's fault, it's because I was Weak and Unable to Anything! " Clark said.

GigaChad can't tolerate this kind of Negative comments he himself motivates people and help them to achieve their best selves this Kind of Comment saddens his Heart

" If that's what you think, then I will Make you stronger "GigaChad said

" R-really? " Clark asked

" Yes Little one, I can't return to you what you have lost, but I can make sure that you will achieve your best self! I and there are many people who are willing to help you just need to accept your past and move forward." GigaChad said.

" You- You are willing to help me? But you don't even know me" Clark said

" It doesn't matter Clark your race, Gender, Color is Meaningless to us as Long as you're willing to-do Good your welcome to Our family "Both Clark and Ddraig can't believe what they were hearing usually in Their world there are a only handful of People who are actually considered as Good or Kind to think some alien being is willing to help him this extent shows how great they are.

" Well If you don't mind, what do you guys do?"

Clark asked

" We are Guardians of Universe and Our Group is Called Justice society we help to keep maintaining peace in this Endless universe" Jor said

" Ummm I don't know how my parents are doing they are really worried if I could have contacted them and Tell them That I am alright I would be grateful." Clark said.

" Don't worry, it's actually possible we need to go to our base !" Jor said making him happy.

{Son!} Ddraig said telepathically

'yes dad?' Clark asked telepathically

{They are Good people, you are quite Lucky to have this kind of people here! So steel yourself if you want to get stronger} Ddraig warned him

' Yes Dad I will train to bones if necessary, but I will get stronger I promise.'

{That's the spirit boy I am proud of you} Ddraig said.

With new determination and Grind set he made an Out in his mind

'Please watch over me, aunty Shuri and Akeno. I vow to you that I will become stronger so that such tragedy will never fall to anyone else I care about. I will always remember the treasured moments we have had together as I move forward, so you don't need to worry about me. I hope you may both rest in peace, wherever you are.'







To be Continued