

2 hours Later

It's been two hours since he woke up, Jor said that they were currently going to their watch tower to find help from their team members. These Two hours wasn't a bit boring as Jor gave him a room of his own, well, it wasn't room it was Called Personal Fortress actually, and It has Everything a Man can imagine, when he entered the Room it was Blank and Empty when he asked Jor he said that each fortress has a Personal Fortress has a Function which helps any person to create their own room. It harnesses any kind of Stella energy from Outside Cosmos and Turns that energy into Matter and Vice versa. Currently, Clark was Laying on a Royal Bedroom Clark himself created an Entire Castle inside Fortress with Ddraig's help where he was Resting

{ Can't believe they are this smart to create something like this!} Ddraig was in awe with thier Teachnology more than Clark was.

" Are you Interested in this Kind of Teachnology?" Clark asked

{ Hell YES son! Do you know what I can Do with this Kind of Teachnology? I can Create a Entire Goddam Heaven which can be Possibly Infinite in Size! This Personal room can Increase it's Size Upto a Full fledged Town with taking space of Only a Room! Even Magic I know and Existed in Our Universe Looks Joke in front of This Kind of Teachnology, and it's merely thier Accessories we yet to have see what thier Military Teachnology and other Teachnology holds. You need to learn science from that Kryptonian named Jor El he is Smartest Kryptonian after all} Ddraig said

As Ddraig said Kryptonians are An Ancient Civilization which is Billions of years older than human civilization or Any Super natural civilization in Existence they are Light Gods Under Yellow sun people has Misconceptions like Kryptonians gets thier Powers from sun light which isn't even True They need some short of Stellar energy to release the Powers they already have it's like Switch only a Single Yellow sun A Kryptonian has No Physical Limitations other than There Mind which made Ddraig Jealous of Kryptonians that There are Some Supiror species other than Dragons. Yet his Jealousy doesn't ends there many kinds of Stellar Energy Gives them Different Types of Powers Like Under Blue Sun they will have Ability to Grant Humans or Other weaker species Kryptonian powers,under a White star thier Power can Stretch beyond Infinity they can achieve Full Control over every kind of Virtual Energy in existence which they can Freely manipulate at will, and Under a Quasar or Gama Ray burst thier powers becomes beyond Imagination itself. Kryptonians are Basically beings that makes look Gods, true Dragons in thier World look like Joke in comparison

not to mention thier Teachnology they have Teachnology which is Thousands of Generation advance than Human Teachnology Ddraig can Only Imagine what he has yet to see

" Dad? Why do you want to create heaven so badly?"

{ Because I wanted to Protect my Family and my Kind} Ddraig said with a hint of Discomfort

" Family you have one too I guess How were they?" Clark asked

{ I had Four Mates, thier beauty was Unmatched by anything needless to say they were the First one In Bonded with} Ddraig said proudly

" Bonding?" Clark asked

{ It's my special skill, you will feel a Pull towards the Woman who is Ideal for you and will love you unconditionally not for your powers. You also have this skill Since you Inherit my powers} Ddraig said shocking Clark

" 😲 Wow , so were they also Dragons like you dad?"

{ No son Two of them was Apsara, one Asura and one Salvic Warrior/Valkyrie} Ddraig said

" Was?"

{ Yes} ..........

" W-What happened to them?" Clark asked

{They were killed During Great war, and which is also the reason I am Inside this gear} Ddraig said with Pain

" I- I am Sorry Dad I didn't -"

{ Don't apologise son you did nothing wrong! either way your the first person to ask, It feels good sometimes share your pain with Others} Ddraig said with a Soft smile

" Thanks Dad. So what was the Cause If you don't mind?" Clark asked

{ Well Devils especially Lucifer hired a Dragon Ogre to attack my den and he is the reason they are dead} Ddraig said with hatred

" What is Dragon Ogre?" Clark asked

{ Dragon Ogres are Highest Evolution of Ogre Race only a Handful of them reached this stage and they are worshipped by Ogres, their appearance is that of a Half Ogre and Half Drake with Standing around 20 meters tall.the problem with them is They Usually Hunts and eats Dragons one of them also Ate my childrens} Ddraig said with a Little hiss in his Voice

Clark was Visibly disturbed by this explanation

" Well there was only one Right? Did you killed him?" Clark asks

{ No he ran away he was As strong as Heavenly dragon, but I killed Satans for that} Ddraig said

The Conversation was going too Uncomfortable for both parties so they decided to Drop it

Suddenly they heard a Calling bell inside Fortress

Clark opened the Door to See GigaChad came to call him wearing a Coat

" Let's go Brother we're going to reach our destination soon" GigaChad said

" Ok let's go!" Clark said in Excitement

As both parties reached the Control room of Space ship to see Jor was Piloting the ship and from front Glass they saw a Huge Floating City like structure

" What is that Gramps?" Clark asked Jor

" So I am Your Grandpa now HAHAHAHA! Ok never mind you can Call me that I also have a Grandson like You and as for that That's Our Watch Tower It's Resident of Super heros and Resident with Population of 60 million!" Jor said Shocking Clark

" 60 million? How big is that Tower is?" Clark asked

" It's as Big as Asia from Earth If you're Asking " GigaChad said Shocking both Clark and Ddraig

{ To Think they can Function this big structure at space!} Ddraig thought in amusement

" Wait for real surprise! Watch Tower This is Jor El from Space ship Delta 09 Over" Jor said

" Scout ship Delta Zero Nine confirmed your Good to Go Sir!" A Man said behind radio

At they Penetrated a Invisible barrier Clark and Ddraig's Eye Shot Opened

They Saw a Gigantic Planet which Looked like earth possibly Bigger than Jupiter itself!

" Welcome to Planet Krypton!" Jor welcome Him

But Clark was Too busy to see the Planet

" I-I-It's beautiful! Wait! What is THAT?" Clark said as he saw A Gigantic Satellite like Structure which looked like DNA strain was Impaled by Two Spears in Plus Sign and there was Numerous Ball like Structure which is Attached with Spiral Body of Satellite

" It's called Heavens Ladder, it's a System that Holds around a Hundreds Planets which were Supposed to get destroyed Kryptonians saved them and formed a Colony " GigaChad said as he Turned one Screen to show the Structure at Bigger Scale

Those Planets where being Held by a Forcep like Structure similar to a Globe Model

Clark and Ddraig was awe in thier Creation suddenly Ddraig Called telepathycally Clark

{ See that Shit son! That's called Teachnology! Even we Can create that Kind of Structure with Enough Knowledge!} Ddraig said

' Yes Dad I understand!' Clark said

" U- Um Gramps?" Clark asked

" Yes Clark?" Jor said

" Can You teach me Science please!! 🥺 I like This kind of Stuff" Clark plead with Puppy eyes which Jor can't Reject

" Sure Clark why Not ? It's been a While since I had a Student, I only taught My son Science so you will be second one!" Jor said

" Your son? Is he also a hero?" Clark asked

" Yes Little one He is Strongest Super hero alongside with me" GigaChad said Shocking Clark again

" Your One of the strongest Just how strong you are?" Clark asked

" Who Knows 😏" GigaChad said with a smirk disappointing Clark and Ddraig

" Well when my training is Gonna start?" Clark asks

" We have to know your Limitations first then I can make a Training schedule concidering your also Gonna receive education since it's also Important " GigaChad said

"But before that we have to Contact his Parents!" Jor said while Chad just Nodded in Agreement

" Now Clark come here" Jor Called him Clark Followed him they came near a Room which had Multiple Capsules

" This is Yours" Jor said as he Opened a Hatches Revealing a Suit or Battle Armour which had a S Inside a Diamond in Middle

" WOW!! IS THAT REALLY FOR ME?" Clark said in Excitement

" Yes Clark since Your My Student your also Part Of My family so every Nobel Kryptonian has This Kind of Suit" Jor said

" So your a Nobel?"

" Yes, Seeing this symbol here this isn't S of English alphabet it's our language and this means Hope, it's also Mark of House of El." Jor said while Clark was Wondering how many surprises he had yet to see

" So? How am I Gonna wear this?"

" About that-" Jor pressed the Button in Middle and it shrink into a Watch which will fit in Clark's hand Without wasting any time Clark wore the watch and pressed the Button to reform the Armour again in his Body

" You look Good in this!" Jor said

" Thanks!" Clark said happily

As they Both entered the Hatch of watch tower they Parked thier ship which was Biggest one out of them and several Men Flying in suit Came to Greet

" Good Evening SIR!" As they saluted

" So are they Kryptonians?" Clark asked

" Yes they are strongest of Guards entire Kryptonian have" Jor said

" No need to be scared they are not bad guys they just look scary and I am here to protect you if anything happens" GigaChad said.

" Here he comes!" Jor said

As Clark sees a Muscular Guffed man like Uncle Baraqiel but Much more Handsome with a short haired Female his Wife presumably and a Kid around Clark's age all of them Suited in Black Suit with Z sign in thier chest were Approaching them

" Welcome back Jor!" The Man said

" Yo Dru back from Mission?" Jor said

" Yeah Easier than thought,Hello Giga How are you doing?" Dru asked

( Dru Zod or General Zod)

" Good how are you Doing,"

" Nice man, Here Meet my Wife Faora and My son

Lar Zod, it's your first time Meeting them"

" Hello everyone!" Faora and Lor Greeted

As well Jor and Giga

Faora is a Extremely sexy woman with short hair and wearing a Black suit

And her Child looked like someshort of School Bully he has Spiky hair Black eyes he was wearing same attire and was staring at Clark from quite a While

" So Jor? Who is this Kid?" Zod asked

" Oh! My bad Zod meet Clark Kent he is My New Student and Clark this is My Friend Dru Zod also Known as General Zod he is General Of Kryptonian army" Jor said

" It's nice to meet you General" Clark said while Saluting him

" Hoho what a Nice Kid! Nice to meet to Clark!" He said while rubbing his hands in Clark's hair

" Hey Lor learn something introduce yourself!" Zod said

Lor came forward and Introduced himself

" Hello I am Lor Zod nice to meet you" Lor Said while Extending his hand for a hand shake

" It's nice to meet you Clark Kent " Clark Sid while Shaking Hands

Even though Clark can't feel his Aura he can tell he is extremely strong

" You have a Nice Grip! Your Strong! How about a Friendly fight?" He asked

" Huh? Well we Just met!" Clark said visibly annoyed

" Well we can extend our Friendship later, Now let's fight for now" he said as he threw Clark in air

Clark Dismantled his suit as he spear his wings to Fly as he balanced Himself, but he remembered he is in a Fight Lor darted towards him at High speed throwing a Punch which Clark easily caught with one hand

" That's not a Good way to start A Friendship I guess." Clark said as he Flared out his Red KI

Lor recoiled back at Sudden Power surge and said

" I knew it! Your Strong! just what are you?" Lor asked before he can react His Father appeared behind him and Bashed his son on ground

" Behave Yourself!" He said while his eyes are Glowing red

His mother came rushing and scolded him and he didn't recieved actual Visible Damage from that bashing maybe that wasn't that strong? Or its his Durability? He knew Kryptonians are Known for thier Invulnerability maybe that's thier Demonstration

" I am Really sorry for my son's behaviour please forgive him " his mother said

" I am sorry for what he did he is a Little battle maniac you see but trust me he didn't meant to harm you!" General Zod said

" It's ok I didn't sensed any Malicious intent from his so it's Ok no Hard feelings" Clark said

As General Zod breath in relief he asked

" Well your certainly no Kryptonian so what Are you?" Zod asked

" I am a Dragon actually" Clark said Shocking them

" Dragon? Meaning those Winged Beasts Krypton had once? They went extinct and there isn't any records for a Humanoid one." Faora Said making Lor exited even more

" Actually I am Not from this Universe I am From a Different one" Clark said sheepishly again Shocking them

" Well Let's take this Inside we caused enough Troble already" Jor said making everyone nod in agreement


As they were sitting in a Hall waiting for someone

It didn't take long for them to appear three people appeared

The first one is A Extremely handsome young man with Matching muscular body his Body was almost Identical to GigaChad which looked like it was Crafted in Marbel by humans to Worship any Woman will fall into lust and temptation just by seeing his Physique, he is around 6.3 inch shorter than GigaChad but there's no way he is weak at any means he shares title of Man of Tomorrow for nothing he is wearing a Tight Kryptonian skin suit which is Blue in Colour with Red Cap and Boots with a 'S' inside Shield identical house of EL sign

Following him there is a Woman who is Simply Drop Dead Gorgeous Clark himself was Mesmerized by her Beauty and Appearance, Ddraig was Visibly shaken By her beauty he has seen many Smoking hot women, but she was totally different from others heck she is even Prettier than his Mates if he was being perfectly honest

She stands around 6ft (1.83 m) tall with straight waist-length black hair, blue eyes, and broad shoulders. She is ageless and attractive in appearance, sporting a slender and athletic frame with a well-toned yet muscular build.

Furthermore, she initially wore a strapless red bustier held up by a brace of gold resembling two W's. She has a large golden belt and blue briefs with five white stars on them. She wears red boots with a white stripe on the front side. Wonder Woman wears silver bracelets around her wrists, red star earrings, and wears a golden diadem with a red star on her forehead. She also has a golden lasso, which hangs from her belt.

Following her there is another Child same age as Clark is, he has messy hair Blue eyes fair skin he is wearing a Blue Jacket with Red Finishing in his shoulders and Arms with a Hanging cape and Damage Jeans with Iconic symbol of EL

" There he is! Clark meet him he is My Son Man of Tomorrow Kal EL, he goes by Superman" Jor Introduced.

" Hello Mr. Kal it's a pleasure to meet you !" Clark introduced himself.

Kal was staring at him for a moment, then he said

" Hello Clark! I'm pleased to meet you, so you are the new Member Father was talking about well quite to say you really look like my son!" Kal said as the female Approached him.

" Yes, dear, you're right!.he does look like our son. How rude of me, I am Diana wife of Kal it's a pleasure to meet you Clark." She said with a Smile.

" Mom, Dad, I look nothing like Him!" The Boy said, " Neither I look Like you" Clark said staring at him for a while he has Blue eyes and Black hair like Clark, but he looked like Him? Who knows.

" Yes, You two certainly look like Brothers!" Lor said

" NOO" Both Said at same time as all of them started laughing

" Now it's rude not to introduce yourself don't you?" Kal said to his Son.

" Yes Dad! I am Jon El it's a pleasure to meet you" he said

" Clark Kent, also Nice to meet you" Clark said extending hand for handshake which he accepted he is way nicer than Lor from what Clark sees.

As their introduction ended, Kal wanted an Explanation for what happened until now Which Jor nodded and described everything about Clark they know which made them sad. Faora and Diana were furious about this Devil race, Zod Superman was visibly angry, Jon was sorrowful for whatever he went through until now Lor had mixed feelings about it, he felt sad but also felt Jealous that he is Supposedly stronger than him and had a Girlfriend at this age!

Diana and Faoura Immediately hugged Clark while Having tears

" I am Truly sorry Clark for what you have gone through but don't worry we all are here for you."

" Don't worry you baby boy, to go through so much in such little age, Don't worry You're also Part of my Family

Both said while Suffocating Clark with their large breasts

Clark would be lying if said he didn't enjoy it of course it was his First Time feeling a Grown woman's breasts besides his mother's and Aunty's not to say Goddesses like them

' Dad! Help!' Clark begged telepathically

{Don't worry too much, Son! You are being pampered by mommies Just enjoy.} Ddraig said as a Random halo appeared on his head and he cuts off the link and flew away like an Angle going to heaven. Then he realized that Even Ddraig can enjoy the pleasure he is receiving because the dragon heart is still his father's. Which explains all.

' Asshole' Clark said

After freeing himself, he asked

" Um, If I am not being rude, can I ask you what you are? You are not Kryptonian and your releasing Holy energy, are you Some short of Goddess by any chance?" Clark asked.

Diana looked at him for a Moment and said

" Well you're right I am Not Kryptonian, but I am a Demi God actually also Daughter of Zeus" Diana said shocking both him and Ddraig

{Space Zeus or Alien Zeus?} Ddraig asked inside.

' Both' Clark answered

" Well, how did you tell that? What are you actually?" Diana asked

" He is a Dragon" Faoura said which shocked her

" Dragon? Do you mean those dragons earth had? Dragons can turn human? " Diana asked.

" In his universe yes it's possible" she said

Then which shocked newcomers meanwhile Kal asked

" Well I scanned your DNA it's really impressive structure to say, similar to Kryptonians It doesn't necessarily have a limit other than Physical body which is Opposite to Kryptonians which is Mind Just like Yin and Yang! But why do I see Human DNA in you? It's almost non-existent still" Kal asked.

" Because My actual Parents are Humans and I became dragon During birth" Clark said shocking all of them it piqued interest Jor and Kal

" How?" Both asked in unison.

{Allow me to Explain} Ddraig manifested from Gear and said

" Who are you?" Everyone asked

{It's a pleasure to meet you everyone, and I apologize for staying quiet for long I was actually Observing you guys, I am Heavenly Dragon of Domination Ddraig Y Gosh pleasure to meet you} Ddraig Introduced himself

Everyone was astonished by his Random appearance especially two Kids

" Woooooow Sooo Cool" Lor and Jon said in unison

" You never told me you can Carry a Dragon inside you!" Lor said,

" How do you even do that, and what's that on your left hand? It's looks cool" Jon remarks.

{It's called Sacred Gear child} Ddraig said

" What's that?" Jor asked this time.

{Sacred gears are Gifts from God bestowed upon humans, so they can Stand a Chance against Super Natural beings} he said

" Well that's short one There we want to hear full Story" Zod said

{That's going to take a Bit of time} Ddraig said

" IT'S FINE" Everyone Said

As Ddraig starts his Explanation

To be Continued