
Dragon God of Creation

This a fanfic of dxd and soon others. I do not anything in here except my own oc and some parts of the story.

v_Erratiic · Fantasie
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3 Chs


1 year has passed since Yasaka and I met Ophis. Ever since that day i began to train harder and spend more time with Yasaka and Kunou. Today was like any other day i decided to walk around Kyoto with Kunou while Yasaka worked on some issues. I went to the park and after I decide to take her to eat ice-cream. On the way to the ice cream parlor i saw a few shadows jumping from building to building. What i didnt expect to see was a 11 year old girl badly wounded while being chased by 2 high class devils. I quickly teleported to Yasaka and dropped of Kunou. Yasaka was about to ask me something when I teleported back. Yasaka was a bit upset but she saw my serious face and asked her daughter what happened that made me serious.

Yasaka: Kunou why did daddy leave you here withoit saying hello or goodbye?

Kunou: Im not sure mommy all I saw was that dad looked a certain direction so I also turned, but I couldn't see anything

Yasaka: "Well he'll tell me when he gets back" she thought

Yasaka then went back to doing her work and Kunou left the room to go play

When i finally caught up to them i saw a terrified look on the girl and a perverted expression on the 2 devils.

Devil 1: Give up Kuroka. You are poisoned and badly wounded, you won't be able to escape from us. Stop struggling and let us take you back for your punishment.

Devil 2: Yea you have been a pain in the ass for the last 4 month of us chasong you bitch. I haven't gotten laid because of you. How about you repay is with that body of yours. I promise we'll be gentle. Hahahah.

Both devils laughed while licking there lips. They both then approached her and slammed her on the roof of the building. Devil 1 cut the kimono that she was wearing straight down the middle, but just when they were about to begin undressing her i shot a black lightning bolt shaped like a dragon at them. Their reactions were pretty good if you ask me. I then teleprted in front of Kuroka and gave her a reassuring look before ttelling ahe was gonna be okay. I then turned around got into a fighting stance, preparing my self to fight the 2 devil's.

Alex: Its been a while since I fought against devils. I hope you don't dissapoint me. (Alex smirked which sent a cold sweat down their spines)

Devil 1: Kid you better move from here this isn't the time to play hero. (said the devil with an angry tone)

Devil 2: Kid if you leave know we will pretend that you didn't interfere with our jobs. If you don't move well kill you.

Alex: How are you so sure i will be the one to die? For what i know your only High Class devils. You will need atleast 2 of the 4 Maous to even give me a challenge.

Devil 1: A kid trying to act tough huh. Well i guess you truly want to die Hahaha.

Devil 1 then rushed me with a right hook but was easily dodged. I then pulled out a Katana that I crafted a few months ago. When I pulled the katana out both devils got terrified at the ominous aura that the sword was leaking. I then proceeded to unsheeth it. I gave the devils a few seconds to notice their fate. Then I rushed at devil 1 and swung my katana diagonally downward to slice him in half only to find him dodging it.

While Alex and Devil 1 where fighting each other 1 on 1 the other devil began to prepare a sneak attack. But little did he know that Alex was prepared for it. He once again rushed devil 1 with his katana, just that this time it was enveloped in crimson flames. Right when Alex was about to stab devil 1, devil 2 rushed him with a demonic spear. Alex then turned his katana around and stabbed himself but before his katana could pierce him he used Kamui and ended up stabbing devil 2 which in turn his body went up in flames and was left with nothing but ashes. After Devil one realized he couldn't beat Alex he turned around and began to flee. Alex then began to chase him, although it didn't take long sinve alex used void step.

Devil 1: P-please I beg don't kill me. I'll leave amd wont bother you guys again.

Alex: You beg for mercy and yet you just tried to rape a young girl. How exactly does that work. I dont understand why the need of being a hypocrite. (he said with A disgusted look in his face)

Devil 1: Before you think about killing me just know who you are protecting. (said the devil with fear in his eyes)

Alex: "Hooo.. And who exactly am i protecting" asked alex while he had a smirk

Devil 1: Her name is Kuroka. She is an SS wanted criminal. If you kill me and let her go the devil faction won't let it slide. Your basically asking to start a war. (said the devil with a mischievous grin)

Alex: First of all since when did us dragons care about war. Second of all why should i care if she is an SS class wanted criminal. What gives you the right to attempt to rape a little girl. For all i know your worse than her. (alex yelled)

After my words i picked up the devil and tossed him in the sky. Then i enveloped my katana in my black lightning and swung the katana as if trying to pierce the sky. The lightning then shot off the katana and hit the devil only to see him split in half. I then released Amaterasu to burn the body away. I put my katana away and approached Kuroka. You can clearly see that she was terrified yet happy at the same time. I enveloped my hand in my healing flame and went to touch her.

Kuroka: W-what are you trying to do to me. (she asked fearing the flame)

Alex: Dont worry these flames wont hurt you. They are called Flames of Healing. They might look hot but they are not.

I then put my hamd on her dace to wipe away the tears that she had while the flame cured all her internal and external wounds. Only problem was that she still had no strength to continue moving.

Alex: Do you feel better now? (asked with a caring tone)

Kuroka: Y..Yes im fine tha...nkyou. (Kuroka bowed to show respect)

Kuroka: If i may ask why did you save me even knowing that i was an SS class wanted criminal, even gaining the chance of you being hunted by the devil faction?

Alex: Well you see I have a few reasons for why I did what i did. The First was because I can care less about the 3 factions. Secondly I have a skill that shows me ones soul. If you were evil you would have a dark soul which you dont. Your soul is still pure and third reason was because I wanted to help. (Alex said with a smile that made Kuroka blush..)

Kuroka: If i may ask what skill is it and is it possible for you to teach it to me?

Alex: The skill is called Soul Reading. This allows me to see the true nature of ones actions through the color of your soul. Also yes it is possible to teach it to you.

Kuroka: "Ne. Ne can you tell me the colors and what they mean."

Alex: "Sure. There are





Kuroka: Cool, say can you tech it to me right now

Alex: Sure but can you tell me why

Kuroka: Well you see i have no family and the only one that was my family hates me so i am constantly on the run. That skill can help me choose the people I can trust. ( she said with tears coming out her eyes)

Alex felt bad because he knows exactly what happened to her and what she went through living in the underworld but he couldnt say anything. He wanted her to tell him why it is she is running. He then hugged her and began to pet her head telling her it was okay

Alex: Hey Kuroka, if I say I can give you a home where you can be loved will you come with me.

Kuroka: Why would you want an SS class criminal with you. I'll just make your life worth.

Alex: Why should I care that your a wanted criminal. Your soul alone tells me your not.

Alex grabbed her chin and tilted her head so that she can look into his eyes.

Alex: What if I told you that I'll solve your problem and if i have to I will personally go and talk to the Maous. (Alex smiled making Kuroka blush)

Kuroka: Why would you do that for me you dont even know me. (she asked crying once again)

Alex: Well you see Kuroka, if my daughter was in your shoes I would destroy all 3 factions if i had to. ( he said with a devilish smile)

Kuroka: D-daughter???

Alex: Ahhh hehehe yea I know i look like im 17 but I'm actually much older. Im a dragon that has control over time so i can change my age at will.

Kuroka: If your not 17, then how old are you

Alex: I am 21 (although if we add the 16 years of my previus life then im much older alex thought)

Kuroka: Only 21? Since you we're a dragon i was expecting you to say that you were ober a thousand years old or something. ( She said laughing)

Alex: You should smile and laugh more often. You look better like that.

Kuroka blushed and looked away

Alex: So anyways back on topic will you come home with me. Im sure my daughter will loke a big sister.

Hearing the word big sister made Kuroka happy as her tail was shaking side to side vigorously.

Kuroka: Okay I'll go with you. I also want to meet the women who took my chance away from being with you. (Kuroka said that last part very low that no one should be able to hear but alex heared it and made him chuckle)

Alex: Ok then since you cant walk... ( Alex grabbed Kuroka and carried her bridal style and teleported to Yasaka)

When Alex and Kuroka appeared next to Yasaka ahe was in her room naked sinve she just came out of rhe shower. All Yasaka heared was swoosh noice and a slight breeze that sent a shiber down her back. She then decided to turn to see Alex in the room with a 11 year old Nekomata in his arms.

Yasaka: Alex-san how many times have i told you not to teleport like that. You can give me a fucking heart attack. Also who is the I cute litlle girl. (she asked while teasing Kuroka)

Alex: This is Kuroka and she will ne living with us from now on. (he said while putting her down)

Kuroka: I'll have you know im not a little girl hmmph. ( kuroka said while pouting)

Alex and Yasaka just laughed. Alex and Kuroka then began to tell Yasaka what happened. Kuroka also told them about her past and why she was marked as a SS class stray devil. Yasaka felt sas for her and began to cry. While Yasaka and Kuroka were crying in each others embrace Alex left them alone to go check on his daughter. Alex opened tge door to her room to see jer sleeping. He then closed the door and went to the litchen to cook some food because he was hungry after the fight with the devil's. After eating he want back to his room and saw Kuroka and his wife sleeping soundly so he let them sleep. Alex just went back to his daughter's room and layed down with her and went to sleep