
Dragon God of Creation

This a fanfic of dxd and soon others. I do not anything in here except my own oc and some parts of the story.

v_Erratiic · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Yasaka +18

Its been a year and 4 month since Alex came to this world. In this time Alex got a few more skills and gained mire power. Him and Yasaka have been dating for about a year. They've done everything together never leaving each others side. One day while Alex was training a stray devil tried to kidnap Yasaka. He managed to drug her to sleep but because of my dragon mark i knew she was in danger. The stray devil manahed to get pretty far. When he got a good distance away Yasaka woke up but still had no power because of the drug. She was very terrified at the fact that when the devil saw her wake up he told her they were gonna have some fun. Yasaka began to tear up and thought of the first thing that came to her head which was her beloved Alex. Alex told her that whenever she needed all she had to do was think of him and he will appear. Yasaka mever believed him and just assumes he was being romantic, but in her desperate moment to get away from the devil she did think of him. In that same moment she was let go by the devil and while she fell was caught by someone else. She looked up to see who it was and to her surprise, it was Alex.

Alex: I told you I would come to you if you just thought of wanting me to be with you. he said with a smile

Yasaka: I guess you weren't lying. I was really scared Alex. I have no strength because of why he drughed me with and he told me he was gonna have fun with me. yasaka cried while hugging him

Alex: I would never allow anything to happen to you okay. You also don't need to worry about the devil since he is already dead

Yasaka wiped her tears and looked at the devil to see and what she saw was a devil with no head. She chuckled a bit and told him she wanted to go home and rest. Alex complied and teleported back to their room. When he was about to go to sleep. When he felt Yasaka kissing his neck.

Alex: Yasaka i thought you were sleepy?

Yasaka: hmmm..I am sleepy...Hmmph, mmn, mmchu❤

Alex: Then why are you kissing my neck and pinching my nipple. asked Alex with a slight tease in his voice

Yasaka: Well you....mmchu..see the thing is...Hmmph... ❤after you saved me I felt loved again and you broke my heat cycle so know I'm in heat

Alex looked at her and all he saw were Yasaka puppy dog eyes

Alex: Fine... its not fair when you use those eyes you know

Alex then grabbed her arms and pinned her on the bed. Alex was now on top a pleading Yasaka. he bent forward and began to ho into a deep kiss with yasaka. Alex then inserted hos tounge in her mouth as she did the same. They both then began to fight for dominance.

Yasaka: Hmmph, mmn, mmchu... Mmhah, hnn..... ❤you know I also want you to kiss my other lips

Alex smiled and began to kiss her body slowly while going lower and lower. When her reached her boobs he began to suck on one while the other was being played with by his right hand. His left hand was in her bottom lips showing her what true pleasure is.

Yasaka: Hahmph, mmh, mmchu... Mmwah, haaahn! A-Alex-san...❤

Yasaka moaned with pleasure. Alex just continued and after a few minutes Yasaka cummed

Yasaka: Haaah... Haaah... Th-That surprised me... She heaved a hot sigh.

Yasaka the grabbed Alex head begam to kiss him again only to let go after a few seconds.

Yasaka: A-Alex-san... P-Please... I-I can't take it anymore... Haah, haah...❤ put it in me

All Alex could see in her eyes were lust and love which made him happy.

Alex: I hope your reasy because im not letting you sleep tonight

Alex then shoved his dick in her making her release a loud moan that if it wasn't for his sound barrier, itwould be heared by everyone.

Yasaka: Aaaahn! Mmn... Y-Yes, Alex-san~

Yasaka then tightened her grip on Alex back and dug her nails into him. She then pulled his neck towards her mouth and bit it. She applied senjutsu to where ahe bit and a mark of. Golden Nine tailed fox coiled around a small black heart was imprinted on his neck. Alex and Yasaka then continued for 4 more hours until she couldn't last and fell asleep. Alex just smiled and carressed her hair before also falling asleep.

Time skip

Alex was training when he heard a happy scream from Yasaka. Alex then teleported because he wanted to know what has made her so happy. Although he already knew why she was. Sinve he has been waiting for this day for a while.

Alex: What's wrong Yasaka, why are yiu screaming?? your scaring me over here. he said with a fake sad face

When Yasaka looked at him she hugged him and gave him a deep kiss. After the kiss she looked at his eyes but was scared to tell him why she was happy.

Yasaka: If I tell you, you promise you wont get mad...

Alex: I promise

Yasaka took a deep breaths and turned around to face away from him before saying

Yasaka: Im pregnant

Alex stayed quiet on purpose to make Yasaka scared as payback for doubting him of being mad over her having his baby. Seconds passed then a minute but still no sound. Yasaka was beginning to tear up since she thought he wasn't happy. Right when she was turning around to see his face, Alex grabbed her cheeks and began to kiss her.

Alex: Thankyou....he said while also tearing up

Yasaka then pulled away from the kiss and hughed him tightly.

Yasaka: I thought you weren't gonna be happy... she said while crying

Alex: Ive been wanting you to get pregnant the last 6 month. Honestly it took you long enough.... he said smiling at her

Yasaka: Then why did you not answer me after I told you i was pregnant?

Alex: The truth is I already knew

Yasaka: How? she asked wiping her tears

Alex: I have an ability called sense which allows me to detect bloodlust ,K.I, feelings and etc. 2 month ago I sensed something else eminating from you. When I activated my skill i felt someone in you. Now the reason I didnt reply when yiu told me was to get you back for doubting my mllove for you.... alex said while carressing her cheek

Yasaka the punched him in the stomach and walked away. Alex just smiled at her antics and followed right behind her. She wanted to go tell all her friends.

Time skip

7 months have passed since then and today is the day that Alex will become a dad. He is currently in the hallway pacing back and forth desperatly wating for his daughter to be born. After a few hours he heared a little girl cry and the doctor walked out to tell him he could go in now.So he did

Alex: Hey... how do you feel?

Yasaka: Ask a stupod question like that oke more time and I'll beat the crap out of you... she said with an annoyed look

Alex: sorry sorry I'm just rrally happy to see my baby girl and her beautiful mother together. hahaha ... alex scratched his cheek and nervously laughed

The nurse smiled seeing how well bith parents got along, so she desided to gibe them so alone time. She left the room and close the door quietly.

Alex: So what are you going to name her

Yasaka: Im not sure, why dont you pick a name.

Alex was quiet for a few minutes thinking of what to name her. In reality he already had the name. He was going to use the name that she chose in her old timeline.

Alex: Kunou

Yasaka: it's perfect

She looked down and carressed Kunou cheek with her finger.

Time skip

Its been a year since Kunou was born. Yasaka and Alex have taken a small vacation to Hawaii. While they were their something unexpected happen. Alex and Yasaka were in a deep kiss when they noticed that Kunou was not with them. They searched everywhere on the beach and couldnt find her. After a few minutes Alex managed to sense her so he teleported to her. When he got there Kunouh slipped and fell of a 7 ft wall. Alex emedietly used void walk, but because he was to focused on catching Kunou. Alex accidentally released his aura which attracted Ophis who surprisengly in Hawaii to look for sweets. After making sure that Kunou was ok he teleported back to Yasaka who snatched Kunou away and began to check everywhere to make sure she wasn't hurt. After everything was fine they layed on the sand once again to rest. 2 hours later they left to their hotel room to sleep, but when they were getting ready an unexpected guest appeared.

Ophis: Are you the one I felt. (asked ophis)

Alex: Yes that was me and who might you be?

While they were in conversation, Yasaka was slightly freaking out because Ophis the dragon god herself was standing right in front of her. All she hoped was that her and her husband didnt fight.

Ophis: I am Ophis (she said with a monotone voice and no emotion)

Ophis then began to approach Alex. Alex didnt freak out because he knew what she was gonna do and what she wanted him to do. Ophis lowered her body and but Alex's right pack and released some magic. After she let go a small black and purple scaled dragon wrapping around another gold and black dragon appeared. Yasaka was upset with what happened but was going to wait till Ophis left to say something.

Alex: So why exactly did you mark me?

Ophis: because i want you to be my mate and help me defeat baka red (sh said was a plain expression)

Alex: Who is this baka red?

Ophis: he is the dragon that has taken my home in the dimensional gap. I want silence and all he does is make noice. I want you to kick his ass

Alex: Okay that makes sense but if i may ask something.

Ophis: Speak human

Alex: Can you get closer to me

Ophis then once again approached Alex but this time it was him who bit her. He bent forward moved her neck to a position where he can get a clear bite and marked her with his dragon mark. Seconds later he let go and Ophis touched the mark. Yasaka and Alex were both surprised that she had a bit of red on her cheeks.

Ophis: How?

Alex: How what? The mark. Well you see im actually a dragon. (Alex said pointing at him self while smiling causing both Yasaka and Ophis to blush)

Ophis: So does that mean you will help me defeat baka red?

Alex: what if I can give you a better home (he said with a smile)

Ophis: is it quiet

Alex: Yes

Ophis: ok deal

For the first time in all her life ophis smiled and showed a bit of emotion. Alex then began to tell ler that she will have to wait a few year to which she accepted. She then tackled Alex and kissed his lips.

Ophis: You taste sweet. Better than and desert or candy ive eaten. (she said while licking her lips

She then said goodbye and went back to the dimensional gap. As soon as she left Yasaka and Alex had a serious talk.

2 hours later

Yasaka: I understand ( she said while pouting)

Alex: Thankyou for understanding but if it makes you happier you took alot of my firsts. (alex said teasing her)

Yasaka: list them

Alex: okay,

1-Your the first person I fell in love with

2-First person I dated

3-First person I kissed

4-First person I slept with

5-First person I married

6-And the beat of all first person to give me a


Yasaka was actually happy at everything that he said but decided not to show it.She then turned around and went to sleep with a smile on her face. Alex soon followed.