
Mission Accomplished

Najenda inspects the two bloody heads, it was very obvious that they were the real deal, parts of Gamal's and Ogre's spines were sticking out of from below their necks, fresh blood was stilling spilling out from parts of their spinal cords. mission

She saw their startled and shocked faces, the faces that saw death, she quickly covers the bloody faces, "You have done better than I expected. In fact, this must be the fastest assassination kills on record of the Night Raid," Najenda proudly says as she pushes away the bloody heads with a disgusted look on her face. She could only imagine what Takashi did to them. But he took the lives of monsters and killers, he took the lives of corrupted demons who abused and killed woman and men who barely had enough money to survive. They all preyed on the weak and they finally got what they deserved when Takashi killed them so mercilessly and brutally.

"I didn't do this for Night Raid I did it for the money, plus I did it to kill trash like them, none of them deserve to live, they remind me of the vile royals who killed Ieysau, they think they can do whatever they want, but not anymore. Not when I am around," Takashi stabs both Gamal's and Ogre's skulls with Ryuyami like a shish kebab and burns them to a crisp and then punches right through them. Both heads turned to ash.

"So anything that blade touches is consumed by flames and turns to ash?" Najenda asked.

"Not exactly," Takashi cooly leans back the wooden chair.

"I want to know more about your weapon. More about you. Here have some" Najenda says as she slides some beer.

"You think I will discuss the information of my weapon? For some kind of leader of assassins you really are dumb," Takashi looks at the beer, back in his past life he had a tone of things to cope with killing so many people. Every day it was just an endless grind of slaughtering his targets, he killed all types of people, even those with families, he would drink and take painkillers to calm his insane mind(A/N: He did some fucked up shit). But now in his new life, his only addiction was killing. He had never felt so powerful before in his life, he had all the freedom to kill without anyone trailing him down or any morals clouding his vision of an assassin. He could roam around this new world and let out all of his new powers against the corrupt, against the ones who actually think they rule this world. He would shatter and break the system of this world. For his bloodlust could never be stopped. Takashi could finally use his assassin skills to its fullest potential, unlike the Earth Realm which was bounded by laws, it was a world that had no powers, only greed, and stupidity. Humans in the Earth Realm were the weakest of all species, Takashi knew how to any human. Humans were easy to trick and manipulate. But in this new world, the powers of Imperial Arms really stepped up the 'game of survival of the fittest', only the strongest survive and the weak die. That was Takashi's mantra.

Najenda smirked at Takashi's reply.

Takashi slides away the beer, "I don't drink, it hinders the mind, I need to sharp at all times," He stands up to leave, he waited to hear if there was any mission.

"So you won't tell me about your Teigu? You are quite mysterious and fearsome, overly handsome and bold, sharp, cunning and smart. Ruthless even, your powers exceed everyone in Night Raid. You remind of someone I once knew, she was just like you, but her insanely powerful powers corrupted her mind, it drove her crazy and made her into a monster, she changed so much I didn't even know who she was anymore. Don't let your power control you Takashi, you are an exceptional assassin, but every power comes with a cost," Najenda says as she looks outside and sees the glimmering full moon.

"Nothing or no one controls me. I do what I want," Takashi unsheathes Ryuyami and places the blade close to Najenda's cheeks, a flicker of sparks burst out and almost melts off Najenda's eyepatch, some of her eyepatch is burnt and almost falls off, "You wanted to know what my Teigu is capable of, the blade doesn't need to touch you to kill you, it can even kill you from the distance, it can kill you in every way possible, just like I can kill you any way I want," Takashi gripes Ryuyami's handle. What she didn't know, was that Takashi could control his shadow-red cursed flames and he could transform and manipulate the Cursed Darkness Flames of Ryuyami.(Fire Manipulation; Ryujin Jakka fire powers)

"I am very impressed, your confidence knows no bounds, and that sword's power is beyond interesting and powerful," Najenda says as Ryuyami's blade is slightly burning her cheeks. She takes in the pain, she was accustomed to seeing other Teigu's and emotions. Her past friend which was the Ice General Of the Empire was one of the main reasons she created Night Raid. Because it was the General she feared most. Her friend was lost to her by 'power' and corruption.

Takashi quickly sheathed back his blood-red katana, he thought about killing Najenda and taking over Night Raid and using everyone to become more powerful and rule over this world. But to kill her and anyone in Night Raid right now would be a waste. Najenda gave him a heavy amount of money, gear, weapons, and even training equipment/ training with other Teigu users. So to kill anyone right now would be useless, rather instead, Takashi would wait for the right moment to leave the Night Raid Base, as soon as Sayo is fully healed and Tatsumi has trained enough, he planned to leave and set off on his own journey. But right now he needed more time to become stronger, cultivate, and gather resources to become a Dragon God. The Night Raid knew everything about the Empire and Takashi need this information. Plus doing some assassination missions would sharpen his skills even more and master his the power of his 5 wishes.

An assassin must be smart, cunning, and calculative, if he were to kill everyone right now then he would lose so many resources and information.

"Takashi I want you to meet me at the main missions room, the rest of Night Raid will be there, including your brother," Najenda said as she wiped off the blood from her cheeks, she didn't want to fight back, she knew she would lose to Takashi after seeing him defeat Bulat and him surviving Akame's sword strikes many times.

... Takashi doesn't answer and just nods, he then leaves the kitchen.

Najenda looks at the two bloody heads, the ones Takashi so easily obtained and slaughtered. 'This man can be the end of us all,' She swallowed hard and gritted her teeth.

5mins pass...

Akame enters the kitchen window and sees Najenda spin around the sliced-off heads of Gamal and Ogre, "It seems Takashi was right he killed these two vile bastard targets faster than you and Leone would have. I would say this is a world record, do you have anything to report?" She asked Akame as she stopped spinning around the bloody heads.

"Takashi's speed, power, and accuracy were flawless and deadly, he killed his opponents so fast I couldn't even see him, he made easy work of Gamal and Orge. What's even more shocking all of the bodies were burnt so badly they all disintegrated without leaving a single trace. I hate to say it, but Takashi is truly worthy of being an assassin, but I don't know if we should trust him," Akame said as she sighed and looks out the window with Najenda.

"How ironic, he's the one who shouldn't trust you, you tried to kill him three times hahaha, in a weird way he kind of looks and acts like you..." Najenda said with a sly smirk.

"Don't ever compare me to that ruthless monster," Akame walks away with a scowled face.

"Wait Akame follow me, there are some matters I want to discuss with you and the rest of Night Raid," Najenda informs her.

"Mhm," Akame simply nods, she walks with Najenda, she starts to remember how Takashi easily killed his targets, 'I need to find out who you really are,' She clenched her fist with a stern look on her face. A look of determination.

Takashi is walking to the meeting room, he thinks about how the Ice General of the Empire Army looks like, was she really as powerful as Najenda said? Somehow Takashi had a feeling who knew about this Ice General. He could sense that maybe she was the only one who can match him in power, but then again, Takashi only thought about how to improve his power, he was determined to become the most powerful Dragon Assassin in this new world. No matter what.

Everyone is gathered, Mine, Bulat, Sheele, Lubbock, Leone, and Akame, of course, all stand around Najenda who steps up to her throne room chair.

Akame runs over to Takashi and lifts up his shirt. Takashi knew she was going to do this, so he let her do it. 'It was her thing', for some reasons her knew some of strange 'rituals' and 'habits'. Akame searched for any wound marks on Takashi's body. There are no wounds. She then swiftly tugs at his black jeans and unzips his pants zipper and unbuttons it, but before she could Takashi quickly gripped her hands and stopped her, "You are not ready for that you," He darkly said as his amber eyes flickered like dragon flames in the night.

"WOAH! Akame is moving so fast and getting straight to the action! You naughty girl! She is growing up!" Leone chuckles with a bright smile.

"So you are okay. Thank goodness. I don't want to lose anyone here," Akame said with worry in her cute red eyes.

"What the fuck is wrong with you? First, you want to kill me and now you are worried...," Takashi says with eyes furrowed.

Akame slightly blushes, " I am just glad you are alive, everyone here means so much to me," She places her hands on top of Takashi's broad shoulders(Still shirtless) in a sisterly way.

'This girl is insane. Well, kind of like everyone in Night Raid,' Takashi quickly puts on his shirt back.

"Seriously get a room already! Hmph!" Mine huffs with arms cross. She was clearly jealous of how Takashi was now getting all the attention in Night Raid.

"Dammit! Why do all the girls like you big bro! No one cares about!" Tatstumi shouts out.

"I care about you Tastumi," Bulat says with a big sparkle in his eyes as he gently grabbed Tatsumi's hands. "You are a cool guy Tatsumi," He puts his thumbs up.

"Thanks I guess I should be calling you bro now!" Tatsumi happily says. "You should darling," Bulat winked.

'Is Tatsumi that dumb that he doesn't know Bulat is hitting on him,' Takashi cringed at Tatsumi's naivety.

"Alright everyone listen up! What I am about to tell everyone right now will change the course of Night Raid's and the Revolutionary Army's future! So listen up!" Najenda stomps her boots with force and authority.

Takashi didn't care about this meeting, all he wanted to do now was to get more money and to kill more.

"What do you think she is going to say?" Tatsumi says to Takashi.

Takashi ignores his brother's words.

Najenda begins to speak. Whatever she was going to say was going to be crucial to the future of taking down the Empire.


[A/N: let's reach Top 10- Way more chapters coming. Keep on voting power stones and I will release a lot of chapters today. Let's do this]

IMPORTANT: Chapter needs to be edited. Give me any suggestions. After this chapter things will get way darker.


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