
Chapter 1

Chapter 1:

The bell rang which means our class is about to dismiss. I can finally go home.

From morning since I just stared at the class, I feel nothing was entering my brain.

I don't know what's happening to me this fast few weeks. It seems like I'm out of myself because of certain things I think a lot.

Farming is the main source of our daily expenses.

We have a large plot of land which we use to grow fruits and vegetables.

Uncle Shargo and I are the only ones who work together. He is my only remaining relative and he is important to me.

One month ago.

When I went home from school, I caught up with Uncle who was at the top of a tree to pick fruits.

He was about to go down when his legs suddenly weakened which caused him to fall. I was shocked because he grabbed his leg and start shouting because of pain. I quickly took him to the nearest hospital.

He had a bone fracture in his legs, I wonder how it happened because the wood where he fell is not that high.

I'm convinced that it's because his bones are soft due to bone cancer.

The doctor said it was because of the chemicals that Uncle sprayed on the crops.

The school works add to my problems so I used to be like this in the class.

I'm graduating so I need to pass. I need to graduate because I promised this to Uncle.

But how could I? I didn't even know what to do. I don't know how can I start solving my problems.

That's why I'm so stressed.

"Mr. Ramirez.". Suddenly I heard the voice of one of my teacher.

I was immediately snapped out. I adjusted my seat and stared at her.

"Son, what's wrong with you? You only have a few quizzes. You also don't have any activity this whole month, yesterday you didn't pass the lecture either." Ma'am Selestial, our science teacher, said.

"I'm sorry." I said calmly and sighed.

"I don't know what's going on with you Son, you're not like this, you were active in class before. I don't know how to compute your grades." She said.

I just stared at the floor while listening to her. I have no intention of uttering a word. I just wanted to remain silent.

"Nicolo, you are a smart kid, study hard, remember that you are a graduating student."

"I'm sorry ma'am." I sighed.

After that, she left me.

I was sluggish walking down the hallway.

So that's it, my expectations have come true. There will be problems in my grades as I expected.

I sighed. "Disappointing." I said to myself and I took a deep breath.

I remember what Uncle told me when I was young. He said I take a deep breath when I am nervous, scared or when my chest feels heavy.

Speaking of Uncle Shargo, I wonder what he's doing at home right now? I hope he's okay.

He was left alone at home whenever I'm in school. so I could go home easily. I hurried to get home.

I was walking to a relatively secluded part of the village where we are living.

Suddenly I had that strange feeling. My body seemed to get heavier and heavier as I got closer to our house.

I wonder what's happening. Maybe I'm just tired.

I was surprised when I saw our house.

I suddenly felt strange because our door was open, and the decoration on the door that my Uncle had put up was not in order.

I didn’t feel good when I saw that. I quickly ran into the house.

The light is off. It's so dark and I can't see.

I was stunned to notice two silhouettes in front of me.

"Where is he?" I felt scared when I heard its voice. Its voice sounds cracked like a monster.

"He's not here! And even if he's here, I will never give him to you!" An old man's growl. I recognize who's voice it is.

I immediately turned on the light. Then I confirmed that I was right.

Standing in front of me was an unfamiliar man wearing a black Cloak, the other one was Uncle Shargo who was sitting in his wheelchair and staring boldly at the man.

"Uncle Shargo?" I said in astonishment.

I think I found what I'm looking for. "The man whispered and a scary smile flashed on his lips.

"Who is he?" I asked Tito Shargo.

I was surprised when it stared at me. It started to move in my direction.

"Run Nicolo!" Uncle Shargo said aloud.

I wanted to follow him out of fear, I wanted to run but my body is like a statue.

I could not move, my knees were shaking. What do I have to do?

His eyes turned black and he raised his left hand. Suddenly a black spear appeared here.

"Farewell lost prince of Golena." A frightening smile flashed on its lips again.

And in an instant ... "Nicolo !!!" I just watched Uncle Shargo jump closer to me.

I held out my hand to reach his hand ... But it was too late.

I closed my eyes and felt the cold steel thrust into my chest.

I can also feel the hot liquid flowing from my flesh ... And Uncle's hand holding me.

I just heard Tito say an unfamiliar word.

And suddenly, I can't feel the pain. It suddenly disappeared.

I opened my eyesight and saw Uncle's chest full of blood.

"An illusion magic?" The man said in shock.

We both couldn't believe what had happened.

Shouldn't I be in Uncle's situation? Why did my wound disappear? I'm sure his spear hit me.

We also swapped our place. I just looked at the hand we were holding

"Now you know who I am?" Uncle said and took something from his pocket.

It is a gold colored dagger and has a unique mark on it.

"Great Shargo?" The man said in fear.

I was shocked when the dagger floated and hit the man's forehead alone.

The man slowly knelt down until his body completely collapsed.

"Uncle! Are you okay?" My whole body was shaking and I didn’t know what to do.

"Wait, I'll ask for help, I'll take you to the hospital." It grabbed my hands and shook it.

"No. I won't take it anymore." He insisted.

He handed me a necklace with a strange jewel. At the same time a paper and the dagger he had used earlier.

"What is this?" I asked.

"Go find Mylene Hermes. And tell her to take you to the Golden sanctuary." He said while trying to catch a breath. "This is not your life Nicolo. G-go back to them... t-they need you... your people n-needs you." He added and suddenly... He stopped breathing.

My tears started dripping.

He's gone.