
Dragon ball V: Born again as a Saiyan!

What would you do if you died and then came back to life in the universe of Dragon Ball Z? Sadly, our main character ended up passing away tragically. He had often wondered what would happen when he eventually passed away when something unbelievable happened. He soon finds himself waking up in the body of a Saiyan child and of all places, on the planet Vegeta! Follow Vocada on his journey through this perilous cosmos as he battles to survive in the face of overwhelming odds, being forced to do unthinkable things to survive each day as he strives for greater power along the way with a little help form a strange system... Ps I own the cover art as I drew it myself!

Lavalord115 · Anime und Comics
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31 Chs

Chapter 28: Welcome to the team.

Both Escar and his half-breed son Edaray watched as Vocada stood up tall, having just sent one of Edaray's strongest attacks flying into the air with only a punch, causing the two of them to realize that they were no match for him.

"You two have certainly caused me more trouble than I was hoping for. But it's over now." Vocada said while he brushed a loose piece of hair out of his face, seeing the smoke that was coming off the singed flesh of his knuckles.

"Y-You bastard!" Escar said, leaving himself wide open for a split second, letting his emotions get the better of him.

Vocada saw the opening and seized the opportunity to rush forward, striking his hand that he covered in Ki into Escar's chest like a hot knife through butter, taking both him and his son off guard.

Escar looked down at Vocada's hand that was now sticking in his chest, feeling blood spill out of his mouth before he looked into Vocada's eyes.

"Sorry, but playtime is over," Vocada said before he pulled his hand out of Escar's chest, letting him fall onto his hands and knees.

Vocada knew that he wasn't a threat now and that he would only have to worry about his son, Edaray, turning his attention toward him eager to see how he would react to his father's wound.

"E-Edaray..." Escar said, spitting more blood from his mouth.

Vocada had assumed that Edaray would explode in a fit of rage at the sight of his father like this. However, he seemed quite the opposite, in fact, Vocada was struggling to get a good read on his emotions, deciding he would keep his guard up and wait to see what he did next.

"My son... Please, help me...." Escar said, turning on his back so he could look his son in the eyes, extending his hand toward his son.

Edaray stood over his father looking down at him without any emotion whatsoever.

"Father..." He suddenly said, almost in a whisper.

"What are you waiting for, E-Edaray... H-Help me already..." Escar said, getting angry that he was doing nothing.

"No... I don't need you anymore..." Edaray said, surprising both Vocada and Escar, causing a look of shock to cross over his face.

"W-What... You dare speak to me like that you brat. After everything I have done for you!" Escar yelled, trying not to choke on the blood in his mouth, coughing over and over again.

"Done for me... All you ever did was beat me and lock me in a cave my whole life!" Edaray shouted, causing his aura to burst to life due to the anger of his memories.

"You killed mother and massacred everyone I cared about!" Edaray yelled, suddenly dropping to his knees over his father before punching Escar in the face with a powerful blow.

Escar's face rocketed over to the side from the force of his son's punch, spewing blood all over the ground.

"I hate you! I always hated you!" Edaray yelled, letting his power burst to life as he continued to punch his father in the face over and over again not stopping in his assault, letting out a powerful cry of anguish until Escar's body stopped twitching, leaving him soaked in blood and Edaray struggling to catch his breath.

Vocada watched the whole thing, not wanting to get in the way of their family squabble, simply waiting until Edaray was finished and his father was dead, saving him a job anyway.

"Feel better?" Vocada asked, not knowing what else to say.

Edaray was breathing hard now, fuelled by the adrenaline and hatred for his father that was coursing through his body.

"You know, I could use someone like you on my team... I mean, it would be a shame to kill someone with such power." Vocada then said, finally getting Edaray's attention.

"Join you..." Edaray said, slowly looking down at his father's body before he looked back toward Vocada.

"Yes. You join my team, and together we can both become stronger." Vocada said, crossing his arms over his chest with a smile.

Edaray took a moment to think about his offer before he took a large breath of fresh air.

"Free... I am free at last." Edaray said, feeling a weight lift off of his shoulders, causing him to start laughing to himself like he was losing the plot.

Vocada could piece everything together after seeing how Edaray had acted toward his father, clearly being able to see that his father had abused and beaten him his whole life and only used him for his own gain, resulting in Edaray fearing his father and living in his shadow his whole life.

Vocada turned his attention toward the others for a moment, seeing that Gorlick was currently lying on the ground, alive but hurt. As for Parsnap, he was also still out of it, but was clearly alive, causing Vocada to smile at the fact he had found someone this strong out here.

"Edaray was it?" Vocada said, walking over to the half-Saiyan.

Edaray looked down at Vocada before he nodded his head.

"Yes... I am Edaray he said. Making it very obvious that he wasn't well educated in the simple way he used his words.

"We have a mission to complete, Edaray," Vocada said, getting his attention.

"Now that your father is dead, the only thing that is left is to destroy everything else on this planet," Vocada said, watching to see how Edaray would react to his words.

"That won't be a problem will it?" Vocada asked, not sure what he was going to do.

"No. Not problem." Edaray said as a smile formed on his face, feeling his Saiyan blood boiling from excitement.

"Good," Vocada said, also smiling before he turned his attention over toward Parsnap who was still lying on the ground.

"I guess we should introduce you to the others, in a more friendly manner." Vocada then said before he headed over to Parsnap.

"Wake up," Vocada said, kicking his foot a few times before Parsnap opened his eyes, making out Vocada and Edaray who was standing over to his side.

"F-Fuck!" Parsnap yelled, quickly flipping back to his feet before landing in a fighting stance, remembering what had happened.

"I'm not gonna lose to you again you bastard!" Parsnap yelled.

"Calm down. You already lost." Vocada said, causing Parsnap to give him a strange look.

"Wait... What's going on?" He asked.

"A lot. Long story short, Escar is dead and Edaray is on our side now." Vocada said, confusing Parsnap even more.

"Really?" He asked, slowly dropping his guard, still feeling a little hesitant.

"Yeah, now get your shit together," Vocada said before walking off toward Gorlick, leaving Edaray standing with Parsnap, looking down at him and Parsnap looking up at the much larger half Saiyan.

"Gorlick, you alive?" Vocada asked, looking at the other Saiyan as he led on the ground trying to recover from his wounds.

"Y-Yeah... This is nothing..." He said, looking in rough shape.

"The fights over, Escar is dead," Vocada said, causing Gorlick to chuckle softly through his pain.

"Darn it... I wanted to make sure I paid that bastard back for what he did to me..." Gorlick said.

"Tough. Edaray is one of us now. If you have a problem with that, you can take it up with him." Vocada said, causing Gorlick to raise an eyebrow, forcing himself to lift his head to see Edaray and Parsnap standing together in the distance with Parnsap not looking happy about the situation either.

"Whatever," Gorlick said before his head dropped back onto the ground, not having the energy to argue.

"We will finish the mission, you get your sorry arse in your pod and head back to Vegeta," Vocada said, keeping his arms crossed over his chest, not taking any pity on Gorlick.

"Sure," Gorlick said, knowing he was of no other use being in this condition, even if he wasn't happy about it. Still, he knew that a Saiyan who couldn't fight was no better than a dead Saiyan, being glad that Vocada had allowed him to fall back rather than leave him for dead or worse, kill him.

-Maybe working for this guy won't be so bad after all...- Gorlick thought to himself before he watched Vocada walk away, leaving him to it.

With that Vocada turned his attention back to Edaray and Parsnap, seeing that they were still in fighting shape, knowing they would be able to deal with the rest on their own rather quickly.

"Now, it's time to get to work you two," Vocada said, getting a smirk from Parsnap before he punched his free hand and cracked his knuckles.

"Yeah, time to show them the power of the Saiyans." He said.

"Destroy everything. That's the mission." Vocada said, closing his heart to all emotion. Becoming nothing more than a Saiyan warrior with only one goal.

Become stronger.