
Dragon Ball Ult

A boy awaken in the world of dragon ball as a Saiyan without having any knowledge of who he is. And worst of all someone that looked exactly like him already exists.

Lion_Lin · Anime und Comics
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79 Chs

Dai Vs Demon King Piccolo

"Ha." By using the fact that Piccolo was distracted by Dai, Tien uses it as an opportunity to launch an attack on Piccolo.

"Hmph. Is that all you got?" Piccolo said as he took Tien's punch to the face without even dodging.

Then he punched Tien who was now close to him with a gut punch.

"Ka." Tien was hit by a powerful attack and fell to the ground on his knee.

In other words, he was one-shotted.

"Are you not going to make your move too? Although it might not be effective against me." Piccolo said to Dai.

"Then, here I go," Dai said as he used his immense speed to Disappear from Piccolo's sight.

"Do you think that kind of speed would work on me?" Piccolo said as he blocked Dai's kick to his head from behind with little to no effort.

However, Dai didn't stop his assault and immediately disappeared again.

Then he appeared in front of Piccolo with an elbow to the gut.

Which landed but was unable to damage Piccolo.

"You are tougher than I thought," Dai said to Piccolo while smiling.

"And You are more annoying than I thought," Piccolo replied to Dai as he started to stretch his body to start fighting Dai seriously.

Piccolo also disappeared and reappeared in front of Dai to deliver a powerful attack.

Piccolo has a higher power level than Dai so he can move faster but Dai was able to predict Piccolo's move so he was able to dodge his attack.

However, Piccolo didn't back down as he started to throw combo chains at Dai who was now very close position to him to damage him.

Dai was able to block and redirect one out of every three attacks that Piccolo throws out but he was still receiving damage.

I have to find a way to stop him from attacking me. Otherwise, I might lose. Dai thought.

"No. He is losing." Tien said as he tried his best to get up to his feet but he was not able to as even one hit from Piccolo was too powerful for his body to take on.

However, a miracle appeared as Goku who has now powered up by the ultra-divine water appeared and Kicked Piccolo away from Dai.

"Piccolo. I am here to kill you." Goku said as he looked at Piccolo.

"Goku," Tien said with a smiling face.

"Son Goku!" Dai called out his name but his expression was not the same as Tien's.

"So you are alive," Dai said to Goku.

However, his eyes are still on Piccolo as Dai considered him a more powerful threat than Goku for now.

"You? I think I have seen you somewhere before." Goku said.

"Ah. Aren't you the guy that tried to kill bulma?" Goku said as he pointed at Dai.

"So you must be the one that I met a while ago," Piccolo said as he started to realize that Goku was the one that Dai was referring to when he said he never meet Piccolo before.

"Get out of my way. This is my fight." Dai said to Goku.

"Hey. I also have to settle a score with him too." Goku said to Dai.

He is stronger than he was in the video. He might be even as strong as Piccolo if not stronger. Dai sensed that Goku have grown in power just by looking at him. But even if he knows he will lose Dai still wanted to fight Piccolo.

"Let's decide with Rock, Paper, Scissors," Goku said to Dai.

"No way. There is no way that I am going to willing get hit by that move again." Dai said to Goku as he remembered that he lost to Goku who uses a martial art attack that has a similar name to it.

"You two talk too much. Now die." Piccolo said as he launched a yellow energy blast from his hand in Goku and Dai's direction.

Dai got out of the way but Goku was hit by the attack as he was caught off guard and was launched flying into a nearby building.

"Now where were we," Dai said as he looked at Piccolo.

He then appeared in front of Piccolo again using his afterimage technique and use a point-blank Kamehameha on him.

The Kamehameha of Dai was at full power and the current Dai was stronger than the Goku that Piccolo faced a few days ago so his Kamehameha was able to damage Piccolo.

Although not much he was still irritated by it.

"You little," Piccolo said as he rushed at a very high speed at Dai.

Because of his powerful rage, Dai was able to read what he was going to do and able to react fast enough to dodge the attack.

Piccolo who was too fast and angry immediately try to change his direction and attack Dai from his blind spot but Dai made a move that stunned him for a few seconds.

"Take this Solar flare," Dai said as he perfectly replicated the move that he saw on the videotape of the world martial arts tournament used by Tien Shinhan.

A bright white light covered the entire area as Piccolo was temporarily blinded.

"What is this tricky?" Piccolo said as he tried to locate Dai while still being blinded.

Dai hit him in the chin with a rising knee and launched him into the air. It didn't do much damage to him but it was still an effective attack as it was able to launch Piccolo into the air.

He then started to throw multiple ki blasts at Piccolo during the time that Piccolo was in the air.

Piccolo halted himself in the air by using the flying technique that he knew and looked at Dai in anger.

"You piece of shit. I am going to kill you." Piccolo said to Dai.

"Huff. Huff." Dai was out of breath as he have already used most of his energy on the Kamehameha and multiple small ki blasts that he used on Piccolo.

He also spammed Afterimage during his fight so it was also not very helpful.

He was able to damage Piccolo but in exchange, he used too much of his power and stamina to the point that now was in a vulnerable position.

"That hurts," Goku said as he recovered from Piccolo's attack.

"Now it's my turn," Goku said as he prepared to fight Piccolo.

"I told you to Get out of my way." Dai still refused Goku's help as he wanted to finish off Piccolo himself.

"No way," Goku said as he ignored Dai's words and attacked Piccolo by punching him in the face.

Goku's attack was more effective than anything that Dai have thrown at Piccolo apart from his Kamehameha and launched him crushing into King's castle.

The two vs one battle that is going to decide the fate of the world was now going to start.