
Dragon Ball Super Duper

An attempt at not only connecting the arcs of Dragon Ball Super together, but also explaining certain aspects, as well as adding new threaths and fixing story lines. From the spirit of the late Super Saiyan God, to the old guards of the Cold Force, to Super Saiyan God Kaioken, into a more sadistic time-morphing Goku Black, new additions will be made to the story. Any repeated sections from the anime or movies, I will try speed through. Feel free to add to the comments any ideas you may have and they might get added in the chapters.

WriterSaint · Anime und Comics
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10 Chs

Battle of Gods and Spirits - Part 3

Beerus walked around the buffet of alien spices. Several fairs had opened to welcome the God of Destruction's arrival to show off to him how appetizing the food was. Many children ran around dressed in rags alongside their parents. It was the first time in their lives they had access to such luxury. You see, the royalty of that planet had concentrated all the riches to themselves leaving everyone else in poberty, however they decided to show the good state of their civilisation to appease to Beerus. For the first time in recent history the people were treated kindly, and all it took was the return of the Destroyer. Beerus walked around tasting all the sweets before stopping his motion with a shocked expression. The one in charge of that particular stand asked him:

"Is everything alright, my lord?"

Beerus conscience returned to Bulma's cruise. He had already enjoyed the party for around half an hour. He was now looking directly at Buu who seemed to be enjoying large doses of sundaes. He could not believe what he was seeing.

"Gr...Gra...Grand Supreme Kai? I thought you were sealed away with that majin. What happened?", Whis sighed.

"I suppose the cause of your coma. This majin was ressurected here on Earth around two years ago."

"So that's what caused it? I'm linked to this... this thing?"

"No, my lord. You severed the link with him and chose the..."

"The Supreme Kai of the East, of course. It's just so ridiculous, it took me aback.", He faced the majin. "Are you there, Grand Supreme Kai?"

Buu faced him. His lifeless eyes began gaining colour for a second. The kai's conscience began to try to pull itself out, however the majin's inner magic was too strong. A kai's tricks weren't enough to bypass it... at least not yet. Buu returned to himself, telling the Destroyer.

"This Buu's sundaes. You get your own." Beerus growled.

"And he seems to have an attitute too. As the God of Destruction of this universe, I demand you to give me one of those sundaes."

"No. It's Buu's!"

As they began their discussion, Piccolo watched from the sidelines attentively. Gohan noticed it, asking the namekian.

"Is everything okay, Mr. Piccolo? You seem more serious than usual."

"It's that surprise guest. He's the God of Destruction. I know him from when Kami used to watch over the Earth. All of those in charge of their planets do."

"A God of Destruction? What is that?"

"It's the antithesis of a God of Creation like the Supreme Kai. He destroys anything that disrupts the wellbeing of the universe. It is said that his mere presence is capable of stopping wars."

"What is he doing here? He honestly just sounds like trouble."

"Don't worry, Gods of Destruction are fair. There's nothing they would destroy simply due to ill will." , This was when Beerus shouted at Buu.

"Give it!"



"NO!", Buu hit Beerus in the face, hoping to get him out of there, however that only served to anger the god. He slapped Buu back, making him fly out of the ship and into the ocean. Beerus floated up, consumed by rage. Picollo was terrified, as Beerus complained.

"First there's no Super Saiyan God, then the Guardian of Earth didn't even treat me with reverence and now there are no Sundaes? What is with this planet? Honestly I should just destroy you all. I don't think the universe would be worse off with one less planet."

Beerus pointed his hand down, as the ocean waves began to shake the cruise. The food stands fell apart, as the chefs ran away screaming. Beerus said:

"Hakai!", Purple degrading energy formed on his hand and was about to leave it however something interfered with its trajectory. A small blue ball of ki.

Vegeta had shot a Big Bang Attack which was turned to cinders by Beerus' destruction but ultimately was able to stop it from hitting Earth. Vegeta told him:

"I told you, God of Destruction. If you acted with aggression I would deal with you myself."

"Such pride behind those words, and yet no power to back them up. Prince, you are way over your head here."

Vegeta flew at Beerus turning into a Super Saiyan 2 in an instant. He readied to punch Beerus, who had his hand up ready to block. As he was about to hit him, Vegeta stopped his fist and opted for a low kick, catching the cat by surprise, hitting Beerus in his ankle and making him flip slightly. Vegeta then got over Beerus and tried to hit him down in a sledgehammer move. Beerus flicked at it, as Vegeta was the one pushed away.

Beerus then tried to punch Vegeta, but was hit in the face instead by a backhanded hit from Gohan. He was flying with them, in his Ultimate form. He was relieved he was still able to use it, even though he could feel that if he didn't train any longer, his ultimate form would become unreachable.

Beerus floated back down, landing on the cruise ship. He looked around at all the fighters. Krillin, Tien Yamcha, Majin Buu Trunks, Gohan, Picollo and Vegeta all looked at him with fighting stances. Beerus joked.

"I suppose it wasn't fair to destroy the planet without at least giving you all a chance. Come on, show me you can protect this place, earthlings."

Krillin threw two Destructo-Discs at Beerus. The cat god kicked up a couple of sticks from the ground, and dodged the discs. He then caught the sticks and spun the ki discs on them like they were plates. When Yamcha and Tien charged at him, he aimed the discs at them, forcing them to slide underneath to dodge them. Beerus took a couple steps forwards chopping both warriors, and knocking them out on the ground. Two green arms stretched towards him, enveloping him in them. Super Saiyan Trunks and Ultimate Gohan then shot at him, both with a Masenko, but Beerus flew up to dodge it. Picollo with his arms wrapped around the God was brought unvoluntarily with him. He tried to untangle his arms, doing so when already at a high height. Beerus, finally free, moved back down and kicked the namekian in the gut making him fall at burning speeds against the water.

"Mr.Picollo!", Gohan shouted. Trunks beside him seemed worried until he spotted someone getting closer.

"Goten! I knew you'd come to the party."

"Yeah, sorry I'm late. My dad said we should probably fuse."

"Yeah, let's do it."

As the kids were performing the fusion dance, Vegeta began a struggle against Beerus. He began shooting irrationally at the god, but the blasts had no effect. As Beerus approached the Saiyan prince, he flew back, joining his hands together. Beerus mocked him.

"What was that exactly about stopping me?"

"Shut up. Final Flash!", Vegeta shot his ultimate move at Beerus, splitting the sea in two before it was aimed at the sky.

Mid blast, Vegeta grinned, before being lightly tapped on the shoulder. Beerus mocked him.

"Beautiful view, isn't it?"

"How did you... Kuh!", Beerus jabbed him in the gut.

"I did the same to Goku, so don't get jealous.", Vegeta fell on the ocean.

Beerus headed back towards the ship, where he saw Gotenks turning Super Saiyan 3.

"Ta-Da! Did the cat miss his catnip?"

"Hmm, impudent brat...", Buu fell on Beerus from above, sitting on him.

"You make Buu very mad, now you get crushed underneath AAHHH!", Beerus powered up turning the majin into particles in the air.

Grunting in anger, he was caught off guard by what seemed to be a ghost. The mini ss3 gotenks seemed to want to greet him, and Beerus awkwardly obliged shaking his hand. Unfortunately, it only caused it to blow up in his face. His fur was scorched.

"Ha Ha Ha!", Gotenks laughed wildly. "What do you say to all of these?", Several ghosts appeared, seemingly hiding behind the wreckage around the cruise. Beerus walked towards their maker slowly. He threw the sticks still in his hands at the two of the ghosts, then dodged a couple more, until just letting them hit him. After all they weren't doing any damage. Once he stretched his arm to grab the scared Gotenks and teach him a lesson, Gohan grabbed it.

"You're not touching the kids.", Gotenks flew away. As Gohan dropped Beerus' fist. The cat god was surprised.

"Oh? You're not going to try and hit me? You're clearly the strongest one so far."

"There's no point in fighting. I believe we can solve this by talking. Are you seriously going to blow up the planet just because Buu didn't give you sundaes?"

"You must think I'm petty, but if you only knew what resides inside that majin, you would understand that my anger is justified. I'm going to destroy this planet alongside all of my pent up anger."

"Then I won't let you."

Gohan went in for a kick, followed by a barrage of punches. Beerus blocked them and struck back, nearly breaking the arm Gohan tried to block with. Gohan realising he wasn't getting anywhere with body hits, leapt back and started charging an attack.

"Ka me...", Beerus grinned.

"I knew I saw some resemblance between you and Goku. You're his son aren't you? And what makes you think I'll allow you to charge that attack?"

As if to answer that, circles of yellow ki surrounded the cat god. Gotenks was ready to turn him into a volleyball to play with, Beerus however wasn't a big fan of the idea. He was ready to break the circles, before they were strenghtened by pink ki. Buu was now besides Gotenks. A couple more layers of ki surrounded the god. Tien, Yamcha and Krillin used their energy together to form one, as Picollo engineered his Hellzone Grenade creating a new move, the Hellzone Leash.

Beerus could easily break through that energy, but he was too curious to see where it was going. Gohan's energy just kept getting higher.

"Meee....", Beerus got excited.

"Come on boy, show me everything you have.", Gohan's power skyrocketed as his clothes seemed to want to rip from the pressure of the Kamehameha. He shouted with all his heart.


A giant blue beam hit Beerus from point blank. The god stayed still taking in all the energy, trapped by the leash everyone else had put him on. Dende put his arms on the cruise, in an attempt to protect it and its people from the shockwave of the blast. Once the beam finally headed to space and ceased to exist, Gohan was seen shaking.

Not a scratch, not a single scratch was dealt at Beerus. He even seemed disappointed.

"I expected too much of you. Do you still wish to battle me?"

Gohan shook in his place alongside everyone else. He spoke for them:

"No.", Beerus smiled.

"Good. Then if no one opposes me, I will..."

"I oppose you.", Bulma appeared from the sidelines, seeming more mad than ever. "You think I'll just let you come in here and thrash my birthday party? I don't care if you're one of Vegeta's alien friends, I can't just let you do that.", Beerus chuckled.

"Is that so? And what will you do about it?", Bulma slapped his face. Beerus slapped back.

He made sure to hold back. He was the one who interrupted the party, so the host's anger was justified. There was no need in killing her. However, this had some unnecessary side effects.

"My wife...", Vegeta had just gotten back on the ship. "What did...", Anger began piling up. "You did this... to my...", Power began surging. "MY BULMA!!!"