
Dragon Ball Super Duper

An attempt at not only connecting the arcs of Dragon Ball Super together, but also explaining certain aspects, as well as adding new threaths and fixing story lines. From the spirit of the late Super Saiyan God, to the old guards of the Cold Force, to Super Saiyan God Kaioken, into a more sadistic time-morphing Goku Black, new additions will be made to the story. Any repeated sections from the anime or movies, I will try speed through. Feel free to add to the comments any ideas you may have and they might get added in the chapters.

WriterSaint · Anime und Comics
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10 Chs

Battle of Gods and Spirits - Part 2

Inside a purple alien castle a yellow blob cook brought a trey of the best food served on his planet. It wasn't something the highest ranked families could even get access to, only the mafia there. They had kept the roryshock glaceé within confinement to keep it away from the oppressive royals, and yet once they heard news the God of Destruction had arrived, the century long civil war ended on a truce. The head of mafia entered the king's castle and delivered the meal personally. Beerus licked his own lips to experience it, before getting up in a rush. Placing his hand high. The yellow blob known as a mafia boss asked:

"What's wrong my lord?"

"KA ME AH MEE AAAAHHH!", Goku launched a kamehameha powerful enough that its mere shockwave was able to leave craters on the hill undernath him. A beam so mighty only for it to be turned to cinders by Beerus' touch and words.


Goku seemed to be out of options. He already tried everything he could to damage Beerus.

He had begun the fight at Super Saiyan level, but it didn't take long for him to be forced to pump it up to 2, and ultimately to 3. Even then his strikes were dodged with ease, blocked with such ingenuity Goku could swear the god was possessed by some unnatural instinct. Goku was getting impatient.

"This is no fair, Beerus. You haven't even tried to hit me once."

"Are you sure you want that? I suppose it would end this bore quicker. Fine, but be careful what you wish for.", Goku grinned. He wanted to feel for himself the power from someone with no ki and yet extreme pressure, however he didn't expect it to be so heavy.

Beerus vanished from his sight simply with his speed and appeared before him hitting the Saiyan's stomach with a quick jab. Goku felt his insides break from the impact, spitting blood. A God of Destruction was no laughing matter. Goku floated back, regaining his breath. Beerus teased him.

"Having regrets already, Saiyan? We can take a break if you need. You're not the only one I'm supposed to meet today."

"No, I can still go further."

"Is that so? Then let's play a game to keep things interesting. If you can inflict any good blow on me, I'll get off your planet and abandon my hunt for this Super Saiyan God. Isn't that a good deal?"

"I don't want that.", Goku answered seeming insulted.


"Why would I want you to leave? Your power is awesome. I've never seen anything so amazing. I want to fight you for as long as I can."

"Hmm... I'm glad you're entertained. Now try to react to this."

Beerus moved towards Goku once again at a blinding speed. The Saiyan already knew trying to block or dodge would be pointless, so he instead opted to place his hands on his head and shout.

"Solar Flare!", Beerus was caught off guard.

His was fully blinded by the attack and forced to halt his advance.

"Hey, now you're starting to play dirty?", Goku went in for a good punch, but with his eyes still blind, Beerus backflipped, wraping his legs around Goku's arm. "What, you thought it was that easy?", With a stronger flip he threw Goku downwards with his legs.

The Saiyan fell aimlessly downwards before putting his fingers on his forehead. He vanished from thin air, reappearing besides Beerus, who possessed by some unnatural instinct, already had his hand held up.

"You're so predictable." , Beerus flicked Goku in his head. The Saiyan felt his mind slowly lose conscious as he flew back from the impact. He stopped mid flight before he could even think straight. It wasn't just his mind that wanted the fight, it was his whole body. Heat started building up around him. A crust of white ki enveloped him. Beerus was shocked. He remembered in his dream, the form the original Suoer Saiyan God possessed started out like this. He got excited, but the crust left him, and inside was merely a broken man. He seemed so close to reach a new form, and yet being taken to his limits wasn't enough, not yet. Beerus sighed. He moved behind him and dealt a chop to his neck. A single strike to stop the airflow going to his brain. Goku fully lost his consciousness, as he was thrown downwards forming a crater in the hill.

Kibitoshin ran towards him.

"Goku, are you okay?", Beerus looked from above, disappointed.

"Whis, did you see that?"

"Yes, my lord. He seemed close to something. Maybe requiring a push. With the right training, he may be able to prove a threat to you."

"I thought as much."

"Do you wish for me train him to face you?"

"No, not only would that take too long but it would defeat the whole point. I do not wish for a training partner, I want a challenger to my duty. Someone who wants the title of God of Destruction to themselves."

"So you can free yourself from said duty, since you're too lazy to do it well?"

"I'm a respectable god, and I realize that the way I conduct things isn't the most effective."

"So, yes. Fine then. Are you done with him?"

"It seems I've already seen what he's capable of. Let's head towards the next Saiyan."

"The Prince Vegeta?"

"Yes. His royal blood makes him the furthest away from a Super Saiyan God but he's at least worth a try. Let's move."

Beerus put his hand on Whis' shoulder moving at blinding speeds. Kibitoshin stood besides Goku healing him slowly. Goku recovered his consciousness as all he could do was chuckle.

"Man, he really was strong.", Kibitoshin felt regretful. It was his duty to protect life on the universe, especially those who helo maintain it, and yet he couldn't protect the most accomplished hero.

"You shouldn't have fought him. If I stopped you from facing him, you..."

"Honestly, I can't wait to fight him again. I'm not even sure if a Spirit Bomb would be able to stop him, even fusion might be far fetched."

"A God of Destruction isn't someone you can just overcome. It takes millennia to reach the level of power they possess."

"Unless, you're a Super Saiyan God."

"That is just a legend."

"Well it wouldn't exactly be the first time I proved a legend true."

"You really only think about fighting."

"It's a part of a Saiyan's blood." Vegeta explained. "We always crave fights.", Bulma was mad.

They were both supposed to be now in a birthday cruise. Bulma had prepared everything, invited all her friends, hired chefs to prepare excentric meals but if there was something she couldn't control, it was Vegeta. He was still in the training room at their house.

"After Gohan beat Cell you promised me that you had quit fighting. I accepted it when you had to against Buu, and even when you trained here with our son. But this is my birthday, Vegeta. You're either coming with me, or I'm breaking your gravity room. I'll even convince my dad not to fix it for you."

"What? You... you wouldn't!" , Vegeta was caught off guard. The training room was the only material aspect of his life he had to maintain. Was he willing to go spend some petty and annoying time at the cruise for it? "You already have all of your friends there. What do you need me for?"

"Because you're my husband! Come on Vegeta. If you don't come then I guess I'll just have to listen to Yamcha's flirts."

"Wha... Yamcha? That weak bastard won't get close to you. I'm going."

"Great.", Bulma grabbed a capsule, clicking on it and throwing it forward. A portal emerged with the cruise clearly on the other side.

"You have portals now?"

"A version of me sent our son through time, you don't think I can bend space to my will?", Vegeta smirked. It was exactly this pride in her genius that he loved about her.

He got on the cruise, and immediatelly noticed a lounging chair.

"I'm here. But don't expect me to walk with you and greet all your friends."

"Oh, I won't force you to do anything you don't want to do."

"But you..."

"After all it is a husband's greatest desire to be at his wife's party.", Vegeta could only grunt after that reply.

He headed towards the lounging chair, and got comfortable. A little rest after intensive training couldn't hurt.

A couple hours passed before. Vegeta had already fallen asleep, until being awaken suddenly by a voice.

"Prince Vegeta,.", Beerus guessed. Vegeta looked straight at him.

"Bulma has the weirdest looking friends. Who are you?", Whis laughed.

"Ho ho ho, he doesn't remember you, Lord Beerus. I suppose you didn't cause too mighty an impression."

"Well, it's not too late for that."

Vegeta got pensative. 'Lord Beerus? I feel like I've heard that before." . That's when it hit him.

When he was still a child and his dad was the proud king of Vegeta, he saw him. The King's forces had destroyed a planet that was meant to be conquered. The God of Destruction wasn't happy.

"Another planet destroyed against my permission? You think you have the authority to blow any civilisation to smithereens? No, I DO!", Beerus stepped on the King, Vegeta watched in dread.

Now in his wife's cruise, he observed him.

"Lord Beerus, the God of Destruction."

"Ah, so you do remember me?"

"Of course. You were as vile to my father as Frieza was.", Vegeta said with clear rage. "You know what happened to him for doing that."

"A Saiyan killed him, but not you.", Vegeta grunted in amger. "You don't scare me, prince. I understand you've gotten stronger since then, but you're still no match for me. I've met your friend Goku on the way, and his petty Super Saiyan 3 went down in three hits. Unless you have a power above that, there's no point."

"Super Saiyan 3... lost?", Vegeta was dumbfounded. " Why are you here then?"

"Do you know anything about the Super Saiyan God?"

"I do. It's a legend shared among the royal family to show our might, how my blood lineage was able to dispatch if someone who considered himself a god. It's a tale to stroke our ego. Why?"

"I'm looking for him."

"What? He's a legend. Even if he existed, and survived the Saiyan War he would be long dead by now."

"I see.", Whis remarked.

"It looks like our search was unfruitful. It's a pity, but as I look around I see so many delicious dishes. Would you mind if we tasted any of them?"

Vegeta looked at them a little on the defense.

"Sure. Enjoy it, and Beerus,", Vegeta meered him. "You wouldn't be the first one to beat Super Saiyan 3 and then be defeated. If you cause any trouble in my wife's party..."

"If I'm not bothered, then I won't. There's no need for empty threats. Let's go, Whis."