
Dragon Ball Super Duper

An attempt at not only connecting the arcs of Dragon Ball Super together, but also explaining certain aspects, as well as adding new threaths and fixing story lines. From the spirit of the late Super Saiyan God, to the old guards of the Cold Force, to Super Saiyan God Kaioken, into a more sadistic time-morphing Goku Black, new additions will be made to the story. Any repeated sections from the anime or movies, I will try speed through. Feel free to add to the comments any ideas you may have and they might get added in the chapters.

WriterSaint · Anime & Comics
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Battle of Gods and Spirits - Part 1

Saiyans are a despicable species.

They only know war, they're only bred for battle and conquest. For millenia they conquered other planets by erasing or enslaving their inhabitants, to such an extent that the original planet of the saiyans was lost to time.

However in the midst of all this destruction and bloodshed, there was still hope. Hope that amidst them one could be born pure-hearted, and one did. This pure saiyan was kind, he was humble. He won friends over, not through his incomparable strenght, but with his giving nature. He made what no other saiyan had done until him, friends. This made the other saiyans jealous. Their leader, their tyrant issued a strike on the pure saiyan's friends, but he did not expect the consequences. The pure saiyan was enraged, his pupils left his orbits, his power skyrocketed, his hair turned golden. He became a Super Saiyan. The evil saiyan forces tried to fight him, but he was too powerful, and with his mind set on avenging his friend, he eradicated the opposition, forcing the tyrant to flee.

Still, the pure hearted saiyan was unsatisfied. Was this transformation built on anger and hate truly a part of him? No, he thought, and he grew to hate it. Once the evil saiyan waged war against him once more, he didn't use it, out of honor, out of kindness, but this only aided his downfall. With fatal wounds inflicted all over him, five of his friends joined him, desperate to bring him back. This union, this bond unlike those of saiyans, broke the pure-hearted's bloodline, his ties to his race of violence, and a surge of red power erupted. A new kind of saiyan was born, a Super Saiyan God.

"Ahh!", Beerus woke up suddenly from his dream.

A blue skinned angel with striking combed hair, floated next to him.

"Is everything alright, my lord? I was scared you would never wake up from your coma."

"Everything's alright, Whis. I just had the most curious dream."

"Is that so? It's only been a couple years since you fell asleep. Do you know of a way to fill your innate desire of competition?"

"I believe so."

"Ho ho ho, then I'd like to hear all about it. But first...", Whis pointed his staff at Beerus, changing his rugged pajamas into the traditional God of Destruction attire. "Let's relish on some dishes." He then left towards the kitchen, with a sighing Beerus following him. Beerus sat down on a table and began drinking from a cup filled with an orange alien drink.

Whis asked him.

"So what was the dream about? Is it about the majin again?"

"Surprisingly, no. Whis, did the Saiyans survive?"

"You mean, if they survived the anihilation you ordered Frieza to do? Well, let's just say Frieza is dead.", Beerus spit his drink out.

"He failed his assignment?"

"Barely. He did in fact destroy Planet Vegeta, however a couple Saiyans survived and had their revenge. It seems one of them, even unlocked the legendary Super Saiyan."

"Super Saiyan? Yes, that's exactly what I heard from the dream."

"Oh really? I doubt a Super Saiyan would be of any challenge to you, my lord."

"Maybe not a Super Saiyan, but a Super Saiyan God. Did you say only a couple survived?"

"Yes, my lord. Would you like me to bring them here?"

"No, bring me to them. I need to stretch after such a relaxing nap.", Beerus began cracking his arms and neck. Whis seemed exhilarated.

"Oh, that's marvelous. Then you can even return to your responsibilities on our way there."

"Responsi...", Beerus almost seemed frightened. "You mean, back to doing my duty?"

"Why of course. Last time you awoke, it was only to fall in a short coma afterwards, but a lot has happened. Ever since you went to sleep, Frieza was killed and incapable of continuing your duties, and a majin anihilated several living planets. There's a balance you need to recover to the universe.", Beerus sighed. "You could always try that time saving technique if you really only woke up for the saiyan."


"But that's too much work!", Goku complained to the surprisingly calm Chichi. He scratched his head with a smile. "Come on Chi Chi, I'm sure Goten can take care of it while I'm gone. He he he.", Goku laughed nervously and patted on his son's head. "You like driving the tractor, don't you?", Goten seemed nervous.

"Yeah, but I don't think mom would be too happy about it." Chi Chi was clearly right.

"Don't make him do your work. He has to focus on his studies, and you need to learn to work, plus if we don't grow those vegetables fast, I'll have nothing to bring to Bulma's party. You can't just do nothing but train waiting for another world ending threat to fall from the sky."

"Hello, Saiyan.", Beerus suddenly appeared in a show of light, brought by Whis. He greeted Goku from outside his house. Chi Chi was scared, but Goku was somewhat excited. He wasn't able to feel the God of Destruction's ki, but he could feel the pressure from his presence. He told his wife.

"Chi Chi, you and Goten go inside. This might be trouble.", Chi Chi was exasperated.

"Why did I even speak? Come on Goten.", Chi Chi and Goten entered their house, closing the door behind them.

Goku faced Beerus.

"Hello, I'm Goku. What's your name? You seem pretty strong, you want to spar?"

Beerus was shocked by Goku's outgoing personality. During his life as God of Destruction he was treated with either reverence or hate, a pure hearted approach like Goku's was definitely different from what he expected.

"My name is Beerus, and I am the God of Destruction in charge of this universe. Sparring does seem interesting, however I do have a question for you."

"Then spill it. I'm all ears he he."

"Does Super Saiyan God ring any bells?"

The Supreme Kai panicked.

"Oh no. I knew I felt something was wrong.", The Elder Kai stretched.

"What is it? Did you find any hot gals in Earth only to realize they were men with feminine dresses? It happened to me more times than I can count."

"No. What? The God of Destruction woke up!"

"So soon? Oh, is he finally going to do his job... Why are you so scared?", The Elder Kai looked through the glass ball, as despair came over him. "Goku! If anyone can anger Beerus, it's him. Why is that young one always in the centre of all the trouble?", The Supreme Kai began panicking.

"What should we do? Should we just watch and..."

"Go there, and talk Beerus out of Earth. Quick!"

"Kai kai!", Kibitoshin immediatelly teleported to Earth.

Once again, next to Goku's house, a string of light erupted. Kibitoshin appeared besides them. Goku greeted him.

"Hey Shin. It seems like you never visit.", Beerus was confused.

"That seemed like the Supreme Kai's teleporting ability. Who are you?", Kibitoshin wanted to answer but Whis stepped in.

"Ho ho ho, I suppose it comes as no surprise that he is irrecognizable in this form. This is the Supreme Kai of the East, Shin, who after an unfortunate event, permanently fused with Kibito.", Beerus then commented.

"And yet he looks as pathetic as ever. I was under the impression potara fusion was meant to increase one's power."

"Oh, it is, my lord. But Shin was never one to focus on his training.", Beerus faced Kibitoshin.

"Do you not wish to replace the Grand Supreme Kai's place? He was one of the mightiest fighters in this...", Beerus blocked Goku's punch with a single finger. Goku smiled as he floated back.

"I knew you were powerful. Man, there really is always someone more powerful out there, isn't there?", Kibitoshin panicked. He kneeled on the ground to beg, confusing Goku.

"Lord Beerus, please forgive this impudent mortal!", The Supreme Kai signaled Goku to kneel as well, who did so awkwardly. "He has no idea about your sovereignity, and please leave Earth. I've been watching this planet closely for a while, and it's definitely one worth keeping intact.", Beerus grunted.

"Shin... kneeling before your equal. You truly are pathetic. Plus, it seems the saiyan had no ill will with his fist." Whis then remarked.

"He approached him like a warrior would. Saiyans really are interesting, but Lord Beerus, I don't sense any of it in him.", Beerus sighed.

"You're right. This was just a waste of time. He isn't what I was looking for. It was a pleasure to meet you Son Goku, however it seems you're not as powerful as I needed you to be.", Kibitoshin was relieved, Goku however wasn't

"So I'm too weak to satisfy you? You need a Super Saiyan God? How can you say that if you haven't seen my full power.", Kibitoshin started shaking. Beerus replied.

"Whatever that may be. It really can't be anything worth my attention."

Golden aura surrounded Goku as his hair changed colour. With a short shout, Goku turned Super Saiyan. Beerus had a feeling of dejà vu. The Saiyan of the past who he saw had the same form before unlocking the God transformation. Maybe there was hope.

"Fine then. I'll allow a spar. Don't disappoint me Saiyan."

"Let's move someplace else then. I don't want to put my house in danger. There's an empty hill a few miles from here. Follow me, Beerus."

Goku flew towards a hill, as Beerus and Whis followed him. Kibitoshin could only hope Goku would survive.