
Dragon Ball: Sex Stories

A bunch of sex stories set in the dragon ball universe. (all characters that appear in these stories are 18+) chapters release once a week or more Please vote with Powerstones or leave a review. let me know if there are any specific smut stories you might want in the review.

Mad_man13 · Anime und Comics
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121 Chs

Chi-Chi's Lessons (Chi-Chi x OC)

Aki stumbles upon Chi-Chi while she's training and offers to help train her. Little did she know that his training would have a lasting effect on her.


Chichi was training outside her home currently. She was wearing a blue martial arts gi with red lining that did nothing to hide her curves. She was determined to get better at fighting. She strikes at a wooden post conditioning her body to handle striking against hard resistance. She punched, kicked, elbowed, and knees. She also lifted weights, did balance exercises, and read up on and researched striking martial arts. Chichi was determined to impress her future husband knowing being a fighter was the only way to grab his attention.

She *also* did research on how to be a martial artist while developing a well endowed body much to her slight embarrassment. Puberty hit her like a freight train, she had I-Cups, motherly hips, and incredible thighs that pushed against otherwise baggy pants. Her butt had grown so big even her gi's back flap couldn't hide it. Being a professional fighter with an overly well endowed body wasn't impossible but it meant needing to learn how to compensate for said assets and having them help instead of getting in the way.

While she was training, Aki was hiking through the forest. "Whoo!" He breathed. Moving to sit down on a rock for a minute, he heard training noises. Gaining interest, he left his heavy stuff and went to investigate. Reaching the source, he saw Chichi. He instantly became enamored with the way her breasts moved and with how her butt jiggled. She was currently punching the lights out of a double end striking bag. Punching, knife striking, and kicking it up and down left and right. She was going at it so furiously it was a shock it hadn't exploded yet. It also didn't take an expert for Aki to notice that the woman had a lot of pent up emotions.

He quickly got to thinking on how he could start a conversation with this woman as his libido was starting to act up upon first sight. Putting a hand to his chin when suddenly something hit the back of his head. "Ow!" Checking what hit him, it was a piece of the training dummy.

Chi-Chi gasped and ran over, "Oh I am so sorry! I did a spin kick and didn't see you there!" She says as she checks him out a bit, thankfully the blow was only skin deep. Still getting hit in the head by anything hard stung like a bitch.

"That's okay. As you said, you didn't see me. I probably should've made myself known." Aki waved off, rubbing his head. "Still stings, though."

"Why didn't you say anything? Chi-Chi then asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Oh please excuse me princess. I was distracted by a beautiful sight." Aki explains with a nice smile.

Chi-Chi blushed. "Thank you. Though, what are you doing all the way out here, anyway?"

"Oh just hiking to get some exercise. I'm good with lifting and yoga but I find I need better cardio." Aki answers. "Why is the princess training so hard to be a martial artist if you don't mind me asking?"

"Well, there's the world's martial arts tournament coming up and I want to compete. Plus, I don't want to be just a damsel in distress." Chi-Chi answered.

"You don't just get a body like yours without being incredibly motivated. Last I heard you were but a girl no taller than my knee. Now look at you, a near amazon who could crush heads with your hands alone." He points out.

Chi-Chi blushes again, "Well I... Thank you. I'm actually trying to impress someone. Although I'll admit it isn't easy. I'm not a fighter by heart." she then admits.

"Well, you've certainly impressed me." Aki smiled before remembering something. "Oh, stupid me! I forgot to introduce myself. I'm Aki."

"Hello Aki, I'm Princess Chi-Chi." the young lady replied happily with a gentle smile. Aki couldn't help but notice how different Chichi was when she wasn't in fighting mode.

"Nice to meet you." Aki said, before deciding to put his plan into action. "You know, Chi-Chi, how about we train together?" He suddenly brought up. "Maybe we could teach each other some things."

"Hm? Oh well... I guess. You seem to be focused on health and I want to be a fighter. I guess our goals would align then." Chi-Chi admits after some thinking.

"Great! However, should we start here or is there somewhere inside a structure cause I have some stuff back there to set up." Aki brought up.

"Well everything I use you can plainly see right over there." She explains gesturing to all of her equipment, "So I guess it'd be good to see what you use." Chi-Chi decides.

"I think you'll like this. Wait right here while I go get my stuff." He got up and walked away. A couple minutes later, Aki returned with his equipment. Putting it down, he breathed a little tiredly. "Oi. Sometimes, hauling equipment around can be a pain."

"It can be tiring." Chi-Chi admits as she looks at his stuff. A good chunk of it were weights but most of it was things for yoga and strengthening joints.

What he didn't let her see was his bell. "So, do we want to go back to your place or mine back in the city? If you say mine, we'll have to tell your father." Aki said.

"I'd prefer your place I guess. I can't risk my castle's staff seeing me train. It's too embarrassing. My father should be having a snack break from his duties right now." Chi-Chi explains.

"Sounds good. So, let's let your father know. Don't want a parent chasing me down." Aki lightly joked. "Let's leave our stuff here and pick it up on the way back."

"Yes, let's. I know you'll like him. He's a giant but he's gentle." Chi-Chi assures Aki.

"And those stories of the Ox King being protective of his treasure?" Aki asks.

Chi-Chi sighs, "An embarrassing phase of his life. He's a good man but he can get serious tunnel vision."

With that, the two began walking towards her home. A half hour later, they reached the Ox kingdom. Entering the palace, Aki was met with a literal giant of a man. "I thought you were exaggerating." He muttered in shock. Little over 4 meters, or over 13'01" tall, with the shape of a barrel, the giant of a man was just finishing eating what looked to be meat on a stick. Only the piece of meat was the size of a large barrel and his glass of orange juice was big enough to fit a normal sized person in it. He was sitting on his throne wearing his kingly clothing as he looked at some papers as he adjusted his glasses. Aki looked at Chi-Chi, still in shock. "How did your father become a giant?"

Chi-Chi shrugs, "I don't know. You should ask dad." she replies before walking forward, "Hey daddy!" she then yells to catch his attention.

"Huh? Ah my little girl! Back from training already?" Ox replies jovially as he puts the papers down and gets up to greet his girl.

"I met a new friend. I want to introduce you to him." Chi-Chi explains as she gestures to Aki.

"Hello, sir. I'm Aki." He said. "Already, I have a question. I know there are some people that grow bigger than the normal person, but how did you get THAT big? Just curious."

The Ox King bursts out laughing as if Aki told a very funny joke, "What can I say! I was just born huge! Then again my training with my master probably helped out a lot. But I'm not a martial artist anymore.~" he replies, "You got a funny friend there Chi-Chi ha ha ha!"

Chi-Chi giggled as she turned to Aki. "Told you you'd like him."

"His smile is infectious." Aki admitted, subtly bringing out his bell. He spoke out again. "Alright, Ox King, sir. I have something to tell you." He rang his bell, making the pair's eyes go dull and their bodies still. "I'm going to go out with your daughter for a while to train so that she may be ready for the upcoming martial arts tournament. You will not need to worry, for I will take great care of her." he explains.

"I understand." Ox King said stoically.

Aki grinned. "Chi-Chi, let's get going." He held out his hand.

"Sure" She replies casually accepting said hand and soon the two were outside. When Chi-Chi came to, Aki had already let go of her hand, he can sense from that one use of hypnosis that Chi-Chi has a strong will power. He was able to get her with a light use of hypnosis but anything stronger and she could easily tell something is wrong. He'll need to be careful and make sure she's in the right mood to be hypnotized.

Getting back to the spot where their equipment was, they picked their stuff up and made their way to the city. Once there, Aki guided her to a two-story building. "Here we are. My home. Granted, it's not as glamorous as yours, but it's home nonetheless."

"I'm not picky." Chi-Chi assures him as they head inside with all of their stuff. Which was impressive considering about half of it was heavy weights.

"Alright. Come on." Aki and Chi-Chi walked to a door which he opened, revealing a flight of stairs. Heading down, they entered a private room with a door to the right. "Alright, put your stuff away whenever. I don't mind."

Chi-Chi did just that, "You like to train underground huh?"

"It's great for privacy and great for soundproofing." Aki explains.

"Now, that I understand since you're in the city." Chi-Chi nodded.

"So, would you like to begin or should we wait a bit?" Aki asked.

"Maybe a small snack break and then we can try out some training." Chi-Chi answers as she takes out some sugar and vitamin bars from one of her bags.

"Sounds good to me." Aki pulled out a cliff bar while thinking on how he could hypnotize her further. He needs to make her relaxed and make sure she trusts him first. Or else that fire inside of her will rise and kick him until he's black and blue. Maybe he should offer a massage? He can't imagine how stressed a princess would be. "You know, I noticed how tense you were while you were training. When was the last time you relaxed?" Aki asked suddenly.

"Hmmm... I've been training for almost three years... I have had breaks and everything but I guess I should try to calm down a little." Chi-Chi admits as she eats.

"Maybe I could give you a massage." Aki offered. "I dabbled in massages for a couple years."

"Hmmm..." Chichi seemed a bit hesitant but then Aki used a bit of his power as he rang the bell softly, all he needed was a little nudge.

"Oh... oh alright. I really could use one. Especially for my shoulders.~ I am quite happy to be as well endowed as I am but it's still a problem." she admits, the hypnosis making her a bit more honest than she normally would be.

"Alright. If you'd please, take off your clothes and then lie on your stomach." Aki instructed as he turned around. Chi-Chi did that, taking off most of her gi and soon revealing a sports bra and sports shorts underneath. The rest of her body was well exposed, her skin incredibly healthy and bright and her muscles well built and healthy. Aki proceeded to get some massage oil, ready to exact his plan. "Have you taken off your clothes, Chi-Chi?"

"Uh, is this not enough?" Chi-Chi then asked, she was practically in her underwear at this point.

Aki was tempted to use his bell but no, it'd be too soon. "I guess that'll do. But my massage is best when my client is naked." he explains as he guides her to a table.

Once she was on the table on her front, her breasts pressing against the table, Aki applied the massage oil and quickly got to work, slowly massaging her sexy body. Only a couple of minutes in, he had to ask "Well, how am I doing?"

Chi-Chi sighs contently, "You got good hands Aki.~ I haven't felt this good in a while. I can feel my torso really loosening up.~" She admits her eyes closed as she rested her hand on her arms.

"Very good. You're the first one I've massaged in a long while. I was afraid I'd screw up." Aki admitted.

"Mmmm~ could you do my legs and feet?" she then asks making the man smile.

"My pleasure~" he replies before moving down to do her her hips and thighs making her moan softly.

"Good, this is working." Aki thought to himself. "I still gotta find a way to have her not question anything while she's under my hypnosis so I can fuck her anytime, but for now, taking it slow is the best option."

Her skin was soft, felt of muscles, but also quite nice to the touch. He was doing his best to not only relax her muscles but also pleasure her make her want more. He knew were to press his fingers to send nice waves up her body and did his best to make her feel comfortable. "Mmmm, you're a natural Aki.~" she moans.

"Appreciate the compliment. I am aiming to make you feel as comfortable as possible." Aki smiled.

"Thanks. I've forgotten that I'm a girl with a needs over the last three years. I've been so set on my goals I've forgotten to spoil myself once in a while.~" she admits.

"Oh, I'll spoil you with my cock." Aki thought lustfully. "Well, that's no good. You have to stand back and relax more."

"I guess so.~ But I need to keep training to catch up. My man won't notice me if I'm not strong enough.~" She explains as he finished up with her thighs and hips before focusing on her calves.

"I understand that, but I'm sure your man doesn't want you to overwork yourself." Aki softly countered.

"Hmmm... I guess that's true. Although I don't think his concept of overworking is the same as everyone else's." Chi-Chi admits before moaning some more as he press down on her stiff muscles, her spine tingling with pleasure..

"I see. Well, I seem to be helping you relax quite a bit. I hope I can continue to do so." Aki said, lust subtle in his voice.

Her skin shined thanks to all of the oil (~~which was laced with aphrodisiac by the way~~) and it as really starting to accentuate her sexiness. "Oh please keep doing what you're doing I'm feeling so good.~" she moans.

Finally he was at her feet and there were plenty of sensitive spots and nerve endings to play with and he was pressing all of them with his fingers making Chichi moan and even squirm a little bit. "Oh this is embarrassing~ I think I'm getting turned on~"

Aki rung his bell a little. "That's good, Chi-Chi. That's a sign that my massage is helping you relax better than I thought."

"Mmmm~" she moans some more.

"It'll feel better if you let me massage your butt. Of course only with your strict permission my princess." he explains, ringing the bell a little more.

She moans even louder, "P-Permission granted~" she then says her eyes rolling up as he massages her toes. That was all Aki needed to hear and he immediately went for her lovely ass. He caressed those cheeks lovingly. You know, your body developed properly. You are a very attractive woman."

"Th-Thank you~" she moans as he gently pulls her sports shorts down her huge bubbly butt bouncing once the shorts were off the two cheeks getting even more with nothing restraining their girth. He was now directly massaging them and with the oil she was really starting to lose focus. He could smell her getting very turned on now.

"You're doing great, Chi-Chi. We're almost ready for the training." Aki said. "I think you'll like the training if you like my massage."

"Mmm-mrf~ What's happening to me?~" She then says aloud, sensing something was up, but she was feeling too good to think straight.

"Don't worry, Chi-Chi. We're just about finished with the massage." Aki reassured. Your reaction is normal."

"Is a massage supposed to make me feel like I might cum?" Chi-Chi asks.

"Actually, mine is." Aki rang the bell a tad bit more. "You see, I like to ensure that the people I massage are very relaxed, not just partially. That way, they get all the benefits of the training."

"Mmmmm~" She moans as the man moves on and grabs her shoulders making her moan even louder. "Here, roll over and I'll show you true pleasure.~" he then assures the princess. Chi-Chi did and Aki took off her sports bra. After he did, he couldn't help but admire her I-Cup breasts. He got to massaging them like no tomorrow. He was making Chi-Chi experience great pleasure and he hadn't even whipped out his dick yet.

Chi-Chi moaned cutely as he played with her breasts making them feel the best they have ever felt and the oil only added to the pleasure of her nipples standing tall and stiff as he massaged her breasts. Soon her moans got louder and louder as she shook her hips and shuffled her legs. "I'm going to... I am... cumming soon~" she moans.

"Let it happen, princess. Let out all your bottled-up tension and relax." Aki egged on.

"Hmmmm..." Chi-Chi moaned some more.

"'Come on, Chi-Chi." Aki urged. "Let it all out..." He rings the bell again, "You'll feel all of your stress leave you once you cum.~"

"MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!" She yells with her lips closed, her back and pelvis arching up as she climaxes at full force, her pussy shooting out a giant stream of girlcum for a good few seconds before it settled down as she slowly rested back onto the table. Aki barely dodged the blast of pleasure having side stepped at the last second. He looks down at Chi-Chi, her face the definition of relaxed as he takes his bell and rings with his full power.

"You look exponentially relaxed already." Aki smiled. "Would you like to start the training now or would you like to lie there for a bit?"

Chi-Chi's eyes widened at the sight before her despite being filled with pleasure. "Oh my god..." She muttered.

"I want you to suck on this. This is all part of the training." Aki reminded.

"Training..." she repeats before he lines himself up and starts to put his cock into her mouth which she accepts without hesitance. She had no skill or experience but she was eager as she did her best to pleasure him. Move her tongue and sucking as much as she could as he slowly went in and out of her mouth.

"Yes..." Aki groaned, happy he and Chi-Chi were finally getting to the real good stuff. "That's it... Move your tongue like that... You're learning fast..." She moans as she began to play with her tits and pussy and judging by how she was doing it, this wasn't the first time she's played with her body. "Heh, you have good movement Chi-Chi, I'll be sure to teach you how to be even better." he assures her as he grabs her tits again and began pleasuring them, allowing Chi-Chi to focus both hands on her pussy.

Aki smiled wider. Things were kicking off and Chi-Chi was doing better than he hoped. "Now, I want you to use your tits to pleasure my cock. You'll feel even better doing this." He pulls out and gets onto the table sitting on Chi-Chi's face as he puts his cock onto her tits. She moans as she uses her hands to wrap her large breasts around the huge thing and pleasure it to the best of her ability. All while she got a piece of his incredible muscled ass which actually didn't smell bad. "Chi-Chi, your tits are like heaven. For your first time with my training, you're doing great. You sure are determined."

Chi-Chi moans as she feels the heat in her boobs travel throughout her body like shockwaves of pleasure. She could feel her pussy already read for another climax, "I feel so good~ Why do I feel so good~"

"That's the effect of my training. It also helps you relax." Aki said. "With how you're feeling, the training is working better for you than anyone else."

"Mmmm~ I-I, I need more~" She begs, feeling this wasn't enough.

"Do you want more of what you're doing or do you want to go further?" Aki asked with a smirk.

"More~ please more~" She begs again even as she did her best to please his cock with her large breasts.

"I appreciate your new enthusiasm. Now, answer this: Are you ready for the next step? Can you prove to me that you're ready?" Aki looked into her eyes.

"H-Huh? H-How would I?" She then asks, a little confused.

"I think the feelings bubbling inside you should be telling you exactly what you should do." Aki said.

"U-Um... I'm sorry, but I'm lost, am I supposed to uh... beg?" Chi-Chi then asks.

Aki chuckled softly. "You really are adorable sometimes. Begging is good, but I want you to show me your pussy..."

"R-Right~" Chi-Chi moves her hands back down and opens her pussy up, "I'm ready for your next step master~" She begs gently with a needy voice.

"Master, huh..." Aki muttered to himself, then he grinned as he lined up his cock with Chichi's soaked pussy. "Alright, I'm putting it in." He slowly inserted his cock inside her wet folds.

"MMF!" Chi-Chi grunts before she wraps her legs around Aki and pulls him in breaking her hymen and slipping into her womb making her moan loudly.

"Woah!" he responds in shock.

"Oh master, please give me more! I need more!" She begs although it was almost a demand, it seemed that fiery side was coming out through lust and need.

"Oh, I'll give you more!" Aki began thrusting in and out. Chi-Chi was already moaning, wanting more and more. "You like that, Chi-Chi?! You like my cock hitting your womb like that?!"

"Yes! yes yes yes! Fuck me hard! Give me everything! I want to feel it all!" She moans loudly, the aphrodisiac and hypnosis having unlocked her lust to the fullest.

Aki grinned and just kept thrusting, granting Chi-Chi's wish. The way her pussy was just accepting his cock, it didn't take long for him to gradually increase his speed which made her boobs jiggle and bounce. Not only that, but he was making her asscheeks clap together in unified motion, a very salivating sight to see. "Look at you! You're now my slut!" He suddenly slapped her left asscheek, making her squeak.

"MMM! Yes I am! Make me yours! Make me cum so much my legs can't move!" She begs loving the fucking as she played with her boobs before squeaking again as she climaxed splashing another load onto Aki's pelvis.

"You're gonna make me cum soon if you keep climaxing like that!" Aki grunted. "Fuck, you feel so good!"

"You do too! Your hands and voice are like magic! Please give me more!" She begs before leaning up and kissing him taking the initiative.

Aki quickly overtook her tongue with his own. The sound of moaning and wet sloppy noises overtook the whole room. The two let their lust and libido take them over as they were going full-tilt at this point. Aki pulled away when he felt the pressure building. "Chi-Chi! I'm cumming!"

"Do it! Impregnate me! Make me a mother!" She yells in utter bliss. Aki's response was to hilt her up as his cock exploded, flooding her womb in white. She screamed loudly as she felt his cum painting her cunt. Aki grinned as he inseminated her with his seed. Now, she was his as he came for another two minutes. After that, he pulled out and let her down, allowing his cum to spill onto the floor from her cunt. "So, did you like my training?"

Chi-Chi panted for a few seconds before smiling brightly, "More! I need more!" She declares before tackling Aki and began to make out with him as she stroked his cock. Aki fumbled a bit before ringing his bell to pacify the princess, making her stop moving. He loved her eagerness but he can't have her lose control like that.

"Now, now. You can act that way whenever you're with me in this room, but you will act as you normally do outside, otherwise, you won't be allowed to be with me ever again." Aki said.

"Yes! I understand! But please! I need more! I want to fuck until we drop!" She begs hearts in her eyes.

Aki laughed. "Alright, alright. Before that, another thing. As long as you're here, you will always be naked. Now, let's get more comfortable." Chi-Chi breathed hot breath as Aki got himself onto a bed and had Chichi walk over to him to sit onto his cock her back to his chest. "I know you want me to really fuck you up. But please, some restraint." he then asks of her as he felt her pussy consume his bitch breaker.

"Sorry, but you make me feel so good." Chi-Chi apologized.

"I love your new enthusiasm, but I don't want it going out of control." Aki said.

"I'm so sorry~ But this is my first time~ I have no idea how to control myself.~" She points out she shook her hips and booty as she went down his huge cock.

"Don't worry. I will help you learn control cause if I don't, we'll be separated and never do this again." He brought up.

"Oh please no! Anything but that! I cannot live without you!" She begs with quivering lips and puppy dog eyes.

"Oh, Chi-Chi..." Aki cupped her face softly. "I won't ever let that happen. Now, enough of that for the time being. Let's do some more training."

"Hmp, training he says~" Chi-Chi teases, "Just call it what it is love! We're having raw bareback sex!" She then declares.

"Alright, fine. We're fucking each other's brains out and loving it. Your body is so fucking hot." Aki grinned.

"Yes I am! And you're so nice and handsome!" She replies as she began to move up and down on his cock as he went and grabbed her huge tits.

"I never would've figured you to be a complete slut addicted to sex." Aki raised an eyebrow with a smirk.

"I am not~" She pouts cutely.

"Then what would call it?" Aki asks.

"I'm addicted to your touch~ Something about your hands the oil completely flip my switch!" She explains.

"Hey, you love it. Now, let's have some more fun, shall we?" Aki smiled.

"Yes! Move with me master!" Chi-Chi begs. He did just that and quickly matched his movements with hers so they both could feel the maximum amount of pleasure. They smashed their lips together, wanting to meld their bodies together further.

"Mmmm, Your hands feel so good on my tits~" She moaned as they kissed and felt out each other's bodies.

"You know, you've had my cum inside your pussy already. I want to splatter your face with my seed. What do you think?" Aki asked.

"Mmmm~ That does sound delightful~ Tell me when you're about to blow and I'll get off of you!" She then offers.

"Of course, my princess!" Aki grinned as he was moving with her, wanting to give her the same pleasure she was giving him.

Chi-Chi then went on to rub her pussy and even slap it a little to give herself extra stimulation. All as she and Aki fucked each other to the best of their abilities. "Give me all you got Aki! Make me howl!"

"You got it!" He increased his speed a little more, making her climax yet again. "Fuck! I'm going to explode!!" Chi-Chi then while going through her own orgasm got off of Aki and managed to get down and turn around to jack him off and kept her mouth open as he began to cum all over her face with a good chunk of the load going into her mouth. "You look amazing with my seed on your face." Aki commented.

Chi-Chi moans as she swirls his cum inside of her mouth before swallowing it, "And your cum is amazing~" she replies.

"Now, I'm happy I met you. You are a sexual beast." Aki stated.

"I guess I am~ What's next?" Chi-Chi then asks as she stands up.

"Well, you can't stay here all the time, so we do have to set something up so that people don't get suspicious." Aki reasoned.

"Hah!" Chi-Chi hugs Aki with a confident smile, "I am the princess. I chose who I will be with.~ You are mine and the people will accept that.~" she assures the young man.

"Fair, but people might attack me purely out of jealousy." Aki retorted. "You know how some people are."

"And get my dad mad?" Chi-Chi points out.

Aki reminded himself of the giant of a man that was her father. "Good point there. Still, we can enjoy ourselves fully here. I'm sure you now want to be naked all the time, but I remind you, that's only for here."

"That's right. But surely we won't only be doing it here? I got a huge room all to myself.~" Chi-Chi shares.

"Really? That's good to know. Oh, you and I will have so much fun." Aki smiled.

"You bet~" Chi-Chi assures him before kissing him.

He chuckled. "Now, you should clean up and get back home. There's a bathroom to your right."

"Thanks! Meet you at my castle later?" she then asks as she walks over to the bathroom as Aki went about gathering up their clothing.

"If you want me to that badly, sure." Aki still had a smile, happy that his hypnosis worked and that he could fuck Chichi freely now.

"Well I don't think I can live without dick for to long.~" Chi-Chi admits bluntly before entering the bathroom and closing the door.

Aki lightly laughed. "Oh, Chi-Chi... your bodacious body is all mine now, and I'm gonna enjoy it completely." He whispered to himself.

Soon enough Chichi was cleaned and had her martial arts gi back on, "Well see you later then Aki. Come to my castle tonight and we'll so what fun we can get up to there." she says as the two got outside of Aki's building.

"Oh, you'll never be without fun nor pleasure from now on." Aki reassured. "Though, will anyone hear us?"

"If anyone does, they'll leave us alone.~" Chi-Chi assures him.

"Good. Can't have anyone interrupting us." Aki smashed his lips onto hers.

"Mmmmm~" She hummed happily before the two pulled apart. "See you later.~" she then says before walking away making sure to give Aki a good showing of her hips and booty.

He licked his lips subtly. "Oh, I'll be there for sure." Later that night the two were naked on a bed fit for a giant as the two were locking lips and rubbing against each other needily. Chichi moaning cutely with Aki grunting from his cock being rubbed between her incredible thighs. "Hmm... Oh, fuck. Your body is perfect."

"And you've got quite the body yourself my love~" Chi-Chi replies as she rubbed her thighs all over his cock.

"Why don't we skip the foreplay and get to the main course?" Aki was more than ready to fuck her again.

"Then fucking take me Master~" Chi-Chi begs as she backs up and presents herself, her legs wide open, as she reached down and spread open her pussy and ass, her mouth wide open too. Aki rammed his cock straight inside her pussy which made her scream. He just started thrusting hard back and forth, loving the feeling of her cunt. Her breasts were jiggling and bouncing up and down. Chichi had her tongue out of her mouth, letting saliva drool out.

"You're a beast~" She moans as she holds onto the bed and tries to keep from going insane from the pleasure. "My pussy is making so many naughty sounds.~"

"And you're all mine." Aki growled sexually, continuing to thrust. "I'll keep flooding your pussy with my cum. In fact, anywhere on your body you want cum, I'll splatter you."

"Then fucking paint me both inside and out.~" Chi-Chi replies, "Shower me in your cum and stuff me to the brim!" the princess declares lustfully.

Aki grinned and kissed her as he plowed her, going in and out like a piston. Their moaning echoed through the room. "So, you want my cum all over you, inside and out? You'll have that and more!"

"Mmmmm~ I'm losing my mind.~" She moans showing off her ahegao face.

"Here it comes!" Aki's cock erupted, painting her womb white for the second time. Chi-Chi screamed in pleasure, even when he pulled out and kept cumming, splattering her whole body white. A good amount landed in her mouth again.

She hummed and swallowed again as she was bathed in cum, "How do you hold in so much.~" she then said, still moaning.

"Trade secret" Aki replies with a grin. "Well, we're done for today. I'd better get back home. At least I know I'm more than welcome to fuck you any time."

"Think we'll get married soon?" Chi-Chi then asked.

"A little fast, but I can see that. I can see us fucking also even if we have children." Aki laughed.

"Lots of children.~" Chi-Chi replies with a lovey dovey expression.

"Well, before that, we have lots of sex to have." Aki held her close.

"I look forward to all of it.~" She assures him the two kissing again.