
Dragon Ball S

In a parallel reality, a world full of magic and adventure exists, it's in this world where one can make a wish to the dragon god! To do so, all you have to do is gather the Dragon Balls, but can you do it? Do you have the strength to roam the most dangerous of the lands, the power to defeat the most treacherous of the villains, and the willpower to endure the harshest of the environments? For your dreams, how much would you be willing to sacrifice?

Daoist2ndArcher · Anime und Comics
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6 Chs

Chapter 3 - What are you? A thug?

"Professor Yumichi, don't tell him about my identity!"

In the grand library, Masato was looking at some of the books, meanwhile, Azuki An, previously referred to as Tights by the Professor, was being secretive around him while making sure that Masato couldn't hear their conversation.

"Ah!? But why so?" Curious as to why she had such a strange request, he asked.

"Damn, don't you remember how everyone was sucking up to me when they knew of my identity!? I have had enough in the last five years! I would rather be unknown than stay under my father's shadow for another minute! Besides, I'm not here as Tights! I'm currently working for the Idol CTV as a double for Azuki An."

Hearing her explanation, Professor Yumichi nodded with an enlightened expression on his face. Smiling, he apologized and went back to a question that had been on his mind since the duo arrived. "Ahem, putting that small mistake aside, what are you and your friend doing here? Based on his clothes, I don't think you're bringing him here to enroll in the college, right?"

Turning to look at Masato who was apparently reading a book with a shocked expression on his face, she pondered for a moment and shook her head right after. "It's best for him to explain. Masato, come here!"

Turning to look at the foolish girl, Masato brought the book over and stopped before the Professor. With cupped fists, he bowed down slightly and smiled, it had been so many years since he last had a conversation with a teacher, the last time he did so was when he was graduating from college, he barely even remembered how it felt to be in the presence of one.

"Ahem, It is my pleasure to meet you, Professor Yumichi, my name is Ueda Masato, my objective in coming here was to seek the assistance of a person with a good understanding of this world's many locations for I need guidance!"

"Hohoho! So formal and upright! The last time I saw a kid your age talking like that was when I watched the king's marriage on the TV. It's not that I'm trying to boast, but I'm the best cartographer in the whole of Central City! I can pretty much point out any place in the world you want so long as there is a map nearby to refer to."

"Is that so!? Then, thank you for your assistance, Professor!"

The two smiled and together with Tights, they went to a nearby room full of maps. Taking the largest one and spreading it over a table, the professor looked at Masato and spoke with confidence. "Say now, Masato, what exactly are you looking for?"

"Honored Professor, I'm looking for true martial arts academies! As a respected member of the scientific community, you must be aware of the difference between the things practiced by civilians, and the inheritance left behind for hundreds of years and that has shaped this world's future on many occasions! My dream is to become a real martial artist, like Master Roshi and Master Gohan!"

Hearing this, Yumichi was stunned and didn't know how to reply. Noticing his words and the interaction between the two, Tights was curious and took a few steps forward to better listen to the conversation. As if caught in a dilemma, the professor looked at the girl for a moment, before bringing Masato closer so that he could hear him whispering.

"Hey, boy, where did you hear that!? This kind of information is confidential, you know? It could get you jailed!"

Martial Arts had a long history, with many events that decided whether or not humanity would cease to exist. Of those, the vast majority of them had been forgotten by the common folks, most written evidence of said events was in the hand of the government and locked behind seven doors in history departments of the most prestigious colleges. Not just anyone was allowed access to that information, it could prove dangerous for human society if people were to hear about those tales and leave behind their current life for a hopeless goal!

Worried about such a thing, the first king of the Earth had ordered for the lockdown of this information. Eventually, his policies succeeded in making that kind of martial arts a mere myth that nobody believed anymore.

On the other hand, his actions greatly diminished the level of individual power on Earth, reducing to the extreme the number of new talents born every few years, to the point that if similar catastrophes of the past struck, humans would be unable to defend themselves and would have to watch as their race went extinct.

One thing led to another, and this also resulted in the shattering of tradition, which inevitably destroyed a lot of martial arts inheritances, causing the destruction of many Martial Arts Temples that had once been very reputable and known throughout the lands.

The manipulation of Ki, which had been very widespread far away in the past, was one such example, where instead of being developed and reaching new highs, it actually deteriorated to the point that very few schools of martial arts still had some real Ki techniques. It could be said that the King of Earth was partially responsible for humans being so weak.

"Hm? I..." Gulping, Masato made up an excuse on the spot, convincing the professor without much hassle. "I once saw Master Roshi using his secret technique to blow up a large bolder... it was truly mythical..."

Hearing this, the Professor sighed helplessly, the government couldn't punish those that had personally witnessed the real might of the Martial Artists, all that they could do was shove them all into a single area, mostly the south, of course, there were a few exceptions, such as the Orin temple in the east which had lost it's original inheritance, only giving birth to Ki Martial Artists at least once every hundred years, and that was still the weakest type of Ki Martial Artist, one that is mostly or completely unable to cast ki blasts and techniques.

"Well... I'm sorry, but I'm afraid I'm unable to help!"

Hearing this, both Masato and Tights were stunned. "What? Why?!"

Yumichi sighed and scratched the back of his head helplessly. "Had you known their location already, it would be fine, but if I was to tell you, then I would be breaking a very serious law and would be at risk of being forever locked in prison!

"The King is trying desperately to get rid of the so-called Martial Artists inheritance, to prevent another demon like that one from years ago to appear! Only when he deems it safe will he then allow people to learn the location of those soon-to-be historical inheritances of a forgotten past, until they exist, nobody who knows about them is allowed to spread the truth."

"W-what!? It can't be true!" Tights approached with an expression of disbelief on her face. "How can the king be so cruel with them!? Won't his actions make people so unaware of their schools and temples that people will stop enrolling there and assist them at maintaining their inheritance? This is like taking away an animal's food and letting it starve to death!"

"Nothing I can do about that..." The Professor sighed and turned to look at Masato who had fallen on his knees after hearing the terrible truth.

Feeling guilty, he thought about something and circled a large area that span across the South and West area. Folding the map, he bent down and gave him the map.


"What I gave you is the general location of some of the most dangerous areas of the world, at least, the majority is in that area, if you're strong enough or fated, what you're looking for will be found there."

"Thanks." Knowing that he got more than he could have asked for, Masato bowed down once more and left in the same direction he came from.

With anger in her face, Tights shot a glare towards Yumichi and followed after Masato.

The two left the college and wandered around Central City. Under her guidance, the two of them went around various fun places, like the shopping mall, which was very different from the ones on his Earth due to various technologies that had never been developed there, they also visited a Discoteca, some sort of dancing club filled with strange yet exciting music that didn't rely on those electronic beats, and lastly, they went to a restaurant where Tights offered to pay as she had lots of money that she didn't know how to spend.

On their way out, they noticed that it was already dark, the splendid nightlife of Central City had just started, and accompanied by it was the mesmerizing lights of the city which would be skipping a night of sleep because time was money and sleeping was wasting money!

Just as they went around a corner, they bumped into some burly-looking men, they wore medieval armor like chainmail and brigandine armor, and all of them carried melee weapons such as swords, a mace, and what seemed to be a large pole.

The man they bumped into was a thin dark-haired man, he had bags under his red bloodshot eyes, but those weren't a result of anger, instead, it seemed to be drug-induced, perhaps he was addicted to some sort of substance.

The man first looked at them in a fit of anger, his eyes swept past the little kid without stopping and locked onto Tights figure. Despite being just fifteen, Tights had mostly inherited her mother's godly genes, because of that, she was already quite developed, making her stand out a lot with a figure that seemed to belong to a petite young adult.

Anyone looking at her would think that she was at least eighteen. Although that wasn't something that a thug like him would care about, the man was instantly drawn to her looks and snickered in his heart. "Hey beauty, do you know that you hurt me just now?"

"W-what? Sorry, I wasn't paying attention." With that being said, Tights and Masato were about to cluelessly leave, but they were surrounded by the man's followers.

"That won't do, you know? In case you weren't informed, people have to pay a fine when they hurt someone, and I'd say that fifty thousand Zenis are barely enough to pay for the damage you caused me!"

"What sort of nonsense are you talking about? I only just stepped on your foot! How would that entail a fine of fifty thousand?! You shameless bunch, step out of the way!"

"Tsk, tsk, I'm afraid that won't do. Since you don't have the money to pay, why don't you accompany us for a karaoke session? Hehehe, if you serve us right, we brothers will forgive you!"

Hearing this Masato couldn't endure anymore and stepped forward with an angry expression on his face, pointing towards the man insulting Tights he exploded and lashed out at him. "You're so annoying, god damn it! Who do you think you are to make such demands!? Besides, serve you!? How dare you treat my friend like a mistress! What are you? A thug? Grab your dirty mouths and get the fuck out of here before I kick you all in the ass!"