
Dragon Ball: I am Strongest Goku

**Book Summary:** A young man finds himself reborn in the Dragon Ball universe. As he navigates this familiar yet dangerous world, he discovers that he has been granted a unique ability—the Super Technic Creation System, which allows him to develop powerful techniques. With formidable enemies on the horizon and the weight of his new identity pressing down on him, he must quickly learn to harness his powers. But with the uncertainty of what his first technique should be, he faces an intense internal struggle that will shape his future battles. **Important Note:** I have no rights to any Dragon Ball characters or the Dragon Ball world. **Release Schedule:** New chapters will be updated 2 to 3 times per week, each around 1,000 words, with suspenseful endings to keep readers eagerly anticipating the next installment.

speed_6257 · Anime und Comics
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42 Chs

Chapter 22: The Road to the Tournament

A/N: Thank you all for your amazing comments and suggestions—they've truly sparked new ideas for the story! Just a quick update: I'll be assigning prices to each technique based on their complexity. The more complex the technique, the higher the price. Your feedback is invaluable in shaping the future of this story. Keep the ideas coming!

In Chapter 29, I've introduced a new technique called "Emotional Manipulation." This versatile ability allows Goku to control his emotions and their effects more precisely. It not only helps manage his emotions but also aids in his transformation into Super Saiyan, as harnessing anger or fury is crucial for this evolution.


Creating the gravity belt took Bulma a few weeks, but with her expertise and the resources at Capsule Corporation, she made swift progress. Goku visited her regularly, eager to see the development. Finally, the day came when Bulma presented him with the finished product: a sleek, silver belt with various settings that allowed Goku to control the gravity around him.

"This is amazing, Bulma!" Goku said, strapping the belt around his waist. "How does it work?"

Bulma explained, "You can adjust the gravity levels with this dial. It goes up to ten times Earth's gravity, but I'd recommend starting lower and working your way up. You don't want to push yourself too hard right away."

Goku nodded, understanding the importance of pacing himself, even though his Saiyan instincts craved the challenge. "Thanks, Bulma! This is going to take my training to the next level!"

With the gravity belt in hand, Goku returned to Grandpa Gohan's home and immediately began incorporating it into his training. He started with a modest increase in gravity, around twice the normal level, and activated his Self-Multiplication Shapeshifting technique. Several clones of Goku materialized around him, each one ready to fight.

As the gravity pressed down on him, Goku felt the intense strain on his muscles and bones. Moving was harder, his speed was reduced, and even simple movements required immense effort. But that was exactly what he wanted—he needed to push his limits to grow stronger.

The clones attacked simultaneously, and Goku fought back with everything he had. His punches were slower, his kicks less powerful, but as the days passed, his body began to adapt. Each session left him exhausted, but with his newly upgraded Healing Palm technique, Goku could recover quickly and continue pushing forward. His breathing technique, now at the intermediate level, allowed him to maximize his ki regeneration during and after each training session.

Weeks passed in this manner, with Goku gradually increasing the gravity level. He could feel the difference in his strength and speed, his body becoming more resilient under the constant pressure. The training was grueling, but Goku reveled in it. Each victory over his clones, each day he survived the crushing gravity, was a step closer to his goal..

(A/N: what can be Goku ki level be know can you guess ?)

Finally, the day of the World Martial Arts Tournament arrived. Goku felt ready—more than ready. His power had soared during his training, and he was eager to test it against the best fighters in the world. Before leaving for the tournament, Goku made sure to invite Chi-Chi, urging them to participate.

"You've both gotten so much stronger," Goku said, his excitement palpable. "I'm sure you can do really well in the tournament. Plus, it'll be fun to see how we all match up!"

Chi-Chi was equally eager. The breathing technique had increased her strength and stamina significantly, and she had been training rigorously, not just to improve her skills, but also to impress Goku. "I won't let you down, Goku! I've been working hard, and I'm ready to show everyone what I can do."

As they all arrived at the tournament grounds, Goku couldn't help but feel a sense of pride. He had grown close to Bulma and Chi-Chi, and seeing them confident and ready to compete filled him with joy. They had all come so far, and now it was time to see the results of their efforts.

The tournament grounds were bustling with activity, fighters from all over the world gathering to test their strength. Goku spotted Master Roshi standing with a small, bald kid who was about the same height as him. That must be Krillin, Goku thought, recalling the stories he had heard from his previous life. Nearby, he also saw Yamcha and Oolong, who had surprisingly decided to participate as well.

Goku was particularly surprised to see Oolong. He had trained hard, using the breathing technique Goku had taught him. Miss Lin from the Shapeshifting School had pushed Oolong to his limits, and it showed. He seemed more confident, though still a bit nervous about competing.

As they all prepared for the tournament, Goku couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement. He knew the battles ahead would be tough, but he was ready. The training, the hard work, the growth—everything had led to this moment.

The preliminary rounds began, and Goku easily made his way through the early matches, his enhanced strength and ki control evident to everyone watching. Bulma and Chi-Chi also performed admirably, surprising many with their skills. Yamcha and Krillin advanced as well, while Oolong managed to hold his own, much to everyone's amazement.

As the day went on, the anticipation for the main event grew. Goku couldn't wait to face off against the strongest fighters and see just how far his training had taken him. With Bulma, Chi-Chi, and his friends by his side, Goku knew that this tournament was just the beginning of his journey to becoming the strongest warrior in the universe.