
Dragon Ball: Back in Black

Reincarnated into Dragon Ball after an unexpected death, a man must now face enemies and threats that not only endanger the universe, but multiple universes. Given the body of Goku Black and a few other items, this reborn Saiyan will have to transcend his limits time and time again in order to become the strongest. This is the story of a Saiyan who will become the strongest mortal in the universe. In all of the universes.

OmniSpectra · Anime und Comics
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82 Chs

A Son's Fury

"Kill me? How quaint." Antauri said as he began to float up.

Zyleth followed him up into the air, his gaze never leaving the alien warrior.

The two stopped after reaching a considerable height, staring at each other as they waited for the other to make a move.

Down below, a few of the injured Saiyans had finally began to stir, seeing that the alien was now about to fight a child. It would almost be laughable if they all hadn't recognized the child's immediately after focusing their gaze.

"It's... It's Zyleth..." One of the Saiyans groaned. "He's here..."

"That monster's in for it now..." Said another with a cruel smirk.

Another Saiyan struggled to his feet, looking up at the two with a smirk. "He's not fighting the average Saiyan warrior anymore..."

Hearing all of this from above, Antauri glanced down at the injured Saiyans with a curious gaze. "It seems at though they put a lot of--"

In that moment of distraction, Zyleth blitzed towards Antauri at frightening speeds, aiming a punch right toward the alien's split jaw. Feeling the sudden shift in the air, Antauri raised his arm and blocked the punch with relative ease.

Zyleth's eyes widened a bit with shock.

"--faith in you." Antauri finished before swiping at Zyleth with the armed that was blocking the young Saiyan's fist.

Zyleth quickly brought up both his feet and used Antauri's arm as a springboard, distancing himself away from the alien with a mid-air flip.

Antauri looked at his arm, feeling the slight sting from the punch before looking back up at the child with a bit of admiration. "I see now why they do."

Zyleth glance down at his fist with furrowed eyebrows. This hasn't happened before.

"You're strong..." Zyleth said as he looked towards Antauri.

"As are you." The alien replied. "It seems that I may have a good battle after all."

Antauri got into a fighting stance, his stance wide as he clawed both of his hands. His right hand hovered around his right knee while his left was behind the rest of his body.

Zyleth's gaze hardened at the alien warrior before getting into his own stance. His stance was also wide, but he was slightly squatting. His left hand was clawed and hovered above his right, which took on a more relaxed position.

The two studied each other's stances closely, trying to find a weakness they could possibly exploit.

Zyleth could see many openings, that he could take advantage of, but he had a sneaking suspicion that those openings were left there by design. There's no way that a warrior as strong as the one in front of him would unintentionally use a stance that left them vulnerable.

Meanwhile, Antauri was having the opposite problem when analyzing Zyleth. There was no openings in the child's stance. Each time he envisioned himself going in for a strike, he could see himself being countered straight away. He could hardly believe that this was the stance of a young child.

The two stared at each other for a minute before they suddenly disappeared from everyone's view.

"What the--?! Where did they--"

The Saiyans looked around art their surroundings, trying to find where the two had gone.

Suddenly, they heard what sounded like loud explosions coming from above.

"Up there!"

Looking up towards the sky, the Saiyans that were conscious could see the signs of a fight going on above them. The explosions that they thought they heard were really sonic booms caused by the force of their fists colliding.


As this fight was happening, a ship flew down from the sky and landed near the fallen Saiyan teams. The exterior door opened, revealing the King and the rest of Team Black.

Looking at the injured Saiyan Elites, King Vegeta's eyebrows went up in shock.

"What happened here?!" He demanded an explanation.

Before anyone could answer, Raditz had saw a familiar looking man laying on the ground and immediately rushed over to him.

"Father!" He yelled out.

Hearing this, Broly quickly followed after Raditz as well. Vegeta was also about to when he was stopped by a cold stare from his father.

"Where is Zyleth?!" The King yelled out at the crowd of Saiyans.

The Saiyans surrounding them were all silent, looking at each other with conflicting emotions before looking straight up at the sky.

The King's eyebrows furrowed in annoyance and confusion before following their gazes skyward, seeing Zyleth in a confrontation with an unfamiliar alien warrior.

"Whoah..." Vegeta said in awe as he watched the battle between two warriors.

This is the first time he's seen a real battle outside of sparring matches and arena battles. In those, your opponent had to stop as to not kill them, but this was something entirely different. These two were actively trying to kill each other.

Meanwhile, the senior Vegeta couldn't believe what was happening for two reasons.

One, there was no data on that alien warrior. The scans previously taken by the ship showed that the strongest power level was only around 15,000. Which was why he had been so dismissive of Bardock's desperate plea beforehand.

And two, the fact that Zyleth was going blow for blow with this warrior.

He knew Zyleth was a powerful child. He also knew he was stronger than him. But he never imagined himself to be this outclassed.

It was clear to him now that Zyleth had never actually used anything close to his actual strength in any of the confrontations prior to this one. It shouldn't be surprising to him, he knew that by how Zyleth had easily dealt with others that he was not being serious.

But he expectation of what Zyleth's peak was and what it actually is was far beyond what he had imagined.

Unable to stop his curiosity, King Vegeta aimed his Scouter towards Zyleth and pressed the button on the side. The Scouter's number rose higher and higher before eventually exploding into a cloud of smoke.

Every indignity that Zyleth had caused him before had suddenly vanished as the King mouth upturned into a scheming smirk.

"Your Majesty, my father is injured bad! He needs to get to the medical machine!" Raditz exclaimed with a voice dripping with worry.

King Vegeta looked towards Bardock's second offspring, clicking his teeth in annoyance before grabbing a Scouter from one of the injured Saiyans and sending out a signal from their current location. "Send the medical teams to my location immediately."

As he did this, Vegeta couldn't help but notice the irritation on his father's face.


"RAAAGGH!" I yelled as I struck toward's the alien's face.

He brought his arms up in an X shape, blocking my strike and being pushed back a few feet.

"What is your name?" The alien asked.

I follow up my strike with a kick to the same spot in his arms, quickly spinning around and kicking him with my other leg.

"What does it matter?!" I shouted as I punched the same spot over and over.

Suddenly, the alien grabbed me by my face and started to fly down to the ground at frightening speed before slamming me down head first onto the rocky ground.

I groan in pain as blood starts to fall from my head.

"My name is Antauri. It is customary for us Vyxilians to exchange names with a worthy adversary." The alien, Antauri, said as his grip maintained.

"Bastard..." I said through gritted teeth as my eyes glowed a dangerous dark purple.

Antauri saw my eyes through the gaps in his fingers and quickly pulled away to avoid an eye beam that was aimed directly at his head.


Jumping back a fair distance, Antauri looked down at his hand and saw that a few of his fingers had been singed in that last attack.

He turned his head back towards the child, who was now covered in a cloud of smoke.


Seems that the child had more to him than he initially thought. Still weak, but not as bad as the others he had faced just before.

A shame. That child could've grown into a remarkable warrior. Now here he was, about to die for a war caused by his King's poor decision.


As the cloud of smoke covered me, giving me a small bit of respite as I caught my breath.

I'm losing.

That fucking alien is still playing with me. Usually I'm the one holding back, but now it's me who's being looked down on.

I grit my teeth and summon the pouch of infinite Senzu Beans, placing one in my mouth before returning it back where it came from.

I have no choice but to use it. I just hope it doesn't kill me in the process.


"Have you regained your stamina, child?" Antauri asked as he stepped towards the smoke, knowing exactly what Zyleth was doing. "It's time to continue our battle."

Suddenly, Antauri jumped back a farther distance away, something in his mind telling him to retreat. He looked down at his hands and saw that they were shaking.

This hasn't happened since he was but a child out on his first exploratory.

Looking back up towards the Saiyan child, he saw the smoke slowly dissipate, revealing Zyleth with his eyes closed as a bright red aura surrounding him.

"What?" He muttered, utterly baffled and unaware of just how much danger he's in.

Zyleth's eyes slowly opened and his calm gaze fell onto the shocked alien, who had flinched upon meeting his eyes.

"Kaio... ken..."


Power Levels:

Zyleth [36,000] --> [72,000 (KK)]

Antauri [44,000]

Sorry for the late update. I overslept.

OmniSpectracreators' thoughts