
Dragon Ball: Angel within Invincible

After Mark found himself stranded in a desolate world following the demise of Angstrom Levy, he was left to grapple with his thoughts and regrets, desperately hoping his family was safe and sound. Just before his certain departure, a figure descended from the skies like an angel, urging him with excitement to accompany him to his world for an adventure?

Luke_D_Yong · Anime und Comics
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10 Chs

Chapter 3

The two figures locked gazes, an exchange that seemed to stretch on for an eternity. Finally, the other broke the silence with a raised hand, his gesture a playful salute. "Hey, what's up!" Goku greeted the young man with a cheery tone.

Mark was, to put it mildly, astounded. He had held onto a faint hope that someone from his timeline might appear—perhaps Cecil or Robot with their vast knowledge and resources. Cecil had the supplies, and Robot had the intellect to possibly manage teleportation. However, the individual standing before him was not who he expected; a radiant man adorned in an orange outfit, his wild white hair adding to his extraordinary appearance. His skin was pale, almost as if he had shunned the sun entirely, relying instead on an excess of skincare products to achieve a flawless complexion, never missing a day with an esthetician.

"Uhhh, hi?" Mark managed to respond.

Goku's eyes wandered around, taking in his surroundings with a hint of curiosity. "Wow, neat place you live here. A little too dry for my taste, though," he commented, his hand resting thoughtfully on his chin.

Shaking his head in confusion, Mark replied, "Wai- wait! This isn't my home! Can you help me? I came here because someone was—"

His plea was cut off by Goku's interjection. "Woah, buddy, take it easy. Let's introduce ourselves first," Goku suggested, raising his eyebrows playfully as he extended his hand. "I'm Goku, and— I mean, I'm from the universe's *ahem*... I mean, I am…" He paused, searching for the right words, adding to Mark's perplexity. After a brief moment, he brightened up with realization. "Aha! Yeah, I'm an adventurer."

In Goku's world, his reputation as a renowned adventurer and a formidable martial artist was no secret. He rationalized that he might as well embrace the role of an adventurer publicly; as long as he kept his full power in check, the Daishinkan wouldn't come looking for him, would he? He wouldn't, Goku assured himself, as long as he maintained a semblance of normalcy.

Meanwhile, Mark eyed the offered hand before firmly grasping it. "I'm Mark, uhh—not an adventurer by nature. And no, I don't live here. I got stuck," he explained, gesturing around them. "Do you think you could help me out a bit?"

Goku raised an eyebrow and smiled warmly. "Sure, man I don't know what happened to you, but you must be hungry. Hold on, I brought these." He rummaged in his pocket and produced what appeared to be a fruit, offering it to Mark. "They're Ensenji, from the home planet of the Kais. They'll make you feel full, heal you, and for a bit, you might even feel stronger."

Mark inspected the golden, peach-shaped fruit, pondering its effects on a Viltrumite. Dismissing any concern—after all, his father had said an adult Viltrumite could endure even radioactive waste—he took a bite.

"mmm, wow," Mark mumbled, his bruised eye feeling remarkably better even before he swallowed. Once he did, the lingering pains from his encounter with Anissa vanished as if by magic.

"Holy shit," he exclaimed, eagerly consuming the rest of the fruit. Its taste was divine, befitting its celestial origin—though Mark was unaware of Goku's true nature as an angel of his universe.

"Yeah, I know how you feel. When I first tried these fruits, I knew I had to have these trees at home too!" Goku beamed, watching Mark relish the fruit.

"Oh god, that was the best thing I ever tasted," Mark said, his smile fading as the weight of his recent experiences returned.

Sensing Mark's discomfort, Goku's playful demeanor softened. With a casual wave of his hand, he conjured a pair of comfortable chairs and settled into one, gesturing for Mark to take the other. "Come on, I did say I could help you. We don't have to rush off to the nearest habitable planet just yet. Sometimes, it's better to address emotional trauma first—it can be more healing for the soul," he advised with a calm assurance.

Mark, still reeling from the sight of chairs materializing from thin air, took a seat, his heart lightening slightly in the presence of Goku's benevolent aura. Clearing his throat, he began a new topic, one that seemed fitting given their extraordinary encounter. "So, have you ever, like, read a good superhero comic book?"



Hours must have passed with Mark detailing his life to Goku—how he spent his first eighteen years living ordinarily until his powers surfaced, transforming his existence from mundane to extraordinary. He recounted his struggles, the beatings from his father, his ongoing conflicts with the Viltrumite Empire, and the harrowing moment he was forced to kill Angstrom Levy.

"I... I just didn't expect him to die like that," Mark said, shaking his head. "Every battle I've been in was a fight for survival. I'd often end up battered, lying in my own blood."

As Mark reflected on his harrowing experiences, Goku listened intently. Their early lives bore similarities, but Goku's battles were driven by willpower and training. His motivation lay in protecting his loved ones and growing stronger to face even greater adversaries.

Goku nodded, understanding Mark's sentiments. "Man, what a life. I've lived something like that," Goku replied. "I can't recall every detail, but I've faced my share of powerful foes."

He chuckled, remembering battles so intense they left him unable to lift a finger. "Each victory led to stronger enemies lurking in the shadows, which is why I never stopped training."

Hearing this, Mark, with a hint of skepticism, voiced his doubt: "What I'm up against now seems too much for me, let alone for someone else to handle," he said, the image of Anissa's overwhelming strength vivid in his mind.

Goku's eyes lit up at the challenge. "Hey, maybe I could help you out. I may not be able to fight like I used to, but I can still train you," he offered, mindful of the angels' decree forbidding him from killing.

"These Viltrumites sound formidable," Goku mused, a gleam in his eye. Despite his confidence, he knew he had to tread carefully to avoid breaking the celestial laws set forth by the All-King for angels.

As Goku stood up, Mark watched in awe as Goku began to transform. His skin took on a more human hue, his silver hair settled into a more common style, and his once ghostly silver eyes turned brown. The overwhelming aura and alien features vanished, leaving behind a man indistinguishable from any other human.

"Wow... how did you do that? You went from looking like a high-budget anime cosplay to a regular guy," Mark exclaimed, astonished.

Goku chuckled, scratching his head sheepishly. "Sorry, buddy. It's been a long time since I've had to tone down my... powers," he admitted with a grin.

Mark raised an eyebrow, curious. "Tone town… your powers? Where are you from, exactly? You'e a great listener Goku, but aside from your name, I don't really know who or what you are."

Goku smiled. "I mentioned I'm an adventurer, right? I like to help people. And it seemed like you could use a friend," he said, pointing at Mark with a gentle smile.

Mark stared at Goku for a moment, then sighed and relaxed into his seat. "Right… I mean i guess so." he admitted, feeling a bit more optimistic and at ease with this new companion.

"Let's just take a moment to relax. I'm sure we'll figure something out," Mark said, finally allowing himself a measure of peace.

Goku nodded in agreement, but his smile soon faded as his senses alerted him to a disturbance. He looked past Mark, focusing on the signs of an interdimensional uprising brewing in the distance.

"Mark, stand up," Goku urged with haste. Mark promptly rose to his feet and turned around, only to see a green flickering light in the distance. It bore a resemblance to Angstrom Levy's portals, yet its erratic behavior was atypical, sparking a mixture of hope and confusion in Mark.

Moments later, the portal stabilized and opened. The figures that emerged brought a smile to Mark's face, despite his bewilderment. Robot was the first to leap out, followed by Monster Girl donning a bodysuit. Bulletproof appeared next, looking slightly aged. Beside him stood a bearded man wielding a hefty hammer, and a woman outfitted with boxing gloves. Lastly, a woman in a pinkish outfit emerged, bearing a striking yet mature resemblance to Atom Eve.

"Whoa..." Mark walked towards the group, now recognizing them as the older Guardians of the Globe.

The team's leader, Eve, approached Mark with a smile that soon turned to concern as she noticed his bloodied appearance. "Mark," Eve began, examining him, "you look terrible." With a wave of her arms, a pink glow enveloped them both, cleansing Mark's blood-stained clothes and replacing them with his usual casual attire.

Goku observed from a slight distance, impressed by Eve's display of raw power. It reminded him of how angels manipulated ki to alter reality. Yet, Eve's ability seemed more direct and effortless, which piqued his curiosity about the strength of these heroes in Mark's world.

"And who is this?" The question snapped Goku out of his contemplation. The Guardians were puzzled by the presence of another man in this desolate landscape, especially Robot, who found Goku's presence to be a logical anomaly.

"He's a friend," Mark interjected quickly, attempting to preempt any misunderstanding. "He's helped me out here, and he'll be coming with us."

Eve signaled the Guardians to lower their guard. "Mark, we only came here for you," she said softly.

Goku stepped forward, a chuckle in his voice. "I'm sorry if I startled anyone. I was just passing by and sensed the disturbance," he explained. Mark admitted to Goku's offer of aid, his voice reflecting his hope that this stranger might be the ally he desperately needed.

Robot, ever the voice of caution, warned of the dangers of introducing an unknown into their timeline. Eve, however, left the decision to Mark. "It's your future, so it must be your choice," she conceded.

With a nod from Mark, the Guardians stepped aside, allowing Goku and him to approach the portal. As they did, Eve hurried to catch their attention.

"Mark, wait," she called out. Turning to Goku, she added, "I need to say something to Mark. In private, if you don't mind."

Goku smiled understandingly and took a step back. "Of course. Goodbye, Eve. See you on the other side, Mark."

With Mark and Eve in private discussion, Goku faced the now-stabilized green portal leading to Mark's home world. He knew he could solve Mark's problems in mere minutes, but that wasn't his style. Goku preferred a challenge, a journey akin to his early days facing Vegeta and Nappa.

With a smirk, Goku stepped into the portal, excited for the adventure that awaited.

"Here I come."


Here we go

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