
Dragon Ball- Zarbon's adventure

A man is hurled into a different reality, finding himself in a completely unfamiliar body. With no choice but to adapt swiftly, he embarks on a challenging journey to rise to the top. Join him on this adventure to become the strongest in a reality where powerhouses are as common as trees. This is an engaging weak-to-strong story that avoids the cliché of the protagonist becoming overpowered within a few chapters. Expect character development, actions with consequences, and a main character who doesn't sport the typical stone-cold, emotionless face found in other fanfics I have read. Additionally, I recommend reading the auxiliary chapter for guidance on how to fully enjoy this story. The MC possess a remarkable and distinct ability that sets him apart. However, this power will not render him instantly overpowered, ensuring a fair and balanced progression in the storyline. Additionally, it's worth noting that the character's development will not revolve around wishing death upon villains or purely striving to become the strongest. Such predictable paths can make the narrative monotonous to read. Are you tired of reading poorly written harem fanfics that are abandoned faster than a hot potato? Well, your search ends here! Say goodbye to the disappointment and delve into quality stories that will captivate your imagination and keep you engaged for hours on end. Say hello to a world of captivating characters, intricate plotlines, and unforgettable adventures. Don't settle for anything less than the best!

Universe_Buster · Anime und Comics
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21 Chs

Goku is....

------ Namek --------

Continuous beep beep sounds entered my ears as I glanced at the dragon radar in my right hand, mesmerized by the glowing dots indicating the location of the Dragon Balls. Hovering in mid-air, I didn't realize my speed had reached an unprecedented level. Lost in the excitement, I didn't pay attention to my surroundings and, to my annoyance, collided with a towering mountain.

With an earth-shattering boom, I crashed through the rock and emerged unscathed, my body protected by my vast ki and resilient alien physiology. The mountain crumbled into pieces, a testament to the sheer intensity of my ki. I couldn't help but chuckle at the sight, reminiscing about environmentalists from my previous universe and how they would lose their shit f they saw something like that occuring.

As I continued my flight, my attention was abruptly drawn to a sudden surge in Goku's Ki. The energy spiked dramatically, only to swiftly diminish to meager levels a few moments later. Intrigued, I honed my senses, focusing on the vicinity. To my surprise, Goku's ki was the only presence I detected, leaving me puzzled about his erratic energy fluctuations. And in the distance, I felt the unmistakable essence of Frieza's ki rapidly fading away, as if he was fleeing from a confrontation.

'Oh no' I thought as I pivoted mid air and changed course, I went towards Goku's ki which continued to decrease in size and intensity with every passing moment, "Please don't tell me Frieza.... Crap! just be okay Goku I am coming" I thought as I hurried on toward Goku' ki signature.

Suddenly I heard a voice inside my head 'Zarbon do you hear me?'

I came to a screeching halt mid air, and looked around in an attempt to find out whom was invading my mind.

'I'm not there' the voice playfully teased as I turned my head to look for it.

'Not there either!' it continued teasing me.

I totally knew who this was, but I pretended like I didn't, " who are you? where are you? how are you talking into my mind" I fired several questions in rapid successions.

"I am the King of worlds, King kai and you won't find me no matter how much you look for me, After all we are WORLDS apart." the voice stated then erupted into laughter.

I deadpanned and spoke in my mind 'that was so lousy'

'What?! did you just called me lousy, You Uncultured swine who doesn't understand the greatness of jok-' he said but I interrupted him before he went off on a tangent about jokes

'ANYWAYS why do you want to speak to me.' I said in my mind

'cough cough right let's get back on topic, Goku is in very bad shape right now' he said, he added after a brief silence. 'He used the kaioken beyond his body's limit, I am afraid if you don't hurry he might not make it'

'How bad of shape is he in right now' I inquired

'really bad, his heart is faintly beating but it might give out any second now. So please instead of going to gather the dragon balls, go help Goku.' He answered

'why is Frieza's ki flying away from Goku' I asked to clarify what I felt earlier

'Goku pushed Frieza away with a Kamehameha wave so he could recover with a senzu but unfortunately his body was in such a bad shape that he couldn't do anything and fell unconscious.' King kai clarified the situation.

'Alright I was already heading there' I reassured King kai

'Great!' But before I let you go. Someone here can hardly great to talk with you' He said in between giggles.

'that was really lame' I said

'How about you tell a great joke or pun, Mr I call everything lame' He muttered with displeasure

'Alright I'll tell you a joke' I said 'Why did the egg hide?' I asked

'why did the egg hide' he muttered slowly in a pensive manner. Then, he suddenly spoke before I could answer 'oh because it was a little chicken HEHEHEHEHE HAHAHAHA' He burst out into a fit of laughter and giggles.

'That was one of my worst jokes by the way' I stated

'Um do you morons not realize the kind of situation we are in' a gruff deep masculine voice suddenly spoke.

'Are you the one that wants to talk with me' I inquired

'Yes my name is Piccolo and I am one of the people the earthlings intend to resuscitate with the help of the dradon balls." He began, "I want to ask that you tell them to revive me on namek so I can fight for my people"

'your people? you are a namekian' I pondered loudly

'Yes!' Piccolo curtly responded

' Alright I'll tell Krillin and Gohan as soon as I can' I accepted to help

'Thanks I won't forget this!' He stated with a grateful vocal tone

'Alright i have a bunch of things to do so please cut off the connection king Kai' I inwardly spoke . The connection was then cut off and I immediately unleashed all of my ki without hesitation, I couldn't suppress my ki when so much was at stake currently. Thankfully that little chat we had occurred in my mind and only a few seconds had elapsed in the real world. I dashed like a flying star across the Namekian sky hoping that I get there before Goku croaks.

=---------Inside Namekian cave, Capsule house.=-------

Gohan suddenly woke up as he screamed out "Father!" and stood up from the couch his body was laying on abruptly.

Gohan cry slightly startled Krillin who was meditating with his feet crossed and his palm's facing each other on the couch.

"Oh Gohan you finally woke up?" krillin muttered with a surprised yet relieved expression.

Gohan looked around the room with cold sweat dripping down his back and forehead, "What happened after Mr Zarbon knocked me out?" He asked, stating the last part with annoyance in his tone .

Krillin then told Gohan "He said to tell you, he was sorry once you wake up but he couldn't let you go there"

Gohan he clenched his fists tightly, anger was written all over his face and without saying anything further he quickly put on his shoes and sprinted toward the door. He was determined to find his father and nothing was going to stop him.

"Wait Gohan NO! Crap I have to stop him" Krillin said as he swiftly got up to apprehend the child.

Gohan exited out of the door and was met with Nail's towering form blocking his path.

"GET out of my way" Gohan stated with visible anger on his face.

"you cannot leave!" Nail said in response.

"Then I'll take you out of my way" Gohan uttered as he dashed at nail and threw a punch at the Namekian's torso with all his might and rage,

Nail of course blocked the punch with his forearm, and to the namekian's surprise the force of the attack made him skid across the ground for a few meters.

Gohan was not done, he chanelled his ki into his hands preparing to blast nail away.

"GOHAN STOP YOU MIGHT HURT BULMA AND DENDE IF YOU LAUNCH A MASENKO HERE" Krillin frantically yelled to calm the boy down.

"HUH!" Gohan stated in response as he stopped chanelling his ki upon realizing what he was going to do. The child fell on his knees and began loudly wailing "WAH WAH WAH WAH I am sowy Mr. Nail, Krillin I just am so scared and anxious" he continued on crying with trembling hands as the realization of his actions set in deeper.

Nail approached Gohan swiftly and rufled his hair and he spoke "Not to worry. We all get emotional at times when our relatives are in danger. Just remember that you shouldn't endanger other in your emotional outburst"

"I"M sowy.... " Gohan kept on bawling his eyes out.

Krillin who was standing next to Nail, hugged the child "This must be really hard for you. You are still a child after all. I tend to forget that since you're so mature" he said

Gohan calmed down after hearing Krillin, he was still slightly whimpering but it was less than before.

"I know you are worried about your father but the only thing we can do right is hope he is alright. Unfortunately there is nothing we can do at the moment" Krillin consoled while clenching his fist

"Lighten your heart child, Krillin has told me tales of your father. He is a brave warrior, I am sure he won't be defeated so easily" Nail stated

Gohan nodded and stopped crying, he stated with a downcast look " I am sorry for what I did"

Krillin pated Gohan on the back as he replied " We know you are stressed so don't worry about it but don't do it again" The Baldy said the last part with a serious look

"hmm hmm" gohan nodded his head to imply he understood.

In the next instant, Bulma came flying out the door with Dende hand in hers as she rapidly fired out inquiries " What's going on? I heard you guys yelling, is everything okay? Is there an enemy?

"No enemies" Krillin stated with a smile

"Don't jinx it Krillin!" Both Bulma and Gohan said at the same time.

"But I haven" Krillin began but was interupted by Bulma who stated "We all know what happened last time you said everything was fine so from now on You are banned from saying that"

Suddenly they all laughed. Gohan smiled and said "It's nice to see things are back to normal"

Bulma nodded in agreement, "Yes, I think we all need a break from the chaos".

Krillin then looked at Gohan with a serious face "From now on, you listen to what we tell you okay? "

Gohan nodded in agreement. "I will, I promise"

At this point, Bulma looked at them both and said "Alright, can someone tell me what's going on here?".

They just smiled and went back inside the house to enjoy a bit of peace while they discussed their next steps leaving Bulma and Dende out of the loop.