
Dragon Ball - Timeless Saiyan

Reincarnated as Trunks Briefs

Nameless_Tea · Anime und Comics
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15 Chs

Refugee camp

- Age 773 -

"So this is the planet that has the seed" a coarse voice inside a strange structure drifting in the vast space. The creature looked towards the blue planet with gleam expression as if it had found something he was searching for a long time.

"Sadly it doesn't have the required life force to awaken it! such a pity" for a while he was inspecting the planet's state from the strengths to weakness. As he was fiddling his crane as his close subordinate voiced his opinion.

"What if we extracted from nearby planets?" as his giant figure cast a dreadful shadow over his master, his presence seemed to dominating the whole place as even his master appeared intimidated, quickly calming himself he walked towards his throne room while contemplating his next moves.

"No, not yet those pests are always getting in my way if by chance they found us collecting life force! confrontation against them right now is disadvantageous even with you as a secret weapon only by awakening the seed can we be assured of our victory" as he sat down, his subordinates had a disappointed look.


"Understandable you can leave with your capsule now" what!! why

"You give him some clothes its almost winter." "yes boss" his subordinate took some clothes that appeared old riddled with worn and torn holes. I left baffled with how all 13 people were relaxed even packing up their weapons, I watched as breaded man came to give me some clothes I still thought it was some kind of 4D chess trap move.

"Kid you're on wrong part of town and when you're old enough boss might let you join our group! now on your way" after few more words and mindless ducks that kept saying 'yeah boss' they left quietly.

For then 15 minutes I stood there looking at the clothes I would thought they were afraid because of stopping the bullets but if they saw me flying then that should have already known but I was sure they were not.

*kaw* *kaw* *kaw* sounds of crows and grasshopper kept ringing near me as I was still left confused, at the end I came on the conclusion that I was a prodigy actor.

"Well its obvious how they pitied me" *sighs* Its such a crime to be such a genius sometimes, snapping out of my thoughts I checked for any tracking device in the clothes as a precaution.

I slowing hovered and using lidar version of ki-move, A ki move using soft layer of pulse hitting all kinds of structures and insects and understanding on how this energy reacts with the medium gives a better understanding of lifeforms, different types of species could be noticed even beings with next to no ki could also be discovered.

This ability required homing ki, sensing and absolute control of ki usage. extending soft layers of ki are extended or enveloped that are thinnest after which you sense how the ki effects towards certain objects and homing help creating a form of telekinetic connection towards remote objects.

This move was based on LiDAR and ladar which mostly used for accurate measuring of topography. I wasn't quite sure if I could create such a move it was for searching androids since they don't have ki not sure how they aren't detectable with a ki-generator.

Only detrimental part was long range and extensive understanding on how ki reacted towards certain objects which means lot of experimenting and observation, as i started to feel lifeforms that were bipedal I blasted towards their base.

Rapidly arriving at their base I could feel all the people, even there boss was here I could make some faint outline of them under the rubble. soon it was apparent that the scavengers had a underground base but it was far from the tales that mom had described, I saw sensed felt children that had no legs no hands they could be even in worse state and most of the life-force are dwindling.

The repercussion in the androids attacks were evident not only were they still killing and looting with no regards other than their personal feeling even I felt ashamed of not helping them, hearing was way different than seeing all the horrors.

"You boy what are doing here!!"

"Who is he!!"

"how is he flying"

"That a bird?"

"No dummy its a plane" free falling down I approached towards the entrance where most were crowded.

Some scavengers went get their boss but most of them are just looking at me with dumbfounded expression mostly alarmed and nervous, I slowing took my food compartment capsule and gave it towards the breaded guy not sure if its the same one.

"Thank you for the warm clothes!!" he was hesitant at taking it but slowly he took the capsule, without hearing their reply I flew away.

"Damn boss got that kid all scared"

"What in it?"

"do you think its a bomb" "gasp" "gasp" "gasp"

"Uncle can I fly too??"

"Sighs i'm not getting paid for this shit" gradually there voices became faint replacing the sound of cutting through air could be heard.