
Dragon Ball - Timeless Saiyan

Reincarnated as Trunks Briefs

Nameless_Tea · Anime und Comics
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15 Chs

Coast City

- Age 774 -

The sun shone brightly, the large river where reflected all the structures and boats while flock of birds danced around, bunch of kids and parents were seen with them in the playground. It was a Far-cry scene of the apocalypse, being one of the cities in the country that was never been attacked since it was a cities in archipelago it was protected from the androids without discovery.

Dome like structures that had a distinctive colours, that somehow co-exist with greenery, natural grown and processed food with the population around 20,000 it was very different from before the attacks as people started to take independent life in wild way more safer than grouping up.

"Muma!! want dat" 3 year old child pointing towards a ice cream shop while the mother had been reluctant on his actions since unlike the past where money wasn't a problem here times were tough, since some companies have been destroyed like capsule corp and Zin tech, prices for a supplies have been rocketed.

Electricity are used at times when need, after nightfall most of the streetlights are on turned off fearing of making the androids aware of its location,

"Sir how much is for the cone" Ice cream became a luxury product that only upper class of the city could afford as not only is milk a most sought out product but with restriction in place trading with other parts of the city were banned since crops are grown inside the city.

The Presidente had lost his family under the attacks since then he was adamant on following all the precaution, not only is population heavy controlled but new visitors are restricted, refugees are shot on sight although people with expertise have taken in.

"One chocolate cone please" here mother gave some credits while her 3 year old was jumping up and down with the excitement seeing this got her mother to smile, her husband was one of the technician while her family had a doctor that got her in upper class society.

Being the most prosperous city that were in the world was something that was norm in the past, as long as you have something to trade for, The life inside the walls had been peace and joyful until now.

It might be jealously or they want them suffer, Androids were soon learnt of this location as the best has its drawbacks being in the public got the attentions of all kinds of scum people and androids were one of them.

"That looks tasting!!" 17 stole the ice cream from the child, for the mother she was just looking at the child that was gone without a trace. In her view she was looking at her child taking Ice cream from the owner but gone missing next second that was replaced by a young man average in height, with a slim frame and lean-built. He has straight shoulder-length black hair that parts above his forehead, thin eyebrows, and narrow light blue eyes, he wore an orange bandanna around his neck.

For next few seconds the mother was looking for her baby, tears streamed down her face as she herself already knew who the man was and what happened to her child yet she continued to look for her child wishing him to be safe and to this be a dream.

"Please shut up" like that 17 basted full powered ki towards the mother instantly disintegrating her and all the people around her as the beam of blast soon demolished all the building that sent shock waves.

The populace ran towards the safety bunker yet it was all for nought, fighters and rescue group followed yet like all they were either brutally killed or were plain collateral damage.

Soon a skirmish followed firearms didn't do anything towards the man as if he was made of the steel, as he started to tear down all the things around him more and more.

"Can't you let me have some shopping in peace for a second!! 17"

"Please you broke my boat, its all your fault we got drenched 18" A slender and beautiful woman of above-average height and fair complexion with shoulder-length blonde hair that was looked annoyed at her twin brother for destroying the city before she could get clothes.

Upon the arrival of her twin sister, they raised havoc and lay waste in the coast city soon vibration of their destruction reverberated towards all the near shelters.

"Its not my fault it stopped working" although she wasn't interest in killing these people, she had a apathetic expression while she herself was fired some ki blast to assist her brother.

"Come on, you like all this!! why act like you got bored, wasn't you who loved seeing all the despair in their faces!" voiced the android 17 that was eating a cone of cream on one arm while on other arm he pierced into a man that attacked them.

"These are just insects, its not enjoyable anymore its boring" unlike her brother she only attacked by using ki blast soon all the building and people were reduced to rubble.

"Boring? you know what else is, when I stand around while you try on clothes for 2 hrs! that's boring, this is actually pretty fun" who continued to destroy nearby rubble.

"Man, things I put up with! hey we missed missed one " 18 blasted a ki beam toward a child that hiding in the bushes.

"ahh 10 more points now we're tided"

Unlike what it had been few hours ago all the lifeforms in this ruin were destroyed even the animals without care while the culprits were just arguing about whether they should take a car or a bike.

"I have an idea on how to pass some time!!" 17 gleefully said while taking a seat in the car while reminiscing about a certain golden warrior.

"Why don't we pay the brat a visit?" 18 had a look on understanding then had a broad grin.