
Chapter 18

Chapter 18 — Back Again.

Ning Chen made his way back toward his cave and started to process everything that happened earlier.

He didn't exactly know how, but he was somehow able to use sword intent during his last attack.

He tried using to the colorless sword intent several times again, but all of the results were failures.

It was because he was still in the intent seed level and haven't advance to the sword intent level.

Ning Chen knew that his sword intent attribute was colorless, but he also saw it changing into crimson flames which greatly confused him.

This was the first time he saw something like this since there wasn't any mention of a sword intent capable of changing attributes in the book he had once read in the past.

He then remembered at that time, his Red Dragon Power was activated and it might be the reason why his sword intent changed.

A bizzare thought soon crossed Ning Chen's mind.

He thought that if the Red Dragon Power changed his colorless sword intent to flame sword intent, then the Green Dragon Agility might also change his sword intent to wind sword intent.

There was a high possibility, but Ning Chen couldn't determine if this was true since the use of his colorless sword intent was currently impossible.

Ning Chen saw there were many mysteries surrounding Kel'al and he was very eager to uncover it all.

He then pondered over the <Rising Sun> sword draw technique he created back then.

This technique was a combination of Sword Draw, Red Dragon Power, and Sword Intent.

This sword drawing technique was very powerful, but it required the use of sword intent to truly display it's full potential.

Ning Chen could still use it without the use of sword intent, but it's power would be weaker.

However, he thought he could cover this flaw by improving this sword technique further by learning more sword-related techniques.

After thinking of all that, Ning Chen decided to return back since he had already done everything he could.

He quickly set toward the place which he considered as his second home.

Ning Chen travelled for a few days and had finally returned back at Yu Qian's house safely without experiencing any troubles.

He first had a nice conversation with Yu Liena after returning, discussing about each other's experiences during the time they were apart.

Ning Chen didn't hesitated to joyfully tell Yu Liena what happened during his stay inside the forest.

He was at constant peace when besides her.

However, he didn't include the part where he promised the wolf's their revenge and killing a human being for the first time.

It was something very dark for this joyful conversation and he preferred to know about this truth alone.

Yu Liena was able to notice that Ning Chen was hiding something, but she didn't forced him to talk about it.

After all, she also had a secret she couldn't just tell anyone...

Ning Chen then went to meet with his master and showed Yu Qian his second spirit ring along with the sword technique he created.

Yu Qian was glad to see Ning Chen acquiring his second spirit ring without any problem and was very impressed to know that he managed to create his own sword technique.

The last part of training he was thinking of making Ning Chen do later was immediately revised to become better and harsher.

Yu Qian spent a few days completely revising Ning Chen's final training and then told him about it.

Ning Chen's final training under Yu Qian soon started.

It was also Ning Chen's final few years at staying within their house...


Ning Chen arrived at the peak of the mountain which was located near the village without breaking a sweat.

He walked toward the Sword Dojo which he had only entered once.

It was because Yu Qian didn't allowed him to enter the Sword Dojo without his permission and only now did he allowed Ning Chen.

Ning Chen went inside the Sword Dojo and saw there was no one currently inside.

No wonder he didn't heard any screaming sounds when he was outside...

Ning Chen stood at the middle of dojo and then saw a wooden door opening Infront of him.

It was Yu Qian who opened the door.

"You're finally here," Yu Qian nodded his head before approaching Ning Chen.

"If you're wondering why no one is currently here, it's because I told them to not enter for a moment."

"Why?" Ning Chen asked while feeling stunned that Yu Qian was able to read his mind.

Yu Qian flicked Ning Chen's forehead and said loudly, "It's because of you. Your final training will be held inside this dojo."

Ning Chen rubbed his forehead in pain while looking at Yu Qian quite angrily.

"Okay? So what will I do for my final training?"

Yu Qian smiled faintly and crossed his arms together, "Your next training will be about improving your senses, creating your own sword techniques, and most importantly, learn my prized technique."

Ning Chen felt his training once again increased in difficulty, but he didn't let out a single complain.

He was instead very interested at Yu Qian's last words.

"What's your prized technique?" Ning Chen with anticipation evident in his eyes.

Yu Qian's face grew solemn as he took a deep breath before saying deeply, "The technique which I spent half of my life's time to create—The Life Breathing Method."

Ning Chen was stunned hearing those words and asked, "So you created this technique, Master?"

Yu Qian nodded quickly, "Indeed. I created this technique with every pieces of my knowledge in hopes to reach the same heights of spirit master but in the end, I failed."

Ning Chen was shocked, but grew slightly worried as he saw deep sorrowful emotions appearing within his master's eyes.

"Master, why did you failed?"

Yu Qian sighed tiredly as he looked toward the window, "It's because I'm missing a very important aspect to complete the technique, but I don't know what I'm lacking."

Ning Chen nodded faintly and then asked about the Life Breathing Method.

"Master, how do you use the Life Breathing Method?"

"Very simple. It's by inhaling a large amount of air into your lungs, greatly reinforcing your physical strength, concentrating your mind to it's very limits, and enhance every swords moves."

Ning Chen was astonished and amazed hearing that.

Although his master was just an ordinary mortal, he was able to create an amazing technique like this.

He just didn't understand why his master called it as a failure.

Yu Qian seemed to read his mind and answered.

"The reason this technique failed is because I originally intended it to temper the body to become stronger permanently, but the body reinforcing effect became temporarily and couldn't even compare to the spirit power reinforcement."

"I see..." Ning Chen nodded with understanding.

"Enough with talks and let's proceed to your training. You're also the only inheritor of my failed yet most proud technique and I hope someday you can complete it.

Ning Chen nodded and was determined to make his master's wish become true.

Yu Qian then began to impart the life breathing method toward Ning Chen.

Ning Chen had now also understand why his master told him to also temper his lungs in the past.

The stronger his lungs were, the greater the effects of the Breathing Technique.

As Ning Chen was inhaling a large amount of air into his body, he suddenly saw some strange particles coming from the air he was sucking in.

The strange particles would get suck into his blood channels, but would quickly disappear back outside after a short period of time.

He asked about the strange particles toward his master, but Yu Qian didn't also know anything about this particles.

Ning Chen could only try to discover the particles he was absorbing by himself.

He spent the rest of the day studying the breathing method and his tomorrow will be about training his so-called five senses and sixth sense(Intuition).


This chapter quality might appear poor since we don't have wifi for some reason.

I'll guess it will probably return after a two days or three days, so I can only write offline and then upload using data.

This also sucks cause I can't play online games or read some damn novels. Writing is the only thing making me not feel bored, but it's hurting my brain.

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