
Doraemon: The Stupider I Act The Stronger I Get

Reborn as Nobita with a Platinum finger. Getting Items/Skills/Abilities/Properties depending on the level of stupidness. 100 thousand troops of Mechatopian soldiers are invading Earth. Not to be worried Nobita uses his very own Iron Legion. Low Profile, Smart and Attractive Nobita. Author note: This is just a random imagination and will only include the movies. I will also age him up as the the time goes by.

Sung_Jin_Doo · Anime und Comics
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11 Chs


As Nobita contemplated his newfound abilities and the various classes available to him, he couldn't help but be drawn to the intriguing path of a Necromancer. In his own thoughts, he reflected on his choice:

Nobita's Thoughts: "The path of a Necromancer... It's a different kind of power, one that taps into the mysteries of life and death."

Nobita saw the Necromancer class as an opportunity to unlock forbidden knowledge and harness the forces of the undead. His cautious nature compelled him to explore the realms beyond what others might consider conventional or safe.

Nobita's Thoughts: "The Necromancer class offers a unique blend of magic and manipulation, allowing me to command the forces of the deceased. I can delve into the secrets of life and death, tapping into the energies that lie beyond our mortal understanding."

The notion of wielding such power intrigued Nobita. He recognized the potential strategic advantages that came with controlling undead minions, both in battles and in uncovering hidden truths. As a Necromancer, he could use his enhanced calculation speed and intellect to unravel the mysteries surrounding life, death, and the intricate workings of the supernatural.

"With my heightened IQ and the ability to see glimpses of the future, I can analyze and manipulate the delicate balance between life and death. The Necromancer class offers the means to gain knowledge, gather allies, and protect those I care about by delving into the realms that others fear to tread."

Though some may view the path of a Necromancer as dark and taboo, Nobita saw it as an opportunity to explore the intricacies of existence itself. He felt a sense of responsibility to understand and control these

forces, using them for the greater good and protecting his loved ones.

"I choose the path of the Necromancer. It's not without risks and challenges, but I believe my intellect and cautious nature will guide me to wield this power responsibly. I will seek the truth, protect those I hold dear."

As Nobita embraced the path of the Necromancer, he discovered three new skills that accompanied his chosen class: Necromancy Novice, Mana Manipulation Novice, and Death Eye Novice. Each skill held its own unique potential, offering him a glimpse into the realm of the undead and the manipulation of life force.

With Necromancy Novice, Nobita realized that the scope of his abilities extended beyond the mere creation of skeletons. He could now harness the dark arts to summon a variety of undead creatures, including ghosts, vampires, ghouls, and zombies. However, at his current novice level, he could only bring forth a ghoul and a skeleton.

Nobita's newfound understanding of necromancy filled him with a mix of awe and caution. He recognized the delicate balance required in wielding such powers, understanding that he must use them responsibly and with respect for the forces he was tapping into. The ability to breathe life into the deceased and command them to do his bidding was a profound responsibility that he was determined to handle with care.

Furthermore, the skill of Mana Manipulation Novice granted Nobita the capacity to control and manipulate magical energy, enabling him to channel mana effectively for his necromantic abilities. This skill would prove invaluable as he sought to further develop his powers and expand his control over the undead.

The Death Eye Novice, however, was the most intriguing of his newfound skills. With the ability to see the souls of the deceased, Nobita could peer into the ethereal realm and perceive the essence that lingered beyond life. It provided him with a unique insight into the spiritual world, enabling him to discern the presence of spirits, understand their intentions, and potentially uncover hidden secrets.

Armed with his novice-level skills and a newfound understanding of the possibilities within necromancy, Nobita felt a mixture of excitement and trepidation. He knew that his journey as a Necromancer would be a delicate dance between life and death, where his abilities would shape the fates of both the living and the departed. With careful practice, study, and the desire to wield his powers responsibly, Nobita was determined to grow as a Necromancer and uncover the true extent of his abilities.

As Nobita delved deeper into his newly acquired skills, he turned his attention towards the Sharingan and Armament Haki. Intrigued by their potential, he eagerly attempted to unlock and activate these abilities. However, to his disappointment, he discovered that his current Power Level was not sufficient to access the full potential of these skills.

Nobita understood that the Sharingan, with its heightened perception and predictive abilities, and Armament Haki, with its defensive and offensive capabilities, required a higher level of mastery. As a result, his attempts to open and utilize these powers proved futile for the time being.

Undeterred, Nobita acknowledged that his journey was just beginning, and that with time and training, he could strive towards achieving the necessary power level to unlock the full potential of the Sharingan and Armament Haki. He accepted the reality that his current focus should be on honing his existing abilities and gradually developing his strength and mastery in all aspects.

Unbeknownst to Nobita, his absence in the classroom had not gone unnoticed by the teacher. The teacher, curious about his whereabouts, inquired about Nobita's absence from the other students. Gian, known for his teasing nature, chimed in with a jest, suggesting that Nobita was probably still fast asleep in his room. This remark elicited laughter from the rest of the class, unknowingly triggering Nobita's Stupid System.

[Ding! You have gained 31 Stupid Points]

Inwardly, Nobita's high IQ allowed him to make an educated guess about the nature of the jokes being made at his expense. He understood that his absence had likely become a subject of amusement among his classmates. While he felt a tinge of annoyance, his intellectual capacity helped him maintain composure and perspective in the face of such situations.

As the Stupid System alerted him of the Stupid Points he had gained, Nobita couldn't help but find irony in the situation. The system's notification served as a reminder that despite his intelligence, he was not immune to the everyday challenges and social dynamics of school life.

Nobita's teacher, concerned about his prolonged absence, decided to reach out to his mother, Mrs. Nobi, to discuss the situation. The teacher wanted to understand the reasons behind Nobita's absence and ensure his well-being.

In the school's faculty room, the teacher called Mrs. Nobi and shared his concern. The teacher said, "Mrs. Nobi, I wanted to talk to you about Nobita. He has been absent from school today, and we are worried about him. Is everything alright?"

Mrs. Nobi, who believed Nobita had been attending school, was taken aback by the news of his absence. Her concern grew, and she replied to the teacher, "Oh, I thought Nobita had been going to school. I am worried now. I haven't seen him in a while, and I have no idea where he could be."

Alarmed by her son's unexplained absence, Mrs. Nobi's motherly instincts kicked in, and she immediately began considering various possibilities. She couldn't shake off the thought that Nobita might have encountered some danger or gotten into trouble.

With conviction in her voice, Mrs. Nobi told the teacher, "I will send Doraemon to look for Nobita. He has the capability to locate him and bring him back home safely. Please keep me informed if you hear anything or if Nobita returns to school."

Driven by her maternal instincts and the belief that Doraemon could assist in the search for her son, Mrs. Nobi put her trust in the robotic cat and hoped that Nobita would be located and brought back home safely.

Mrs. Nobi, deeply concerned about Nobita's whereabouts, engaged in an earnest conversation with Doraemon. She implored him, "Doraemon, please find Nobita. I fear he may be in danger. Use your gadgets, whatever it takes." Doraemon, understanding the urgency, reassured her, "Don't worry, Mom. I'll do everything I can to locate Nobita and ensure his safety. Leave it to me." With determination in her eyes, Mrs. Nobi trusted in Doraemon's capabilities, hoping that he would bring her Nobita back home soon.

Using his trusty gadget, the "Obtaining Bag," Doraemon swiftly retrieved Nobita from inside the bag, surprising him. Nobita, who had been walking on the road, found himself suddenly transported back home. Startled, he looked around in bewilderment, unable to comprehend how he had ended up inside the bag and now back in familiar surroundings. Doraemon, with a reassuring smile, said, "Nobita, you're safe now. We were worried about you. Let's talk and figure out what happened." The confusion on Nobita's face slowly transformed into relief, seeing that it was just Doraemon."