
Doraemon: The Stupider I Act The Stronger I Get

Reborn as Nobita with a Platinum finger. Getting Items/Skills/Abilities/Properties depending on the level of stupidness. 100 thousand troops of Mechatopian soldiers are invading Earth. Not to be worried Nobita uses his very own Iron Legion. Low Profile, Smart and Attractive Nobita. Author note: This is just a random imagination and will only include the movies. I will also age him up as the the time goes by.

Sung_Jin_Doo · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs

Way to Earn money and Points

After enduring a severe scolding from his parents, Nobita retreated to his room feeling downcast. There, he sought solace in Doraemon, who initially scolded him as well but soon realized Nobita had already received an earful from their mother.

Seeking distraction, Nobita requested to see Doraemon's gadgets. With some reluctance, Doraemon agreed. Nobita's curious mind led him to inquire about the DUPLI-MIRROR, wondering if it could duplicate valuable minerals like gold. Doraemon confirmed its ability but warned of the legal implications of using gadgets for monetary gain. If he were to persist he could be sentenced to as much as 20 years in prison by the space and time law.

Undeterred, Nobita inquired about using the time machine to gather stock market information. Doraemon sternly warned him of the potential criminal consequences, cautioning against such actions.

Nobita's curiosity persisted as he asked about the TRUTHBEAKER, wondering if it could be used for extreme purposes like causing someone's death. Doraemon clarified that its effects were limited to making a person serve for an hour, unable to cause severe harm.

The topic shifted to the Time Kerchief, and Nobita questioned its potential to rejuvenate or revive individuals. Doraemon explained the limitations, stating that bringing back the soul was impossible, and the body would be an empty vessel. The Time Kerchief also prevented someone from turning to dust or regressing to an embryonic state.

Nobita's attention turned to the electric sword, but he realized its blade was disappointingly dull.

Growing tired of Nobita's relentless inquiries, Doraemon explained that these gadgets were civilian-grade and military versions required licensing.

At that moment, Nobita's understanding deepened. He realized why the movies featured gadgets used for eliminating enemies or altering fates, as such powerful tools were beyond the scope of civilian gadgets.

Curiosity still burning within him, Nobita asked Doraemon about the current year, to which Doraemon replied, "2016."

As the pieces fell into place in Nobita's mind, a plan began to form—one that involved finding a way to earn money and increase his Stupid Points simultaneously.