

Behind the treelines, hundreds of human-shaped shadows could be seen moving around. Men, women, and even children that didn't look like fighters had surrounded them. The army would have thought of them as normal survivors and accept them with open arms if not for their non-stop chanting of prayers.

The first battalion had been anxiously guarding the four corners of the village. They were inside the buildings and houses of the village aiming through the windows at the treelines. Although they noticed that the opponents were human beings, their fingers on the firearm triggers felt numb and their hearts felt heavy. Many were not sure what to do if these people charged in the village.

In one of the houses, Colonel Bernard gathered all of the unit leaders. Next to him stood Captain Yonas, his next in command and the leader of the first platoon, Lieutenant Axel the leader of the special forces unit, and Rick, Adam's subordinate and the leader of the third platoon.