
doomday in marvel

Lu Yuan was originally just a normal ordinary person, but one day he passed through it and became a day of destruction with a splendid reputation in the DC universe. Doomsday does not refer to a single monster, but a terrifying legion from the technological civilization of Krypton. But Doomsday is not a superman. In fact, it is a terrible biochemical weapon invented by the dead body of Kryptonian who got superhuman power and resurrected. Lu Yuan became one of the doomsdays after just passing through, and entered the core of the sun for 100,000 years. One day, Lu Yuan woke up, but when he flew back to Earth, he found that this place is no longer the Earth of the DC universe. I don’t know why he seems to have come to Marvel? “Isn’t this invincible? Without kryptonite, I would be God.

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I, Doomsday, Have Been In the Core of the Sun For a Hundred Thousand Years Chapter 34:

But such power is not so easily dissipated, and from its ashes, the present reality rises in its many forms, and the divine core of this being incarnates in the form of the six Infinity Stones, the ultimate in power and in all universes The most primitive dark secret.

In the setting of a parallel universe (number 93060), all the Infinity Stones came from Nemesis. In this parallel universe, there is also a seventh Infinity Stone called the Ego Stone. When the Ego Stone is combined with the other six The Infinity Stones, put together, become a whole, the Nemesis.

The resurrected Nemesis intends to destroy the 93060 universe, and is finally defeated by the Avengers and the Ultraforce. Finally, the ego gem is destroyed, and the Nemesis can no longer be resurrected.

However, these things that happened in this parallel universe have nothing to do with the 616 main universe.

The Infinity Stones mentioned by OAA are the Infinity Stones in the comic world of the main universe.

There is no doubt about the power of the Infinity Stones, not only each stone can give the user omnipotent control in some aspects, including: power, time, space, soul, reality and mind.

If someone can have six gems at the same time, it can be said that nothing is impossible except to make stones that they cannot lift.

Especially when the reality gem is blessed by the power of other gems, it can really turn an idea into a real reality.

This may have surpassed the existence above the fifth dimension, and even surpassed the sixth dimension.

As the pinnacle of people in the fifth dimension, Lu Yuan knows that if it is really the power of all the Infinity Stones in the comic world of the main universe, it is actually above the fifth dimension.

There is also the Heart of the Universe, which is a legendary sacred thing.

The Heart of the Universe is so powerful that even the Court of Life is no match for the holders of the Heart of the Universe.

The power of the Life Court comes from OAA, which is the messenger to handle the Marvel Universe instead of OAA.

The Life Tribunal can even separate the collected Infinity Stones again, and make the Infinity Stones unable to approach each other again, preventing more than two Infinity Stones from approaching again.

But even the Court of Life is no match for the holder of the incomplete Heart of the Universe.

Thanos also once said that the Heart of the Universe is above the Universe Cube and the Infinity Stones.

Because Thanos once obtained the complete heart of the universe, and took this opportunity to see everything in the universe, he found that there were too many places in the universe that he thought were wrong, so he decided to destroy the universe he was in and pay attention to both. shape the universe.

At that time, except for OAA, almost all superheroes and gods were trying their best, but they couldn't stop it in the end.

The reason why the Heart of the Universe has such a powerful power is that it is said that the Heart of the Universe actually originated from OAA and is a part of the power of OAA.

So even Lu Yuan was moved.

OAA is willing to pay such a large capital? Give yourself a part of his power?

DC God on the side waited for OAA to finish, and said not to be outdone: "I will also give you power, origin power, emotional spectrum, Omega effect (that is, Darkseid's Omega rays, and the source of his power) , the Anti-Life Equation, and all that."

Those are already arguably almost the origin and supreme power of the DC Universe.

How could they make such a promise?

But why?

"If someone really can get so much power, even if it's not me, it's enough to just change someone?" Lu Yuan questioned again.

Because he secretly calculated that if someone could master so many terrifying powers at the same time, they would be able to surpass the level of the multiverse, or even reach the level of omniscience and omnipotence.

Even the two great gods in front of them are not omnipotent universes?

Lu Yuan was stunned secretly, is this to create a god? But why is it him?

"Because of what you have done," OAA suddenly opened his hands and showed all the experiences that have happened since Lu Yuan came to the Earth of the Marvel Universe.

What did Lu Yuan do after coming here?

In fact, it can be summed up in a simple sentence, he has been eating and waiting to die, and looking for some things as a pastime.

However, with Lu Yuan's current strength, even if it were anyone else, it would be impossible to be so 'honest', right?

Maybe some people will be ambitious because of this, or even want to conquer the world, because that is too easy to achieve.

With the power of the earth today, the highest is the ancient one, the heavenly father, unless there are other hidden powers.

But looking at the development plot of the movie universe, even the tragic ending like Avengers III has not been forced out, that is, there is really no more.

If Lu Yuan wanted to, he could carry the moon to the ground, and no one dared to refuse.

But he didn't do that. It was more like he didn't want to be involved in human affairs, and he didn't join any forces. He even had to figure out how to make money himself?

Brother, just go to the outer space to find a meteorite with a higher gold content, and bring it back, isn't it the fastest way to get money?

For all Lu Yuan's actions, OAA and DC God have maintained an appreciative attitude.

"To put it bluntly, our level is not suitable for participating in human beings and any creatures and races. Your awareness is very good."

Lu Yuan touched his nose. He just didn't have a sense of belonging to this universe. His initial plan was to have fun first. As long as he found a way, he would return to DC at any time.

The result is now being praised instead? .

61. Lu Yuan, have you become a god? Wrong, almost got ripped off

In short, no matter what the reason, it seems that Lu Yuan is very favored by the two great gods.

Even OAA opened his hands to Lu Yuan. In his left palm, six Infinity Stones with real terrifying power, from the comic world of the main universe, slowly floated in front of Lu Yuan.

Then there is his right hand, a dazzling planet, radiating dazzling light like the sun.

That is the Heart of the Universe. In the comics, when Thanos first saw the complete Heart of the Universe, it was like facing a star~.

The two great fetishes were taken out of thin air by OAA, and I don't know if he had prepared it long ago, or if he had made it on the spot-.

The DC God on the side also acted in the same way. First of all, the emotional spectrum turned into ten rays of light and came to Lu Yuan.

The Emotional Spectrum was originally used and used by the Guardians of the Ora Star universe to guard the universe, and created corresponding lamp rings, which are the red light symbolizing anger, the green light symbolizing will, the yellow light symbolizing fear, and the orange symbolizing greed. Lamp, blue lamp symbolizing hope, blue lamp symbolizing compassion, and purple lamp symbolizing love.

But few people know that the emotional spectrum also has black lights that symbolize death and white lights that symbolize life.

There is even a so-called original lamp ring on top of this, which is also the original lamp ring.

At this time, the ten powers of the emotional spectrum are directly displayed by DC God, and naturally they will not appear in the form of lamp rings, nor do they need to be charged like the Seven Lantern Corps.

It is the most original and purest, from the power of origin and the mysterious emotional spectrum beyond the wall of origin.

There are many other origin powers have also been demonstrated by DC God.

The DC universe was created by God, and everything was at his fingertips, representing only a part of the most powerful force in the DC universe.

Even the Omega effect of Darkseid, the anti-life equation of the anti-monitor, and so on, all the powers came to Lu Yuan.

As long as he promises, as long as he is willing to become an apostle of the two gods and help them defeat the spokespersons chosen by the OBA and the beast, he can get these powers that even the gods of the universe are jealous of.

In the end, Lu Yuan still failed to withstand the test of temptation.

He stretched out his hands, and one of his hands plunged into the radiant light from the DC God, and all the power poured into his body at once.

On the other hand, the six Infinity Gems finally turned into a dazzling brilliance, and together with the heart of the universe like the sun, also submerged into Lu Yuan's body.

The Infinity Stones in the comic universe are indeed different from the Infinity Stones in the movie universe. The Infinity Stones in the movie universe are not easy to use, and will severely consume the user's life.

Even if Thanos wears the full Infinity Gloves, it seems to be weakened, far better than not wearing them.

However, Lu Yuan's feelings were different. The power of the six Infinity Stones was like a universe, allowing his overall power to climb to a new level again.

Especially the Heart of the Universe made Lu Yuan's eyes glow with golden light, and even his five-meter body became a lot more majestic, and it was already close to ten meters.

Lu Yuan seemed to be able to see the entire universe in his eyes. He did not use super vision, but looked down at the entire Marvel universe from a God-like perspective.

It has even transcended the individual movie universes and is monitoring the entire infinite multiverse.

There is the world of the old version of Spider-Man, as well as the figure of the extraordinary Spider-Man fighting, the first battle of the X-Men, and the classic trilogy of the X-Men, and even saw a deadpool who was silenced and a The cheap and cute Deadpool.

Of course, Deadpool also gave him a middle finger.

Turning his head, Lu Yuan saw many comic universes, secret invasion events, civil war, Tony's spine was broken by Captain Marvel, and so on.

He even saw the future picture, the Avengers beat Loki one, the Avengers two beat Ultron, and the Avengers three or four beat Thanos.

Not to mention the cosmic space in this universe.

Turning his head again, Lu Yuan looked towards DC. On the other side of the gate, he also saw the magnificent Wall of Origin because of the blessings of countless mysterious and unpredictable Origin Powers.

And outside the wall of origin, a pure white huge great existence is also looking at him.

Too virtual.

However, Tai Xu did not stare at Lu Yuan for a long time, but revealed his 'flaws' to him.

Inside that flaw is the DC universe, which is also an infinite multiverse, but only the fifty-two universes represented by fifty-two earths are most conspicuously exposed there.

And the DC universe is different. In each universe, there is a wall of origin that separates it, and outside the wall of origin, there are still many mysterious darkness.

Even under the wall of origin, there is a goddess of the creation **** level. She is sleeping, but she will wake up eventually, and the wall of origin will collapse, right?

Lu Yuan also saw more and more.

In the fifty-two universes, no matter which universe it is in, Krypton will be destroyed. , their destruction was inevitable.

Lu Yuan sighed and slowly closed his eyes.

At this moment, he is detached, transcendent, far above the creator god, more like an existence that controls everything, and observes everything in the two universes with such eyes.


Then Lu Yuan seemed to understand something, opened his eyes abruptly, and cursed: "Damn, I was almost fooled by you guys. What a fool, can't the Infinity Stones and the Heart of the Universe be brought to the DC Universe? The laws of the two universes. It's different, the Infinity Stones and the Heart of the Universe are useless on DC's side, right?"

After he calmed down, he seemed to have come to a clear understanding, and he could already see the law, and immediately realized that he was almost fooled.

"And you, old man, your power of origin is all from DC, it's meaningless on Marvel's side," Lu Yuan was about to pull God's beard.

Anyway, he now understands that he is their apostle, and even the two great gods will not hurt him.

So Lu Yuan almost scolded the street with his feet jumping, and he realized it.

Isn't it, how could Marvel's Infinity Stones be used by DC, and the Heart of the Universe is a part of OAA's power, but it's useless, because the DC Universe is the domain of the DC God.

The reverse is also true, the Marvel Universe does not have the power of origin, nor does it have a wall of origin, so it's a mess?

As for the various powers Lu Yuan showed before, it was derived from his own power, including the concept of the fifth dimension, which also exists in the Marvel Universe.

So he kept his power.

But the power of these foreign objects is different.

He was almost cheated, but he also had a day when he was cheated?

62. Relying on others is never better than relying on yourself

Facing Lu Yuan's anger, OAA and DC God really didn't care, and they were all smiling, as if they had guessed that he would explode.

No wonder Lu Yuan was angry, he also realized after experiencing the divine perspective just now that the laws of the two universes are completely different, which means that many laws of the Marvel universe are incompatible with the DC universe.

For example, if the Flash of the DC universe and the Quicksilver of the Marvel universe are simply faster than the speed, the Flash must be faster, because the speed of the Flash is also the speed of light, and Quicksilver is generally considered to be only the speed of sound.

However, Quicksilver's speed comes from his own strength as a mutant.

The Flash's power comes from the blessing of the speed force.

Speed ​​Force is also the law of the DC universe. If the Flash comes to the Marvel universe, he will not be the opponent of Quicksilver.

This is the reason for such a simple "three-one-zero" list.

Just like Lu Yuan, although he came to Marvel from DC, he used his own power before, just like Quicksilver's arrival in the DC universe is not affected, it is his own power.

But now?

The obtained power may not be able to be used, it is not a pit.

Now it is in front of the two great gods, and the space gate connects the two universes, so that he can use the law power of the two universes.

And once the connection is lost, which universe he is in, he can only use the power of which universe.

"Don't give me an explanation?" Lu Yuan glared at the two of them. He worked for them, but he was cheated. Is it reliable?

OAA glanced at DC God.

The old man is good at blocking his beard, and it seems that he is also worried that Lu Yuan will go and grab his beard.

"Don't worry," God reassured Lu Yuan: "After all, these powers are foreign and given to you by us, why don't you turn them into your own power?"

Lu Yuan's eyes lit up, as if he had thought of something, but he wasn't sure.

OAA also nodded and said: "If you only rely on the strength we give you, you will not be able to defeat your opponent. It is even very likely that you will face the OBA and the giant beast in person. What will you do then? We can't either. Always protect you."