

<p><br/>It has been a few weeks since I got Lilly back. She has changed completely and it is concerning me. Lilly is not a doll but, she acts like one. It's confusing me because I don't want to accept the obvious. I just won't let myself do that because in the end she will die too. I will kill every doll and if the Sevron get in the way, They will die too. I was brought out of my thoughts by Lilly tossing a stone at me. "Ah what the hell Lilly?" I yelled massaging my temple. Lilly shook her head giving me an annoyed look. <br/><br/>"Why did you hesitate with Natalie? She was right there Meadow our problems could have been solved. " She crossed her arms glaring at me. Honestly the answer to that question is a silly one. "I saw you as a child Lilly. I may not remember everything from our past, I however can never forget you running around the house naked not wanting to get in the bath. Our poor mother trying to get a towel on you, only to have you would scream 'no one can catch me' " Lilly's cheeks turned red in embarrassment. I started to chuckle from the memory. <br/><br/>"oh you were the worst to get out of bed. Mom would get so mad before she threw water on you. You would jump up shaking like a leaf in winter." She laughed as I now turn red. "At least had nothing against getting in the bath." I teas making her smirk "I don't see why when mom brought the bath to you. " She laughed "Hey mornings are evil and you know it." We laughed teasing each other for fun. "Mom and Dad were great weren't they? I know they would be heartbroken, by knowing the hell we face every day. It would hurt more because they couldn't do anything." Lilly said holding her legs to her chest. "I don't remember them Lilly. I hardly remember our village. What I do know is they would want us to stick together. <br/><br/>They will probably have my hide when I get up there." I said looking up at the sky stars in a shimmering net of black,blue,and purple. "Not just you they would have at me too. Your not the only killer here dear big sister. We both had to do things Meadow. It's normal to feel shame but, that guilt makes you strong enough to fix it." <br/><br/>She said looking up as well. "Even if what happens hurts more that death itself." That caught my attention. What does she mean by that. Little did I know at the time I was about to find out. "Lilly go get some sleep we will be moving in a few hours." She nods laying down. When she was asleep I started to cry. "Please god if you exist please let me be wrong about her. I don't want to kill her. I lived years in hell so she may walk in the light. End this sick fucking game before someone else has to die." I said my tears sliding down my cheeks.<br/><br/>Anthony pov<br/><br/>"Uncle please give me another chance I'll be good." The little bitch I call niece cried. "You almost cost us our strongest doll Our master peace! If I didn't step in you would have killed Lilly. Then 42 would have killed you!" I yelled looking down at the bloody child quivering on her knees. "I can get her back. Lilly her sister I had her trained in our ways." She said looking at me hopefull. I Put out my cigarette before rising up from my chair. Once standing infront of Natalie it was a moment of silence before, I yanking her up by her throat. "DID I FUCKING AUTHORIZE THAT?!" <br/><br/>I yelled making her piss herself. "No sir...*Cough* you didn't but...*Gag* I didn't think you....*struggling to breathe* I didn't think you would mind." She spoke struggling to get free. "YOU FUCKING IDIOT CHILD! DO YOU HAVE ANY FUCKING IDEA, WHAT 42 WILL TO HER?! 42 WILL DO ANYTHING TO SAVE LILLY KILL HER EVEN! THEN WHAT WOULD WE HAVE TO USE AGAINST HER NATALIE?! YOU BETTER FIX THIS OR RAINIER WILL HAVE YOU!" I yelled throwing her to the ground. "get going you miserable piece of shit. You better not have ruined anything for me. <br/><br/>You think 42 is yours dear little niece you must remember your place. I call the shots not you there for 42 is mine. " The small girl limped out the room before, I sat back in my chair. "Soon Meadow you will be home with me. I keep my promises Meadow flower. I have not forgotten the promise we made. The question is do you remember it or have I faded from your memory?" Watching fire burn away at the burch log. I will make this whole place will burn for you Meadow.<br/><br/>42 pov<br/><br/>Coca roco village it is small but, a good place to hide for now. Its a chocolate and mining village. If you are not skilled in chocolate making then you work in the mine. Your born and know your place by age ten, It's really that simple here. I come here for two reasons one it's calm and quiet. The other reason however is .."42 that you?! Well al'be hug you batty son of a bitch! *Hardy laugh* Get yur ass over her and give old pappy a hug!" Thats right one of the residents likes to be obnoxious. I laughed hugging the old lumberjack looking man. They call him Pappy but his name is Billy. Pappy is five foot five, braud shoulders, for a man in his sixties, he has some decent muscule tone. Short black hair with grey specks going threw it. You could always find him in a flannel shirt overalls and boots.<br/><br/> Pappy is a kind man to everyon but, when he looks at me, He becomes so sad. The moment Pappy saw Lilly, I honestly thought he was going to burst into tears. "Who is this 42?" He asked his normal joking tone was replaced with a shaky nervous one. "I'm Lilly sir it's nice to meet you." He walked up to her pulling her in. "No need to call me sir. A friend of 42 is a friend of mine. Lets go before the town starts to stir. 42's not really welcome in this village but, they tolerate her. They will do the same for you." He said walking ahead of us. I feel Lilly grab my arm. "He seems familiar to me." She whispered funny thing is I feel the same way. Its like I know him an yet I don't. Its odd really there is nothing to do but accept it. I shrug before joking that he might be a uncle or something. She nods walking close to me. She is a nervous little bird but, she will get over that quickly. <br/><br/>Lilly pov<br/><br/>When everyone was asleep, I head to the woods edge. "Were you followed?" Anthony asked before lighting up a cigarette. He took two stepping into the light. Before I could stop myself, I was down on one knee bowing my head to him. "No sir I was not followed. " I said wanting so badly to run him threw. He is a shit stain the world doesn't need. Run him threw and the dolls will crumble. Meadow won't need to kill herself anymore. "Lilly I want you to know this was not my intention. I didn't want you to be a doll. Meadow I am sure is aware of your condition. <br/><br/>She will not trust you so easily. It pains me to say this but either convince her you are with her, or die by my hands your choice. What Natalie did to you is not going unpunished I assure you. We need your sister for a greater purpose. I promise once this is over the dolls will be no more." He said leaving as quickly as he came. My tears hit the ground. She will never follow you I know her too well. She wants to dismantle the dolls. She wants to kill them all one by one. Once she is done then she will off herself. The world will be safer without the dolls in it. May the lord have mercy on us both. I fear that soon Meadow we will be facing off against eachother. I just hope you know it won't be my choice.</p>