

<p>It took a few days but, I finally caught up to the five boys. "So did you really sleep with her?" One asked Aron making him laugh. "I'm not a fool with a death wish dude. Can't believe we have to baby sit tha-Ah" he couldn't finish that sentence not that I would let him. Pinned to a tree glaring at me with each passing second breathing becoming more difficult. "Hello Aron got something you wanna tell me? You know I have ways to make you.<br/><br/> You won't like them though...*chuckle* So easy way or hard way up to you." I said with a evil smile. The other four were about to take a step twords us. That is the last thing they want to do right now. They froze when I cocked my head in their direction."Do you dickheads really wanna die today? Trust me the mood I'm in right now isn't doing you any favors." I said squeezing Aron's throat with my right hand giving him a side glare. The knife he tried to pull out fell to the forest floor."Don't....fucking....try....it.....boy. All I have to do is press a little harder and jerk your head left. Thats all it takes to crush your windpipe. So unless you some how figured out how to live without air, I would be a good boy. Now tell me who is the dumb ass your all working for. Once you give me the name... I will let you and your friends go." I said angling my head so I am facing him once more. "Crazy bitch who the fuck you think you are?" Aron spat at me. I growled before throwing him to the ground. He coughed gasping for air. The moment he was able to get to his hands and knees, I grab him by his harness slamming Aron into the tree. Blood began to spill from his mouth. <br/><br/>"Get up you peice of shit." I said kicking him in the side. He coughed up blood trying in vain to clear his air way. "Crazy bitch" he wheezed glaring at me without reserve no fear what so ever. I truly despise people like him and yet I also like people like him too. The beating continues I guess. "I'm sorry I didn't catch that. Did any of you useless warms catch what he said?" I asked looking away from the pathetic shit of a man at my feet. They back up raising their hands, knowing I'm not playing games with any of them. I want information and I sure as hell am going to get it. one way or the other they will talk. "He called you what you are a crazy Biah" he stopped dead seeing the 'I dare you to fucking finish look'. He started to shake knowing he will end up like Aron if he did. I smirk "good boy now one of you will answer, what that pathetic shit couldn't." I said pointing to a hunched over and bloody Aron. I stood there for ten minutes waiting for one of the gutless asswholes to answer. "Ok you have till the count of three." I said growing impatient.<br/><br/>"One" I said cracking my neck rolling my shoulders getting ready.<br/><br/>"Come on Meadow we can't" one said trying to reason with me.<br/><br/>"Two" I was getting more irritated walking towards them.<br/><br/>"Thr- oh really now how interesting " I said look behind them. <br/><br/>"Never mind you don't need to say a word. Your friend speaks for you." I said cracking my knuckles. "This is going to be fun." I laughed not caring anymore.<br/><br/>Behind the four cowards stood five dolls and Natalie.<br/>"42 please lets be civilized about this. I will for give you if you come back home. You are a doll you have only one purpose. Those gutless guns for hire will never understand you or us." She said clinging to one of the dolls legs. If it were not for the fact I know her, I would feel bad it's not the case sadly. Taking a deep breath before slowly advancing forward toward them.<br/><br/> The dolls hands were inching toward their knife bag. Natile looked hopeful till I stopped five feet from them. A knowing smirks keeps over my lips. "You think you can kill me? I had hundreds of people surround me and try. Not one survived so ask yourself, Is it a weis thing to do? The moment you pull those blades out, you will have sighed your death warrants." I may not be able to see their faces, but I can see their bodies tremble. "42 thats enough! We don't want to fight please come back, and all will be forgiven I promise." Natalie begs tears sliding down her cheeks. This made me laughed like a mad hyena. "The grown-ups are talking wait your turn." She glares at me before stomping her foot. Oh boy here it comes the all mighty temper-tantrum, of a child not getting her way. "You know what I've had enough of this stupid game of your's 42."<br/><br/> Oh yes now the real her is starting to peak threw. "Oh so it's a game now is it? Well hate to disappoint you 'Master' but, You no longer have any fucking control over me." I said crossing my arms. She chuckled that sick evil chuckle. What is she up to? "Oh you think so well then you won't mind this then." She snapped her fingers. The person that stepped forward almost made me fall to my knees. Lilly was beaten bloody with bruises littering her cream colored skin. She was in a tattered cloth I guess to be a dress. It was stained with dirt and what I can assume to be her blood. She was thrown to her knees by Natalie. The little shit looked back to me with a smirk. Lilly looks up from the ground me. She was weak and wasn't going to last much longer.<br/><br/> "Let her go Natalie! She has nothing to do with this! Lilly is innocent please don't hurt her!" I yelled drawing my knife as I plead for my sister to be unharmed. "Sorry but I unfortunately can't do that. You see 42 we all want things but, we don't always get them. It's sad really I didn't want to do this. *she clenched her teeth* but you leave me no choice!" She was trying to make me choose. "Come with me or she dies your choice." I glare at her knowing full well Lilly would die either way.<br/><br/> "Meadow don't do it! It's a trap trust me I was fooled too." Natalie growled slaming Lilly into the dirt. Her baby doll shoe pressed onto the leftsideof Lilly's head."Quiet filthy trollope! This is your fault to begin with!" I couldn't stop myself it was this primal response. I lunged at the small girl as she stepped back shaking like a small rabbit. "42 please come back with us." She was in tears pleading. "Oh stop with this innocent bullshit girl. You have to much blood on your hands for that." I was about to strike her when a screen of smoke filled my vision. I was about to grab Lilly but , before I could move a muscle I was bashed over the head knocking me out. I don't know how long I was out but when I woke, Lilly and I were laying on the grass. <br/><br/>Trying to sit up fighting the pain of a massive headache, I noticed a letter on Lilly addressed to me. I didn't recognize the seal. A dragon eating its tail with holly leaves around it, Against my better judgment I opened the letter. There was no mistaking the hand writing, it was the saved me from the good for nothing doctor. Whoever this person is they have something in mind for me. <br/><br/>Dear, My sweet Meadow <br/><br/>I trust this finds you in good health well aside from a headache. I know this is hard for you being saved for the fith time. I truely wish I could show myself to you. I want nothing more than to stand by your side but, Circumstances at the present moment prevent me from doing so. Meadow look behind the large stone to your left. There you will find a bag full of supplies that will keep yourself and Lilly alive. Trust no one but her you will see. I am your friend Meadow always have been. <br/><br/>Signed your loyal servant.<br/><br/>I go to the rock and sure enough a leather bag waited for me. A small card fell out that made my blood go cold. The three words that I could never accept from anyone. 'I love you.' Who the fuck is this person? I thought while walking back Lilly. I was aboutto sitdown when Lilly opened her eyes. "Good morning sleepy head it's time to go." I said holding my hand out to her. She slaps it away before rising to her feet. Lilly looked at me sorrow in her eyes.<br/><br/> Ok I was half expecting her to jump in my arms. Then again we are worse for where. "Come it will be night fall soon,and flat lands are not a suitable place to be at night." Lilly said nothing just followed. Those bastards did something to her. If there is a god please I beg you let me be wrong. I prayed silently before , I stopped turned and swong at Lilly. She caught it in the same Fashion a doll would. Her fingers over the Pressure point in my wrist. The cold dead eyes and blank face said it all. Those psychopaths bastards put her threw the test, without any doubt she passed. "Lilly I am your sister Meadow! Do you recognize me?" She looked like she was about to cry. I could see the internal war going on inside her. <br/><br/>Lilly was still in there and for now that is good enough. "It's ok let Lilly let go of my arm. I know this isn't you I promise it's ok." I said gently not wanting to provoke her in anyway. Lilly slowly came around releasing my wrist. The confusion in her eyes was heartbrakeing. "Why didn't you free yourself? You could have tooken me out easily." Lilly was feeling guilty over something she couldn't help. This is more reason why the Dolls need to be destroyed. Shaking my head before giving a warm smile " your my sister Lilly that's the only reason I need."</p>