
Doki doki Literature Club Mod Idea

You made a mod for DDLC but Monika doesn't know how to stop screwing with stuff. Can you make her chill or do you need to strip her of her powers?

Rosefungamer101 · Videospiele
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13 Chs

ch 6

At Sayori's

MC: *Knocks*

MC: *knocks*

MC: Sayori it's MC, me and the others are worried about you!

Sayori: *from inside* Just leave me alone!

MC: You know that's not gonna happen!

Sayori: Please just go away!

MC: No, I'm coming in!

MC: *goes in* Sayori where are you?

Sayori: Go away!

MC: "I think she's in her room."

MC: *goes to her room* Hey you in there?

Sayori: Why won't you stop?

MC: Sayori are you crying?

Sayori: *sniffle*

MC: I'm coming in in five minutes. Got it?

At the same time

Yuri: I hope Sayori's ok…

*Someone's phone starts ringing*

Natsuki: I think that's mine.

Natsuki: *answers*

Natsuki: MC is she ok?

MC: She's alive.

Yuri: Thank God.

MC: She's in her room right now and I don't know what she's doing.

Natsuki: So how do you know she's alive?

MC: She kept telling me to go away…

MM: MC you may what to check on her. I've got a really bad feeling about leaving her alone for too long…

Yuri: Me too. Something is not right…


MC: You don't think… dang it Sayori.

MC: I'm going in.

N: I proceed to sprint to her room.

MC: Sayori! Sayori! Are you ok!?

MC: *throws door open*

Sayori: *about to stab her herself* M-MC? Why are you still here?

N: I'm paralyzed at the sight and the first thing that came to mind was-

MC: Who the heck gave her a knife?!

Natsuki: Sayori has a knife?!

MC: Sayori drop the knife now!

Sayori: I don't want to live anymore…

MM: Sayori, you need to drop that knife now.

MC: Sayori please! Don't put me through that again!

Yuri: You really should put the knife down.

Sayori: I-I want to die…

MM: Sayori you care about MC right?

Sayori: yeah…

MM: And you just want him to be happy right?

Sayori: mhm…

MM: Killing yourself will not make anyone happy.

MC: Yeah she's right if you go through with this I'll never forgive myself…

MC: Thank you for saying something MM. If you didn't she'd be dead by now.

MM: *to MC* You're welcome.

MC: Will you put the knife down? For my sake as much as yours.

Sayori: *puts knife on desk*

MC: *takes knife* I'll take that.

Sayori: You know I feel selfish when you care for me like this…

MC: I know that and I don't care if you feel selfish about it because it's okay to be a little selfish.

Sayori: mmmm… I guess you're right.

MC: Ok come on let's go join the others.

Sayori: Where are they?

MC: The club room. Come on.

Sayori: I still want to die.

MM: *to Sayori* Hey Sayori, guess what? I feel the same way sometimes but I just keep on chugging because life sucks sometimes but it always gets better.

Sayori: Yeah I guess you're right…

MC: III didn't say anything.

Sayori: I know. I was talking to MM.

MC: Oh, what'd she say?

Sayori: That life sucks sometimes but it always gets better…

MC: She's not wrong. But you seem sad still. Why?

Sayori: That knife I had, I think Monika put it in my room. It just appeared there when I got home.

MC: Now that you mention it before I left she said to give you a point to live.

MM: Monika made a joke like that in the og game too. Remember?

MC: Yeah, she wanted to know why I left her hanging.

MC: I think she thought Sayori was dead already.

Sayori: If I ever do commit suicide or get to the verge of it blame Monika.

Monika: It was not me!

MM: The only ones with access to the files are me and you Monika.

Yuri: Yes, and with the joke you made it sounds like you thought she stabbed herself.

Natsuki: Monika you were awfully quiet during the incident.

MC: Now that you mention it I forgot she was even there…

MC: MM do you mind deleting the knife when I get home?

MM: *to MC* Not at all.

MC: Thanks.

Yuri: What are you going to do with the knife MC?

MC: She would ask that.

MC: MM is deleting it later.

Yuri: Oh… That's a good idea…

MC: Well me and Sayori are almost there so I'm gonna hang up now.

Natsuki: Ok.

MC: *hangs up* God dang it Monika!

MM: My thoughts exactly.

MC: Say did you remove Yuri's knives by any chance?

MM: Yeah. Why?

MC: Just curious.

MM: mhmmmm. . .

MC: What?

MM: Nothing.

MC: Why do I feel like something bad will happen when I get back?

Sayori: We should hurry if that's the case.