You made a mod for DDLC but Monika doesn't know how to stop screwing with stuff. Can you make her chill or do you need to strip her of her powers?
Monika: What would you do if this world was just some game?
Sayori: I'd probably have a mental breakdown. Why?
Monika: Well it is.
Sayori: *starts having a mental breakdown*
MC: *Walking in* Sayori, why are you having a mental breakdown?
Sayori: Tell him Monika!
Monika: All I said was that we're in some game.
MC: She has depression Monika! Don't tell her that kind of thing!
Monika: I know. *Walks off casually*
MC: I'm not done with her but I gotta calm Sayori down.
MC: It's ok Sayori, she wasn't serious.
Sayori: Really?
MC: Of course.
Sayori: But, she sounded so serious.
MC: I'm sure it was to sell it.
Sayori: Ok. *calms down*
MC:You won't do anything rash right?
Sayori: No.
MC: I'm gonna talk to her ok?
Sayori: ok…
MC: *Goes to talk to Monika*
Natsuki: What do you mean we're in a game?!
MC: Crap….
Monika: I mean what I just said.
Natsuki: What no! That's not possible.
Monika: Well it's true so get used to it.
MC: Dang it Monika!
Monika: Oh hi MC. And [insert name].
MC and Natsuki: Who are you talking to Monika?
Monika: The player.
MC: There is no player.
MM: *summons Monika*