
Theopokianafonarwinchar Smith

Note: I don't own Doctor Who or it's characters, but I do own Ginny Smith and the rest.

"Theo! Come down stairs!" my mother called. I rolled out of bed and hurried down stairs, my long red hair in my face. Only to see her and father sitting there all dressed up and on there way to work. "Come on now little one get dressed" father said as he tightened his tie. I hugged my father and went back up stairs to get my clothes ready, but I already knew what I wanted to wear.

A red and black flannel, dark jeans and black boats, my usual choice. I pull my hair back into a messy pony-tail and pick up my aqua green school bag. Before I headed back down stars to eat breakfast thinking that today was going to be just a normal day. I stood staring at the mirror with a blank stare. I was 16 going on 17 and I only had one real friend.

Looking at my figure head to toe, thinking how ugly I was until I heard the phone rang. My mom picked up the phone to a woman. The woman spoke so softly but harsh at the same time, "At the end of the day be ready for pick up." said the woman. "Who is this?" mother asked her voice shaking. Then the woman hung up and the phone went quite, I finished walking down the steps wondering who that was.

Mother turned towards me and smiled her blue dress twirling behind her, "I am going to drop you off today." mother smiled and picked up her car keys. I followed her out the door and into the car, noticing that she was scared by the call.

Once I got into the school I found some friends and sat with them to past the time. Like always they were paying the personality quiz to see if they were good friends. I sat down with a book pretending to read so they wouldn't put me in the game. Dylan noticed me and turned towards Hayden, "Hayden your favorite color is, pink right?" he said staring at me. He knew that I couldn't help but to correct him, it was his way of putting me into the game. "No, it's purple." I said out loud. Hayden looked at Dylan trying to smile, she has the biggest crush on him. But of course he was as blind as a dog to it. "Correct like always Theopok." she snickered. She knows that I don't like to be called Theopok.

"Please Hayden if you are going to use a long version then use the whole thing please." I smiled back, as Dylan snickered. No one can say my name, it's to hard for people, I was waiting for a response when the loudspeaker came on and I was called to the office.