

Note: I don't own Doctor Wjo or it's characters, but I do own Ginny Smith and the rest.

I got into the office and the vice principle sat in front of the computer. Mr. Shark was typing when he saw me, a long sigh came out then he point a finger towards the principles office. Mr. Shark and I go way back to freshman year when I wanted to help Hayden out by making a smoke bomb so she could go ask out Dylan. Even though I'm a Junior now he still hates me, and I haven't been handed a chemical I school since. I open the door to my principle and guidance counselor sitting together, they turned to both look at me.

"I didn't do it!" I said putting my hands in the air. I sat down in the empty chair, right across from Mrs. Paintmen who gave me the look. She started off the conversation by saying what good of a student that I am. "Get to the point already, Mrs. Paintmen!" I don't usually yell at the principle but I was tried and curious. She put down her glasses and looked at my counselor Ms. Dash, as if to say why don't you tell her.

Ms. Dash looked at me, "The scholarship that you are getting has been taken away from you, cause we have no record of your parents." She sighed and turned away from me, they both looked sad and they had tissues for me to cry with. I didn't know what to say to them, but I knew one thing that no tears came from my eyes ever. " Sorry to ruin your pity party but I already know that I am adopted." As soon as I said that they both looked at me confused, "So you already knew?" Mrs. Paintmen asked. "Yea I was wondering when this was coming." I said getting up, I was heading to the door, "So I'll see you both in the halls."

I opened the door and walked out, I didn't wanna miss my first class of the year. The classroom wasn't that far from the office and I was about to walk down the hallway when I thought that I saw someone watching me. I froze but everything inside of me told me to run, they just stared at me a person in a black cloak. Who wears cloaks anymore, must be a kid from the drama club, I thought and just kept walking to the classroom. I got to the door and I stared down the kid, waiting for something to happen. Then the bell rang and everyone came out of there classrooms and the kid disappeared through the crowds of kids that were in the hallway.