

Under the dim light of the interrogation room the next day, Gray stares at Harry who can't seem to meet his eyes.

Gray tuts and lays in front of him a sickle.

"Mr Harry, do you recognize this sickle?"

Harry looks at it and shakes his head in the negative.

In his head though, he knows the sickle, quite well infact. The same sickle that that gardener had been using that particular day.

It crosses his mind that if he had reported it himself that day, all of this would not be happening now... But because of his greed...

"Harry!" Gray calls him the third time before he snaps to attention. "Did you say something?"

"I said no. I don't recognize the sickle. Why am I here exactly? Because I had a lot of cash in my hands?"

"Of course not Mr Harry. That is what we call circumstantial evidence and even that can be admissible but you're here for reasons other than that. Why do you think I came for you myself?"

Harry shrugs.