
Divine General Mahoraga in Shadow Slave

Art cover by: Wizdoesart. You can find him on any platform by the same name. His art is truly goated so make sure to check him out and give him some love as thx for letting me use his art. an ordinary guy meets a ROB and gets three wishes. Now with immunity to fate and having no flaw along with a op aspect. Surely nothing will go wrong… A/N: when you get into this fanfic, pls give it some chs to get good. at the beginning the writing is not something I’m proud of but later it will get better trust me, as long as I get experience. I will get better. so give it a chance. A/N: Anything mentioned in this ff does not originally belong to me. it belongs to its rightful owner. well except my OC. so I hope you like it.

The_oneandonly344 · Anime und Comics
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44 Chs

Chapter 36

Gazing down at Nephis, Ariel's face was flat, his eyes holding not a singular emotion or intent. Only calmness resided in them as he witnessed Nephis panting and exhaling with a slightly flushed face. Which contrasted greatly from her pale features.

Yep, she definitely became a little addicted after tasting my blood.

Ariel's thoughts were in slight dismay. A complete opposite of his eyes. Cassie. Who had her arms wrapped around his neck heard the heavy breathing. She could feel it in her bones, no- perhaps it was a woman's intuition. But she could recognise the way of Nephis's heavy panting.

It sounds just like me when I slept with Ariel naked and had those indecent, vulgar thoughts. When my body heated up just by coming in contact with his, when his every breath was like a divine wind blowing through my mind and cleansing it. When his smell was so, so irresistible that I couldn't help but wait until Ariel was asleep, so that I could take his aroma in as much as I want.

Her thoughts surprised her, she couldn't help but think she had changed into one of those sultry, depraved women. She thought that at least her love will be a bit more pure.

But I guess I was wrong, there's no way I can stop myself when he is so close. I also have my limit. So don't judge me. But Nephis…

Cassie's eyes locked onto Nephis's panting, a sharp glint glowing in them the next instant, her arms instinctively tightened around him. As if to protect him from Nephis.

This girl… does she also have feelings for Ariel? No- it's something more than that, but I can't figure it out. What a shame. Also… why the hell is she panting that loud. She must be horny. And this reaction from just drinking blood… I wonder what will happen if Ariel makes love to her. Nothing good probably. She will get even more depraved.

In the next second, her thoughts were interrupted by a whisper. A whisper that she was on the verge of grasping. A whisper that silenced the whole world for her.

Her eyes now slightly dazed, she tapped Ariel on the shoulder, signaling him to let her down.

Ariel, now done with feeding Nephis. Cocked an eyebrow in confusion but still did what he was told by bending his waist before gently sliding her down his back.

Upon feeling the roughness of the black, jagged soil. She kneeled slowly, bringing her ear in contact with the ground, the side of her face immediately being covered by bits and pieces of mud. She didn't mind, her focus on the whisper that was ringing out in her eardrums.

"What's wrong?"

Ariel questioned, his and the other two's eyes on Cassie. Her actions confused and interested them at the same time.

A few seconds passed and no answer came through. Cassie didn't seem to have heard Ariel, she was unmoving in her position. Resembling a statue more than a human.

However, this time a whisper resounded. A whisper that was heard by everyone.

"It's murmuring."

It was Cassie, her mouth barely mumbled the words but everyone was still able to understand her.

Ariel, feeling suspicious attempted to raise his voice to get her attention back. But that was it. He attempted. Because in the next moment. The wind picked up. A wind so powerful, it drowned out every echo, every sound, every whisper coursing through the expansive and deadly region.

The cohort looked up at the sky. The source of it all. There, dark clouds as dark as the night came into existence. Their shapes unnatural and humongous. Their manifestation brought forth the ear-bursting winds.

Ariel and the others all had blood raining down the sides of their faces. All of their eyes planted firmly on the skies. Watching the phenomenon with growing unease. Unease that ate away at their nerves. Unease that prevented them from moving due to a dark, grimacing realisation.

The clouds roamed straight for the pale sun, and in a moment, they consumed the soul-freezing light along with its maker. The sun. Instantly engulfing the world into an abyss. An abyss that felt familiar to all of them, it was a sign of their inevitable demise.

Then came the drops of water, drops of fresh clear water that pattered across the region like a waterfall. Its rough intensity sensed by all who stood under its barrage, including the nightmare creatures that were frantically screeching and scrambling in the vastness of the labyrinth. Hoping to find a safe haven in the midst of the darkness.

Ariel scowled. His body already shooting through the darkness like a rocket. His mind trying to come up with a solution rapidly.

Fuck! Fuck! This just had to happen didn't it?

While Ariel picked up Cassie, who's face was now pale with fear noticing the urgency. Sunny, with an expression that left much to be desired, dashed right after Ariel. Nephis, who also had a deep Frown plastered across her face. Ran alongside him. The rainfall deafening their hearing. But they did pick up one thing even amidst the panic and the rain.

It was another whisper.

"It's coming."

As if those words were a trigger. A rumble roared out. A rumble that was ancient in nature. A rumble that sprouted an unrivalled fear in the very core of those affected by it. A rumble that reached the tiniest, most darkest corner of the region.

Then came the dark water. Unseen and inevitable. Still and quiet in its uprise. It rose fairly fast. Reaching their shins in a few seconds.

"Run towards the high point! Don't stop even if you lose sight of each other! Don't engage with anything. Just focus on surviving! We have three to four kilometres left until the high point!"

A booming voice rang out. It was even louder than the storm and the rising sea. Alerting them into absolute focus as they ran with all their strength. Ignoring straying nightmare creatures that equally didn't register the cohort's existence. They ran with a desperate desire. A desire that they wished would become reality with all their being.

It was Survival.

With baited breaths and a heavy chest, they ran. Their bodies soaked in sweat and rain. The labyrinth's passage's in-twining and deepening similar to the insides of a horrifying beast that was once alive. Dead ends, unhinged passageways. Tight, narrow corners that they barely fit in. But they managed to because they were desperate. Because something terrifying was approaching them.

Howling winds tore through the skies, their destination unknown. Tendrils of lightning blanketed the darkness time to time. Thunderclaps ringing in their ears. The situation was turning worse and worse as seconds passed by.

Ariel and Sunny were in the lead, Sunny was using his shadow to scout ahead the most optimal and straightforward path towards the high point. Ariel with his pace faster than everyone, dealt with any stupid scavengers that dared to attack them even in this situation. Cassie had her whole body coiled around Ariel. Like a snake suffocating its prey. Cassie, however. Had her eyes closed tightly, her lips trembling in fear, mumbled under her breath non-stop. Nephis was running behind them, easily keeping her pace with those in front.

The dark sea rose to their knees, causing them to be even more erratic in their action. Then. They saw it. A stone cliff. Very high in altitude, in fact it was as high as the statue. It came into their view like a messiah sent to save them. Behind them, a torrent of dark sea water spilled out in a wave of pure destruction. Crushing every nightmare creature in its path. It was rising faster and faster.

"Climb! Quickly!"

Ariel's voice somehow managed to pierce the direness of the situation. His hands holding the spiky thorns of the stone wall they had to climb. He jumped into the air before straight-up punching the wall forming an indentation in the shape of a fist. He hanged onto it with only one hand, already a few meters up. Then, his muscles tensed, his legs coiled. His body launched upwards a dozen meters. Cassie held onto him with a vice grip. And just like before, his fist struck out. Creating a makeshift dent to easily fit your hand in. He continued jumping, his hands being stabbed by thorns coming out of the wall, tearing his skin and grinding against his bones.

A minute passed. Ariel never standing still even for one second arrived at the top with Cassie in tow. They were about to exhale a breath when the cliff visibly shook. Disorienting them a bit.

Ariel looked down to see the water crashing against the bottom of the cliff, it was already rising, getting closer and closer to Nephis and Sunny.

He warned Cassie as his feet sprinted across the cliff.

"I will be back!"

He jumped off. The wind and the rain hitting him like bullets due to his speed of descent. His target Sunny, who was actually lagging behind. It was expected considering his physical performance isn't that special. The dark water was right beneath him. He himself was climbing quite desperately, his hands had several cuts and deep wounds. His face wasn't a good sight to the eyes.

Ariel, nearing Sunny, once again pulled back his hand, clenched his fist, and striked. His fall was abruptly halted. Resulting in his elbow to bend to an unnatural degree with a snap. Fortunately, his fist seemed stuck in the wall. Luck coming into play just at the right moment.

Sunny was so invested in surviving, he didn't notice the person right beside him. Staring at him with blank eyes. His awareness was already lost a while ago. His desire winning over his rationality. He only noticed sluggishly when he was flung over Ariel's shoulder. His back being held by a big, rough hand. His body was losing its last remnant of energy, forcing his eyelids to flutter before heavily closing in blissful relief.

He pushed himself too much. But he did survive, so praises for that.

Ariel, with Sunny slumped over his shoulder thought respectfully. Then, he eyed Nephis. Who was still going up without a change in her expression. Her eyes fierce and determined. She climbed rather quickly compared to Sunny.

Ariel jumped to her level before doing the same with her as he did with Sunny. She at least noticed him and let herself be carried away with a strong nod. It was a bit taxing but his adaptation mended the tiredness easily.

Carrying two literal bodies, each one occupying one shoulder. And with the dark sea behind him chasing him like a monster. It painted a very unique picture for anyone who had a chance to witness it, which was no one unfortunately.

Finally reaching the top. Ariel dropped the two corpse-like bodies on the ground. Slumping down right next to Nephis. He then turned his head only to find Nephis staring at him with unblinking eyes.

"We survived."

"We did indeed."

Nephis looked into his eyes. Her own shining with a noticeable glint. Her lips curled up into a beautiful smile. Ariel returned his own in return.

"Thank you for saving us, again."

"No worries, you guys are the only ones I felt comfortable around ever since I finished my first nightmare. Even though you might not return the same feelings. I don't want to lose any of you."

Nephis closed her eyes, shifting a tiny bit closer to him. Resting her head near his shoulder. She felt much, much safer and better like this. Her thoughts a mystery that only she, herself knew.

Oh Ariel, if only you knew…

A/N: I hope you enjoyed it. And pls send some stones if you can to support me and this fanfic. Also I heard that some crazy shit is happening in the real shadow slave. I might have to go back.