
Divine Dragon Devouring system

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bloodstar · Fantasie
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42 Chs

23 - Water serpent

Hiss sss

There was a snake a snake 10 times big than a human and it was fighting with the old man and other some people.

" What the... what's that? Alex. "Drake asked Alex who was standing beside him.

Before Alex could speak his a man was send flying right towards them.

" Dad! Dad! " Alex seeing the man ran shouthing towards him with a worried expression.

Most of the people along with the old man were out of energy, when the snake turned towards Alex who was shouting.

Hisss sss humans.

the snake was having intelligence which surprised drake, he scanned the snake.

[ name : ???

race : water dragon bloodline.

rank : S

evolution: 2\3

these are snakes with dragon bloodline, they can evolve into a dragon as per elements these type of beasts are hard to tame and are fierce due to its blood line.

they evolve from snake>serpent>dragon. ]

[ threats by element attack. ]

Seeing this that the snake about to attack Alex Drake released his aura all over the place, this send chills down everyone's spine making them kneel to the ground.

Every one turned towards drake seeing his eyes glowing blood red everyone was filled with terror. Even the serpent who was about to attack was pushed down to ground.

"Brother... brother " when drake saw Alex suffocated due to his aura he released them from the pressure.

The snake was in total terror as well as others, it hissed towards drake not daring to, move from, it's place.

[ the beast is trying to communicate, do you wish to learn language of beasts ? ]

< well, what will happen if I use it? >

[ host can then understand the language of spirits, beasts, animals, reptiles and other living beings which are known by the system. ]

< yes , I will learn. >

[ Universal language skill obtained.

Activated ]

hiss sss ( I surrender, I surrender.)

( I do not wish to die.)

Drake waved his hand and the serpent moved towards drake with fear in its eyes.

" There.. there I don't plan on killing you." Drake said patting the head of the serpent.

( you understand me.) the serpent was shocked seeing seeing someone who could speak his language.

Even the ones who were fighting were all shoked seeing that the best who was almost unable to be control was now obeying

some one who had just showed up.

" dad! dad! wake up don't leave me. " Hearing Alex drake let out a sign and threw a bottle of healing portion.

" Give that to him he will be fine. "

As soon the portion entered his mouth a energy wave scattered all over.

" Father you are ok, thank you brother, thanksu very much" Alex thanked drake as he saw his father getting up.

" What did you give to him that made him a breakthrough.? Master red."

the old man asked as he approached drake.

" Oh! that.....it's a 10 star healing portion I had."