
Divine Dragon Devouring system

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bloodstar · Fantasy
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42 Chs

24 - Choice

" Whaaaat? you. . . you gave him an 10 star portion. "

the old was Dumfolled as he heard 10 star.

< He gave it as it was nothing to him, and by my knowledge 10 star grde costs at least 300 million for 1 piece and he wasted it just like that. >

" Well you know that the portion can get you at least 300 million for it right ? "the old man asked cause he knew how costly it was and if drake asked something he would have to give it.

" Well, it doesn't matter to me , I just think the snake is more precious to me.... by the way old Mo where did you get this beast from?. "

< It doesn't matter to you a medicine Which can cause a commotion in sects , doesn't matter to you. >

hearing that what drake said.

" Well old Mo you there, I asked where did you get this beast from? "

Drake said as he saw that the old man was in a daze.

" That... that beast was brought by my granddaughter when it was small but suddenly it started to resist and go wild. "

" So, in order for my granddaughter I tried taking it but it's rank was to high and it's attack are on a different level. "

the old man answered as his face became sad.

"Where did you keep it, in here don't you think it will escape.? "

drake asked cause he wanted to know about the serpent.

" Well to keep it, we kept it on a place with Cultivators so, it could at least will chose someone worthy of...."

hearing this drake cut of his speech

" what type of cultivators.? "

" Mo family is specially including of fire cultivation so, it mostly stays around fire and earth cultivators. "

" What the..... are you out of your mind get it out of here near the fountain. " hearing drake shouting he went out with drake towards the fountain which was present at front.

Seeing the commotion outside, a girl ran towards the old man calling him Grandpa. He explained her what had happened.

Hearing that drake shouted on his grandpa she went towards him.

" You, why the hell did you shout at my grandpa. "

the girls name was liya, a girl aged 16-17 with an average height and perfect curves.

Black hair and brown eyes with stylish black and white dress.

" You shouldn't speak to brother he saved father. "Hearing liya shout Alex stood up for drake.

" What about that why did he. ... "before she could complete her sentence she was shocked to see the snake .

" Why... why is he out, are you trying to kill people. " she shouted seeing the snake.

" Don't worry it won't harm any one and by the way were you the one who brought this beast."

drake asked her.

"What if it was me, why the hell is that thing out. "

" Calm down it won't hurt anyone and don't shout on our guest like that he is not a normal person. " seeing liya shouting the old man spoke up.

Hisss sss ( master, thanks for the treatment is there anything you wish.)

Drake ignored her and walked towards the serpent which was now in water of the fountain.

"Well nothing much, are there some more like you. "

Hissss sss( yes master there are but I don't know the exact place.)

"Good. So, do you wish to come with me or do you intend to stay here. "

hiss ssss( if you may then I would like to say here, the girl was the one who saved me so, I would like to return the favour.)