
Divine bond(A cosmic love story)

A mystery of Shanaya Mheta's rape case involving Arnav Kapoor got Uday Mheta out seeking revenge for his sister because he believed that the justice system is failing her as she had gotten pregnant and now had to raise the baby on her own unaware of the baby's patternal identity. During the quest for revenge, Uday finds himself falling in love with Arnav's fiance Chitra Singh Oberio, whom awakened his sixth sense whenever he touches her or even having a conversation. Due to Uday's restlessness Chitra makes it her life goal to find the truth behind Shanaya's rape case. Later, it is revealed that Uday and Chitra are enlightened beings and Arnav is a soulmate. Has fate brought Uday to his destination Or is he coming in between a divine bond?

EnerhQuinton · Fantasie
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9 Chs

A brother's Vow

Uday walked straight to the temple room in their house and stood in front of Lord Ganesh's idol, he puts fire on his left arm and held the necklace on the right arm, he then made a vow.

"Such a terrifying incident has happened to my only sister Shanaya, in your presence, she has been violated." Talked an emotionally stressed Uday.

"What about her dreams? What about her love? Why have you tested them to this extent? What is her mistake?" Questioned Uday.

"Well, today a brother vows in front of you, not only will I find my sister's culprits, I will hunt them down, make them suffer and after that, I'll bring them straight to justice so it can finish what will be left of their life and this is a promise of a brother!" Vowed an angry Uday.


"This candle won't stop burning until the hunt of a brother is finished, and the hunt will start today only!" Said Uday with so much rage.

He puts the fire down and writes CSO on a paper and puts it next to the fire.

"Until the quest of a brother is finished, these shall remain here, hail Lord Ganesh!" Vowed Uday.

Uday vowed with so much pain and rage, on the other hand, Chirag refuses to leave Shanaya's side, he is so regretful of the fact that he broke up with Shanaya simple because she wasn't ready for commitment. He held Shanaya's hand while the rest of the family members stood outside the room, he started talking to her passionately although hurt.

"Shanaya, I know I hurt you before I left, and now I understand that I should've tried to understand you, I regret all that I have said to you. I need you to wake up Shanaya, I have so much to say to you and I need to apologize properly, so if you can hear me please squeeze my hand." Said Chirag.

"Shanaya it feels more like a punishment, please just listen to me give me a sign no matter how small it is Shanaya, just show me that you can hear me atleast I beg of you, please don't do this I can't be without you please wake up." Said Chirag in so much pain.

Because Shanaya's silence was killing Chirag, he cries aloud and put his head on Shanaya, he continued to cry in so much pain and eventually, Shanaya moves her fingers, which Chirag felt and for a moment, he stopped crying.

"Shanaya, Shanaya, Shanaya can you hear me?" Asked Chirag eager for an answer.

Shanaya moves her fingers once again which made Chirag happy, he shouts for the doctor to come quickly and they walk in with the nurses, he informs them that Shanaya is moving. Just as the doctors were checking her vitals, Shanaya opens her eyes unable to remember how she got there, she doesn't even remember the incident so the doctors took Chirag outside the room and informs him and the rest of the family that Shanaya doesn't remember anything so they shouldn't pressurize her or force her to remember. The family members were shocked by this, how were they going to find the culprits now, Shanaya's testimony would have gave them the clues as to who the culprits were.This led to Chirag in so much emotional dispare, they were asked to be mindful towards her. Eventually, Shanaya wakes up and Chirag couldn't hold himself so he ran into Shanaya's room and started talking to her, he tells her how sorry he was, he said with so much regret and the willingness move forward fogeting his desires.

"But why are you talking as if we fought Chirag dear, you don't have to look so sad I'm fine." Said Shanaya lovingly.

Chirag was moved by this as he remembers what the doctor had said.

"No Shanaya offcause we didn't fight, it's just that seeing you in this state made me realise that I never want to lose you." Said Chirag with passion although in pain.

"You are not going to lose me Chirag, you are my entire life." Said Shanaya reassuring her Chirag.

"You are my entire existence." He said so lovingly.

"Then why do you assume you're losing me? Don't you ever utter those words again do you hear me?" Said Shanaya as tears were dropping down her face.

Chirag wipes her tears and tells her that he won't ever doubt her love again and he won't ever assume that he is losing her, which makes Shanaya happy. Chirag also wonders why Uday hasn't returned yet, unknowing that Uday was busy trying to find the culprits who put his sister in such a state. Uday goes out for a walk as fresh air and an open space can make him think more clearly and ease his rage, while walking on the streets he saw a eatery close by and went there to buy water to drink, where he finds Chitra at the table counter ordering food. He stands behind her for a moment as he was mesmerized by her appearance, the way she was talking and how she carried herself, it was as if Uday saw his reflection for a moment. He froze and just stood there and said nothing, Chitra's order arrives so she took it and left, but as she was leaving, a bracelet fell down, Uday rushed and picked it up, he called out for Chitra but she couldn't hear him and was eventually no where to be seen. Uday looks at the bracelet and find Alphabets there as well, 'AK'. Uday was moved by this, could the bracelet and the necklace he found in Shanaya's room be linked? He looks at them both carefully and found that they were indeed made by the same jeweller, he googled the name of the brand and found the address where the jwelleries were made and decided to go there to find out more information about the owner. As Uday was leaving the eatery, he received a call informing him that Shanaya was awake and is asking about him, the jewellery store was also about to be closed so he was now confused as to where should he go first, should he go to his sister or should he find the culprits as soon as possible and bring them to justice.