
Dimensional Overhaul

What was the gods' best creation? Was it man? Could it be the stars that we all gaze upon? Planets that hold life? Or probably the various dimensions that hold all? The answer is simple, the universe! The same universe that comprises all these wonderful creations. The food we eat, the people we look up to, and the mountains which stretch beyond the clouds are all part of one universe. And among the variety of races, one stood among them all. A race yielding the strongest type of magic, black magic. They were the Genois race. The fact that they were the strongest clouded their minds, why not unify the universe? They thought. During their rein, they forcibly made other races kneel before them and those who resisted were killed. Upon a mountain of bloodshed, a single man rose to the task of defeating the Genois race. Some called him a 'reaper', others 'a savior' while others squandered his name calling him a murderer. The single man possessed a special type of visual prowess known as Tsujigens. The five Tsujigens: Tsujigen of force, Tsujigen of space, Tsujigen of time, Tsujigen of power, and the Tsujigen illusion made him an unstoppable force. With this power, he wiped out the Genois race leaving none. Blessing other races with freedom. He was hailed as a god! Mysterious as a ghost! Yet still a lone man. Alas, not even his mortal body could handle his power causing him to erode. Before his death, he shared his Tsujigens for the next generation in hopes of his resurrection. In the present, a boy awoke in an unfamiliar world, with no memories of the past, and is left with a symbolic tattoo on his arm which possesses odd powers. In a universe where magic is the norm, Kevin travels to different worlds, unique in their way, to reclaim his lost memories.

DymenS · Fantasy
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98 Chs

Norm's past part 2

"I finally found it!" Norm exclaimed.

After searching for what seemed to be thirty minutes in the forest, she had finally found the Frost flower. But wanting to make sure she got the right one, she examined the flower for find minutes and nodded in satisfaction afterwards.

Norm then used her water element to keep the flower moist and cold. Since the flower grows in dimension XXV which has only one climate, she figured that warmth would be bad for it. It would immediately start dying after being uprooted but with water magic, Norm could preserve it to some extent until getting it to the village.

'Time to head back now. Dad must be worried, after he always is,' Norm thought about her helpless dad as she prepared to go back to the Flake village.

While humming a lullaby sang to her by her mom, she ran back to show her father her achievement. Probably even after showing him, he would be less strict on her. As she got closer, she began to notice smoke from the village's direction.

"What's happening?" Norm said to herself in distress as she saw the village burning. Seeing this, she changed her slow steady pace to a fast pace while praying for the safety of her village.

Upon reaching the village, she could only watch the terrifying scene before her. Most of the villagers who all cared for the welfare of the village were lying on the ground in a pool of their own blood and organs. Some even had their bones protruding through their bodies. Their bodies were squashed as though a heavy weight was placed on them. If it was not for the clothes they wore, Norm would have thought they were slaughtered animals.

A lump of saliva got clogged in her throat as she slowly passed by the dead bodies, too scared to look at them any longer.

"These cannot be people right?" Norm deluded herself, placing false hope in her heart.

"No no, these are just decorations for a scary party, right? I bet dad knows!" Norm encouraged herself as she ran past the bodies in search of her dad. However, despite her thoughts tears fells from her eye sockets while she prayed it was all a twisted joke. But even she had to come to terms with reality because even the smell of their deformed bodies penetrated her nose, almost making her want to vomit. But, Norm held onto the tiny hope that it was all a joke.

"Aaaaargh!" a familiar voice shouted aloud, instantly gaining Norm's attention.

Noticing the familiar voice, Norm ran as fast as her little legs could take her towards the scene.


Upon reaching where the sound came from, she was greeted by the sight dead bodies of people she knew on the ground and her father floating in the air by an unknown force. Using every ounce of strength he had, he craned his neck towards Norm trying to utter out words.

"NOORM! RUN AWAY! RUN!" Raizel shouted with all he had.

"Oh this is your child?" Aiken asked as he sat on a chair playing with a ball of snow.

Dropping the ball of snow to the ground, he rose with a smile on his face which indicated nothing but evil intentions.

"This is perfect! Little girl if you run he dies.... so just stay still!" Aiken spoke slowly while removing his jacket to reveal the number four on his shoulder.

Norm felt a chill down her spine as she heard the words, she could instantly tell he was in no way joking. Being devoured by fear, she had no choice but to watch his next move.

"Hmm, where is it?" Aiken asked himself as he searched through his pocket before retrieving a syringe containing black liquid.

Looking at Raizel, he jammed the syringe into his neck and injected the black liquid. For a few seconds, he waited with a smile on his face. Nothing happened for a few minutes which made him sigh in relief.

"W-What did you do to me?" Raizel asked while still floating mid air.

"Thank God, it worked. Looks like your actually the third conduit. I thought for a second I was gonna have to search for ano-".


Aiken's sentence was abruptly stopped by the sound of Raizel's body imploding into a bloody mess. Bones and organs flew everywhere, leaving a kidney on Norm's face and a liver in Aiken's shoulder.

"Looks like another failure. Tsk, how many fucking times is this going to happen?" Aiken said with an annoyed expression while stomping on Raizel's organs.

Norm was at a loss for words, one second her dad was fine and the other bursting into a bundle of organs. Everything happened so fast, and yet she was too useless to stop any of it. Anger surged through her body as she saw that not only did her dad, die but his corpse was being violated. With rage in her eyes she charged towards Aiken at full speed with water covering her hand, ready to die fighting.

[Tsujigen of force: Force of repulsion]

Without moving a single muscle, Norm was sent flying into a brick house.

[Tsujigen of force: force of attraction]

Aiken then stretched his arms out and a force pulled Norm to his hand. Now holding Norm's neck, he began to squeeze the air out of her.

"Your father was trash, so I will not even bother with you," Aiken insulted.

Under the pressure of getting choked, Norm unconsciously awakened her deviant element for the first time.

[Deviant element: Zero point]

Aiken's hand began to freeze, therefore causing his to drop Norm's body.

"I will kill you, kill you, kill you," Norm muttered.

" I WILL KILL YOU!" Norm shouted in rage.

'Maybe I can get something from this pathetic village after all,' Aiken thought.

Norm was in no way familiar with using her deviant element but her rage completely took over. Before she could take a step, a force shot into her stomach at though she received a physical punch, causing her to drop to the ground to vomit out various liquids.

"Now to try you," Aiken said while walking towards her with yet another syringe containing black liquid.

[Magical Imprint:A world constructed by ice]

Feeling an ominous presence, Aiken gazed to his side only to be meeted with a icicle.

[ Tsujigen of force: Gravitation force]

Applying the Tsujigen power to himself, he forcible pushed himself down in order to dodge the incoming projectile which passed by. Getting up he glanced at the shooter, who was none other than a young woman who wore blue with two large yetis behind her.

"Jane Drat I presume, the queen of yetis," Aiken said, revealing her identity.

"Who are you? This is my continent, don't go around doing as you see fit just because you posses a Tsujigen!".

"Oh please, what are you going to do to me? Kill me, psh..... you are too weak for that," Aiken mocked while stretching a single hand.

"If I wanted I could-" his word were interrupted by yet another projectile that came towards him but he evaded by side stepping.

As soon as he put his gaze back on Jane, he was presented with a fist that broke his jaw and kick to the abdomen.

"You bitch!" Aiken insulted while fixing his jaw.

[Tsujigen of force: Gravity x600]

Suddenly, Jane's foot dug into the ground as she now felt very heavy. Her movement was heavily constricted, not even allowing her to move her head.

[Tsujigen of force: Weak force]

Crack! Returning the favor, Aiken cracked Jane's rib with merely a glance. She grunted in pain before a yeti grabbed her away from the area in which Aiken's gravity was effective.

"Tsk, I would just you all now but I'm in a tight schedule," he said before returning his gaze to Norm.

He then threw a syringe, similar to the one he used on Raizel to Norm.

"I'll killed all your loved ones, if you want revenge..... inject yourself with that and become stronger. If you survive, I will find you," he said before levitating into the air.

"Girl don't do it!" Jane shouted while placing her hand on her chest. The attack Aiken unleashed, did more damage then expected.

"You killed everyone, and now your running away, come back," Norm shouted with tears streaming down her eyes.


She could only watch as Aiken flew away, leaving her in a village of deformed bodies and a yeti queen. In rage, she pointed the syringe towards her chest, wanting to kill herself.

"I can't do it," she whispered while putting on water works.

Eventually, the injuries she received from Aiken caught up, causing her to faint due to blood loss.

Hello there, author here! If you have any ideas or suggestions about the novel please comment. Also please, leave replies, it helps me know as to whether my novel is being enjoyed. And if you feel like it, why not donate a powerstone.

Merry Christmas, everyone!

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