
Did you say the Demon Lord was a...?

In his first life, Daron was a nerd, in his second life he was an explorer, now in his third, he wanted to be powerful. However, he'll have to deal with being born as an F- ranked monster, the horned rabbit, but that's fine because the Demon King in his last life was a Horned Rabbit. If you like or dislike something, write a comment or review, so I can learn from it.

Yobyoby18 · Fantasie
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21 Chs

Did you just say the demon king is a…?

When Daron awoke again, he was hungry, but there was a simple solution to that problem. as he began to feed on his mother's milk, he started analyzing the info he had about his situation.

He's a mammal, he knows this because he's drinking his mother's milk right now, and only mammals produce milk… as far as he knows

He's born from a litter, he knows this because his siblings are insistently squirming around him

Due to his sibling's squirmings, he also knows his race has fur covering at least most of their bodies

And finally, due to the lack of noises, he's in someplace that's separated from what can be considered 'outside' though, from the soil he feels beneath him, it's most likely some sort of cave or den

Sadly that's about all he can gather, after all, it seems his race doesn't have the ability to see from the moment they're born. So he can do little but wait for now… little not nothing, he left this for last on purpose, because he doesn't even know if what he's about to do will work. And if it does, he would have most likely have focused solely on this without paying attention to his surroundings, so he decided to finish his observations before he tried this.


Thinking this to himself, what appeared in the black void of his lack of vision was a blue screen displaying white text


Name: Daron

Race: Horned rabbit

Titles: 'Other planar' 'prodigy'

LV: 1/10

XP: 0/10

HP: 1/1








'Hello old friend…'

Daron couldn't help but hold a sense of nostalgia at seeing such a barren status. By the end of his last life, he had so many titles that the system formed a dropdown for it. And his stats were so clean, the sense of anxiety he got in his last life from seeing uneven numbers was insane.

To go quickly over his status,

titles are marks of achievements listed by the system and give you some sort of bonus

XP can be gained by killing things, or making some sort of major headway in a field, though that's much slower and harder than just killing some monsters

Def is your ability to resist physical attacks and is equal to your vit, without armor or other factors

SP or Stat Points are something you get every time you level up and can be assigned to your stats

Agi is your agility and affects how fast you can move, and to a much lesser extent how dexterous you are

Int is your intelligence and affects your MP and magic damage, and to a much lesser extent increases your memory and 'mental processing power'

Whew! For such a blank status it sure does take a lot of time to explain it, but that about sums it up. Now to look at his status compared to the actual status sheet, the first thing that jumped out at him was race, but he decided to tackle that last as he knew he was going to ramble about it for a while when he got to it.

So first up would be his titles, both of which he had in his last life.

Title: Other Planar

Grade: N/A

Your soul comes from another plane than this one

Effects: various

Title: Prodigy

Grade: Legendary

You developed the mental capacity of at least an adult of your species much earlier than average.

Effects: +1 Int per level

'Other Planar''s description is still just as vague as in his last life. The effects he had to find out for himself, and he doesn't even know if he knows all of them, but the ones he had found out he had given names to for convenience.

The first of which was 'soul resistance' that gave him resistance to soul affecting magics.

the second is 'outside the world's view' that makes it impossible for scrying magic to directly target him, though that's an easy workaround as it can affect pretty much anything he has on him, it's good for when someone who doesn't know him, is trying to track him or is trying to find people based on conditions.

The third is 'fluxous fate' that made it impossible for divination magic to see his future and the future of people who he interacts with changes constantly.

And finally 'unlimited potential' most people have limited potential in a subject, or even in leveling, giving them ridiculous xp requirements to level up their level or skills, but he posses at least average xp requirements in every field.

Thinking back to the effects of this title made him chuckle, as he remembered the time a fortune teller attempted to read his fate with tarot cards. The cards flew off the table as if an explosion had occurred, the face she made was hilarious! But ya in total most of its effects are situational, but they're all extremely powerful. As for why it didn't list these effects? Then it would have to be because the effects come from his soul not being from this plane, rather than for having the title itself.

As for 'Prodigy'? While it effects aren't hidden like 'Other planar' it isn't like there isn't anything for him to explain, Prodigy is actually a title that has multiple grades, and the one you get is dependent on how early you get the title with the lower grades giving +1 not every level, but every few levels.

The last thing he felt he had to explain further other than his race would have to be the level cap. While humans, elves and other singular species races don't have a level cap and can level indefinitely, most monsters, and any race that can evolve, has a level cap, and can't go past it without evolving. Though most monsters don't ever reach the requirements to evolve, due to talent for most members of those races making so they don't have any options, even when they hit the cap.

Ok… all that's left is race, horned rabbit. He felt like screaming in joy at the thought of being one! That might sound ridiculous, but that's only because you never lived in his last world. In his last world, horned rabbits were one of the most feared races in all existence, not because they're strong, but because they seem to break the natural balance of the world. The easiest way to explain it is that regular rabbits breed fast but don't have a high level of power, dragons are extremely strong but don't breed often, and so on and so on, each race corners some niche way of surviving. But horned rabbits seem to break that, they have litters of 4-8, breed often, becomes adults fast, and while their power isn't overwhelming, the average wolf can't easily kill an adult one, and would choose to hunt something else for their dinner. Because of this, they propagated in vast numbers ravaging the farms of every race, quickly becoming a pest in every country.

And not only that, but horned rabbits had an easy evolution option that almost every member of their race could access after meeting the level requirement, the bihorned rabbit, then the trihorned rabbit, etc. This made it so low-level adventurers refused to take on quests to exterminate them because they had no way to know if it was a horned rabbit or a quadhorned rabbit!

These problems all snowballed together to make them an apocalyptic disaster that forced all the nations of almost every race to band together to send out armies and heroes to exterminate them once and for all. However, while this may have sounded extreme, most people weren't directly bothered by this problem, and really? Rabbits are such a large threat?

This mindset was what lead to the second horned rabbit disaster, during the first war against them, the higher-ups of the armies and the heroes didn't care too much. And after getting rid of them near civilization, rather than going in for a killing blow choose to recall their armies, refusing to spend so much money on the rations that would be spent to hunt down each one.

Because of this they repopulated and the same happened before, but the countries learned their lesson this time, however, there was a bigger problem they didn't expect… the demon king. The demon 'race' was more of a term for sentient monsters and devils, and 'demon lord' is a title given to a sentient monster or devil who has a large amount of power and influence amongst their kind. When a Demon Lord grows extremely powerful, and gain mass amounts of influence, that title evolves into 'demon king' and almost every demon king in history has caused large wars that rival the scale of WW 1 and 2.

This is why it was such a shock when the nine horned king appeared. A novemhorned (nine-horned) rabbit who had become a demon king, with his existence horned rabbits became impossible to exterminate. though luckily, they were able to lower their threat to just a normal pest through constant effort. And luckily the nine horned king wasn't as war-crazed as his predecessors. Due to this Daron even had a chance to meet him as the ambassador for the adventurer's guild. Which is why he knew that he could make the most of this life.

feel free to go read this on the sites RoyalRoad or Scribble hub, under the same name, because unlike on webnovel I can actually use boxes to put stuff on

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