
Diary of a broken soul

An ignored soul, an unheard cry, and lost hope. I wonder... would've things end up differently if someone tried? What would've you done? Could you save what was already broken? would you even try? No point in asking, we can change nothing, for this is a story that is already over...

Cris_The_Weirdo · LGBT+
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8 Chs

Day 31

My girlfriend is finally visiting today! I'm excited… my parents were happy for me and for once… I was the center of attention and not the ugly duckling.

My brother was happy for me and for the very first time, he's congratulations didn't feel heavy on my mind.

She's soon coming home; she'll arrive any minute now. I hope she likes my house and my room… I got a little bit over excited and decorated the room with things she likes.

Wish me luck my dear confident! I'm sure today will be a good day!


Something is wrong… the moment she arrived I introduced her to my parents. My brother wasn't home at the moment so I couldn't introduce them.

We were talking in the dining room, and he arrived… they saw each other and smiled, that's not weird but… they saw at each other like they were the only ones around… I know… because that's how I see her.

She blushed lightly and so did he… I've never seen them like that. My brother sat next to her instead of next to my father and they all talked… I felt left behind… as if I wasn't there.

We went to my room and talked but she was distracted. My brother even went to check on us and brought snacks and drinks… I don't like this…

After several times of him coming in and out with snacks she asked him to stay… to talk… and they did. They talked and I felt forgotten again.

Please don't take her away, please… brother… you have everything. Everything… but I only have her.