
Devil Fruit Era: My Full Level Armed Color Emission

Ye Chi ventured into a world reminiscent of an urbanized rendition of One Piece! Here, Haki, Six Styles, Swordsman, and Devil Fruit are prevalent. The unique aspect lies in the requirement for everyone to venture into the Devil's Space upon turning eighteen in order to acquire the Devil Fruit ability! With a one-hundred-fold amplification system, Ye Chi commences his journey armed with full-level Armament Haki! He can seamlessly transition from any knife to the formidable Yama in the blink of an eye. His awakening enables him to perceive, discern, and directly connect with the essence of all sounds! Post-amplification, Conqueror's Haki can enshroud the very essence of his attacks! And the tale doesn't conclude there! Upon attaining the Devil Fruit ability, Ye Chi stumbles upon the revelation that the fruit's powers can be further enhanced! Who can withstand the might of a Devil Fruit ability amplified hundreds of times over? It's an unstoppable force!

AARYAN_PATHAK · Anime und Comics
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24 Chs

Chapter 6 The Unparalleled Evil Talent, Emission Appears For The First Time

While the car was driving, Ye Chi, who was half asleep, was suddenly awakened by a loud noise!

boom! !

A deafening explosion came from the front, and the change surprised every driver!

Could it be that he really met someone who was in trouble? An unspeakable bad feeling came over me.

The driver Wang Youkai frowned, controlled the steering wheel with one hand, picked up the walkie-talkie with the other, and asked anxiously.

"Hey! What happened?"

"Ambush! There are bombs! Lots of bombs!"

"What the hell! This is the military's convoy. You dare to touch the military's supplies. If you encounter someone who wants money or your life!"

"Everyone, try your best!! Rush through this bomb zone. If you can't get through, you will be dead!"

They even dared to touch the military's supplies, but the drivers didn't think this group of desperadoes would spare their lives.

"Youkai, speed up! Speed ​​up everyone! Don't stop!"

The leader's voice came over the intercom.

Wang Youkai and Ye Chi's cars are at the end. They are not in danger at the moment, but they can easily fall behind.

"Lao Zhang, I know!"

Encountered desert bandits... All the drivers were operating the military trucks nervously.

Kaka, woo! !

The accelerator was stepped on, the engine roared, and a row of large vehicles charged towards the bumpy road of destiny in the bursting light of fire!

"God of Death, I don't know if I can survive this time. Just leave when you find an opportunity!"

Wang Youkai originally thought that he would be able to safely carry goods by hooking up with the military, but he didn't expect to encounter a tough situation today.

The gangsters who dare to take action against military supplies have no idea how big their hearts are!

"I am clear."

The atmosphere was extremely tense. In the cab, Ye Chi nodded intently.


A row of military trucks passed by, and the remote-controlled bombs planted in advance exploded with burning waves!

The strong air waves shook the air and distorted it. The drivers gritted their teeth and turned the steering wheel with their heads buzzing from the explosion!

Prick! !

Amidst the explosions, the sound of tires skidding could be heard again and again!

Suddenly, several large trucks were blown over.

The extremely fast cart turned sideways and hit the ground hard, spilling all the supplies inside.

Driven by inertia, the cart plowed deep marks on the road, plowing into the yellow sand and making no movement.

"Old Yang!!"

The walkie-talkie sounded the call of my companion, but no sound came from the other side...

Everyone listened to the silence on the other end, and a feeling of sadness rushed up to the Tianling Cap!

The sad mood spread for a moment, and everyone went crazy and cursed!

"Damn bandits!!"

The car rolled over, people died, and flames shot into the sky.

The military trucks behind kept hitting the road materials and kept moving forward, trying to break through the net like a school of fish!

On a sand dune.

The armadillo man watched this scene, and he hummed: "Want to run away? Ha! Brother, I'm going to get rid of them!"

Shark Tooth's eyes were playful, they were just a bunch of useless drivers.

"I'll wait for you in front."

This time, he pressed all the buttons, and all the bombs on the road were detonated in an instant!

Boom boom boom!

This scene looks like hell is coming!

Waves of fire engulfed the vehicle, and the violent explosion rattled the windows.

People sitting in the cab are like sitting in a high-temperature jar. Every explosion can blow up the low-strength drivers to death.

A violent shock wave came over, like a sledgehammer hitting his chest!

His fragile head suffered a terrible shock, his body hit the back of the chair, and his displaced organs burst into unspeakable pain.

Ye Chi is physically very strong, but the people around him simply can't resist.


Wang Youkai vomited a mouthful of blood, and vomiting surged in his chest and stomach.

His internal organs were injured, but he still held the steering wheel tightly with both hands, and his body swayed like a duckweed in the waves of the explosion.

"It's over!"

An inexplicable sense of fear surged at this moment, and Wang You opened his eyes and turned red.

At this moment, not only him, but everyone was scared.

Afraid of death, afraid of not being able to go back, afraid of never seeing his wife and children waiting for him at home again.


An upright man shed tears.

The driver gritted his teeth and stiffened his cheeks and said in prayer: "God of Death, if I can't go back, please help me go to the devil's capital and say sorry to my wife and daughter."

Ye Chi sat upright and said with a fixed gaze: "It's better for you to say this yourself."

Although the power of the explosives was terrifying, Ye Chi had no fear in her heart.

A month of life and death training has made his character extremely firm.

The more dangerous the situation, the calmer he becomes, like a battle-hardened Admiral!

Listening to the voice of the young man next to him, his calmness at a critical moment, Wang You really felt like he could go back.

But suddenly, a series of explosions made the car windows make an unsupportable sound.


The large glass in front of the car couldn't withstand the fierce waves of fire and cracked like a spider web.

A bad premonition flashed through the driver's mind.

"No! The car can't hold it anymore!"

Before he finished speaking, there was a bang.

The glass that had turned into a cobweb was completely shattered. A sharp piece of broken glass flew past Wang Youkai's face at a speed that was beyond the reach of the naked eye, causing blood droplets to fly.

He reflexively covered his face with his elbow, but as expected, the glass shards and flames did not hit his face.

Looking up, I saw a palm on the front window.

This hand is thin, with long and distinct knuckles.

Ye Chi looked calm and composed, holding the glass with one hand, and the endless dark purple emission was against the large glass. He said in a deep voice: "Keep driving."


His heartbeat, which was accelerating to the extreme, dropped, and Wang Youkai responded quickly!

There was a curve ahead, so he quickly turned the steering wheel to get the car back on track.

While driving nervously, I looked at Ye Chi's hand in surprise.

The cracked glass did not explode because it was protected by a layer of air.

The driver didn't know what this layer of Qi was, but he saw that half of Ye Chi's hand was wrapped in a thrilling black color!

He was so horrified!

If you read it correctly, isn't this the legendary Armament Haki? !

He trained Haki at the age of eighteen, what kind of genius is the God of Death!

The talent is terrifying and terrifying! Even evil beyond description!

Is there anyone in the whole world who can achieve such an achievement at the age of eighteen?

No! !

Here, we are glad to have this God of Killing here!

Wang Youkai was extremely happy in his heart!

But his car was guarded by Ye Chi, and other drivers were not so lucky.

As the vehicle engine roars, crackle!

The large window glass burst, and in the wave of fire, bright red glass fragments flew towards the driver!

Puff puff!

The fragments were like blades, striking the people on the seats like a storm!

"Ugh!! It hurts!!"

The sharp glass shards pierced into the human flesh, making the heart tremble in pain!

This is not over yet.

After the glass was broken, the high-temperature flames outside the car rushed in like a tidal wave!

The burning fire rushed to everyone's body, the high temperature burned the skin, and the wounds made a terrifying "hissing" sound!

The scratches on the glass were combined with the severe pain from the high temperature, which was so painful that everyone's face was twisted out of shape!



From the walkie-talkie, there were constant wails of pain. Traveling through this road filled with explosions seemed to be no different from traveling through a real hell!

Time passed in agony little by little, and finally, several surviving cars rushed out amid the smoke.

The people who were killed in the car were also reduced to charcoal, their hair was singed, their clothes were in rags, and their bodies were covered in cuts and bruises.

The exposed skin burned and burned, and the wounds cut by the glass fragments were scorched black by the fire.

After passing through the sea of ​​​​fire, the cool wind blew in through the car window and took away the high temperature.

The skin was constantly tingling under the blow of the wind.

The burning feeling at this moment has become a symbol of their survival.

Of the 50 vehicles, less than ten emerged from the sea and fire.

But being able to be alive already made everyone extremely happy, and the feeling of surviving a disaster rushed into their hearts.

Someone started cheering, and the joyful voice of his companions came from the intercom!

"Haha, I came out, I came out alive!"

"I'm not dead, I'm not dead!! I can go home!"

"Oh my god! Wife, I'm still alive!!"

Hearing the joy of his companion's recovery, the driver Wang Youkai also smiled happily!

He turned to look at Ye Chi, wondering why he couldn't understand that his survival at this moment was all thanks to this young man!

"God of Death, we are out! We are out safely!"

Voices of admiration and pleasure sounded around him, Ye Chi's eyes were calm, and he pushed out the broken car window.

Not showing any signs of relaxation.

The car was still driving, and just when everyone thought they had escaped and ascended to heaven, an extremely rough voice came from the intercom!

"You losers, don't be too happy too early!"