
Devil Fruit Era: My Full Level Armed Color Emission

Ye Chi ventured into a world reminiscent of an urbanized rendition of One Piece! Here, Haki, Six Styles, Swordsman, and Devil Fruit are prevalent. The unique aspect lies in the requirement for everyone to venture into the Devil's Space upon turning eighteen in order to acquire the Devil Fruit ability! With a one-hundred-fold amplification system, Ye Chi commences his journey armed with full-level Armament Haki! He can seamlessly transition from any knife to the formidable Yama in the blink of an eye. His awakening enables him to perceive, discern, and directly connect with the essence of all sounds! Post-amplification, Conqueror's Haki can enshroud the very essence of his attacks! And the tale doesn't conclude there! Upon attaining the Devil Fruit ability, Ye Chi stumbles upon the revelation that the fruit's powers can be further enhanced! Who can withstand the might of a Devil Fruit ability amplified hundreds of times over? It's an unstoppable force!

AARYAN_PATHAK · Anime und Comics
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24 Chs

Chapter 24 Meeting The Beauty Again

Hearing this voice, Ye Chi's eyes flashed.

In my memory...it seems to be Aunt Yang from the opposite Xu family.

But what is she doing here late at night?

When Father Ye got rich, he was very friendly to his neighbors, and he would share some good things during the New Year and festivals.

Aunt Yang stood in the courtyard downstairs. This building had rarely seen lights for a month.

Ye Chi stood on the balcony and looked down. When a fat aunt saw him, a smile appeared on her wrinkled face.

"Xiaochi, are you really back?"

Ye Chi jumped from the balcony.

"Aunt Yang, is something wrong?"

There was something strange in the young man's voice. Aunt Yang heard the words, pursed her lips and smiled kindly:

"It's okay, it's okay. My aunt has been waiting for you to come back for these months. When she saw the lights on in your house, she couldn't sleep and wanted to take a look."

Ye Chi nodded and said: "Aunt Yang, I'm also coming back to take a look. This is no longer my home."

Aunt Yang looked at this young man who was almost three heads taller than her, and said with gleaming eyes: "After so many things, Xiaochi has grown up. Have you eaten when you come back so late?"

Ye Chi said directly: "Not yet."

Aunt Yang smiled even more and said: "That's just right, there is still some food at home, I will warm it up to fill your stomach."

"Sorry, Aunt Yang."

"you are very welcome."

Aunt Yang turned and walked back to her home. After a while, she brought out a bowl of rice and a plate of vegetables.

Ye Chi stood at the door, took it and said, "Aunt Yang, it's cold outside, you should go back first."

There was a moment of hesitation in Aunt Yang's eyes. She nodded and said, "Okay, you can go to bed early after eating."


Watching Aunt Yang close the door, Ye Chi walked back to the yard.

On a cold night, the bowl in your hand is hot, and the fragrant hot dishes are so tempting to a hungry person.

In the darkness, Ye Chi's eyes were deep.

It can be seen that the dishes are leftovers, but the bowl of rice looks like it has been freshly cooked.

He suddenly put the dish on the ground and waved to the stray cat in the corner.


The kitten smelled the fragrance, and after seeing the young man retreat, he quickly came up to enjoy the meal.

But within a minute, the cat passed out in vain.

Ye Chi picked up the bowl of rice and recalled countless scenes with slightly narrowed eyes.

What happened to me this time was not only the bloody feud with Shark Tooth, but also the fact that I bullied the special police officer.

She shouldn't be the kind of person who always takes revenge.

Could it be that the shark tooth is not dead?

Ye Chi had deep doubts in his heart.

Just when he came back here, someone actually attacked him.

Rather than keeping the other party in the dark, it's better to pull them out now and see where they are.

Ye Chi clenched the bowl in his hand and dropped it!


The sound of breaking glass echoed in the silent night.


The one opposite.

Aunt Yang closed the door anxiously, and when she turned around, she saw several people in black suits holding her little granddaughter hostage in the courtyard.

The girl's eyes were red and wide open, and tears flowed down her skin and past the tape that sealed her mouth.

Aunt Yang quickly knelt down and prayed with trembling heart:

"Boss, I have done as you asked. Please, please let us live! Please!"

The look of her granddaughter crying miserably made Aunt Yang burst into tears.

The leader stood straight and repeated impatiently: "I told you, as long as you don't play tricks, nothing will happen."

After hearing the other party's assurance, Aunt Yang breathed a sigh of relief.

Seeing her like this, the man's voice was in vain and he said: "If you have other thoughts, don't blame us for being ruthless."

"I know, I know!"

Aunt Yang nodded repeatedly.

Not long after, a shattering sound was heard.

"Head, it's done!"

"Take it back quickly and don't make any mistakes."

"Leave one to watch them, the others follow me."

Pushing open the iron door of Ye's house, five people poured in like a crowd.

The night was too dark for the five people to see clearly.

There were no lights on in the yard, and the car lights outside had been turned off early.

Suddenly, snap!

A light came on.

The dazzling white light made everyone squint.

"Ba Dao·Wei Guo!"

The moment his vision turned white, a dark purple-red sword light struck suddenly!

Seeing the broad sword energy coming towards them, the five people were shocked!

"Fell into a trap!"

The first person to react was the leader, who was as strong as the third level. He quickly ordered: "Stand behind me!"

No matter whether his four subordinates could make it in time or not, he straightened his steps and gained strength from his tight and well-trained body.

Blood flows faster and muscles move faster!

This is the principle of application of the six-position Iron Body.

"Mabu·Iron Body!"

The leader gave a low shout, his chest muscles tightened, and an invisible aura swelled.

The next second, Ye Chi's slash infused with Emission slashed through him!


The body was penetrated by the slash, and even though he used the Iron Body to block it from the front, the leader still vomited blood and flew backwards.

On the chest, there was a ferocious slash bleeding angrily.

He is already like this at the third level, let alone those second-level subordinates.

Fortunately, those men who did not know Iron Body hid behind him, but were seriously injured by the sword energy and did not lose their lives.


The remaining power of the Wei Kingdom hit the wall, shaking the entire area with a roar.

The man who stayed behind heard something strange and immediately ran over.

"Head! What's going on?"

The leader fell to the ground, looking at the young man with frightened eyes.

Ye Chi approached with a white blade in hand. The four injured men looked at him like a devil.

Everyone kicked their legs back involuntarily.

Only the man who just ran in, after looking at his companion, raised his fist and stepped towards Ye Chi!

"Take my move!"

When the leader saw this, his chest trembled and he vomited blood and advised: "Don't!"

Ye Chi looked at the opponent's childish boxing skills. After dodging, he twirled the blade in his hand and slammed the handle into his abdomen!


The man flew backwards and hit the ground, clutching his stomach and curling up in pain like a shrimp.

After taking down six people in the blink of an eye, Ye Chi said coldly: "Tell me, why did you attack me."

"If you don't tell the truth, I don't mind killing you all. After all, it says on my ID card that I am not yet eighteen years old."

Murder is a crime, but in this situation, Ye Chi could be considered an excessive defense at best.

As soon as his identity as a minor is revealed, he cannot bear any criminal punishment, and at worst, he will have to pay hundreds of thousands in compensation.

With this kind of strength, you are still underage?

No dog would believe it!

The leader and his subordinates looked at each other, and finally hugged together and pretended to be dead, unwilling to say anything.

Ye Chi was secretly shocked, how ambitious are these people?

Or do they not believe that they can take action?

In fact, it's not that they don't want to say it, but that the big boss behind them hates betrayal the most.

As long as they betray, their lives will definitely be lost, and their families may also be harmed.

"You really don't want to tell me?"

Ye Chi hung the knife at the leader's throat, and the cold blade emitted a strong killing intent.

The leader trembled inwardly, and the fear of death hung over his heart.

His throat rolled, he was really afraid of death.

But when I thought about the consequences for my family, I felt that it would be okay if I died alone.

"It's impossible for me to say, kill him!"

The leader's speech was trembling, but Ye Chi didn't talk to him.

When he raised the knife and lowered it, the wind of the blade had already blown towards the fragile neck of the leader.

But a security bureau alarm bell that rang in the middle of the night completely pulled him back from the cliff of death.


The police are coming!

In the past, when doing things, the leader who hated this voice the most now felt like he was hearing the sound of nature!

The same goes for the rest of the people, they are secretly excited!

"Who called the police?"

It's really a life saver!

Ye Chi also wanted to ask, who the hell called the police again?

Everyone looked around and saw an aunt trembling in her arms holding her granddaughter at the main entrance opposite.

Ye Chi didn't have time to comment on Aunt Yang.

A familiar and pleasant melody came again.

"The special police are handling the case, no one is allowed to move!"

Who is the owner of this voice?

Ye Chi didn't even see each other, but just heard the sound. In the memory, the soft feeling in the palm of my hand came back again.