
Devil Fruit Era: My Full Level Armed Color Emission

Ye Chi ventured into a world reminiscent of an urbanized rendition of One Piece! Here, Haki, Six Styles, Swordsman, and Devil Fruit are prevalent. The unique aspect lies in the requirement for everyone to venture into the Devil's Space upon turning eighteen in order to acquire the Devil Fruit ability! With a one-hundred-fold amplification system, Ye Chi commences his journey armed with full-level Armament Haki! He can seamlessly transition from any knife to the formidable Yama in the blink of an eye. His awakening enables him to perceive, discern, and directly connect with the essence of all sounds! Post-amplification, Conqueror's Haki can enshroud the very essence of his attacks! And the tale doesn't conclude there! Upon attaining the Devil Fruit ability, Ye Chi stumbles upon the revelation that the fruit's powers can be further enhanced! Who can withstand the might of a Devil Fruit ability amplified hundreds of times over? It's an unstoppable force!

AARYAN_PATHAK · Anime und Comics
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24 Chs

Chapter 22 Taking Advantage

Xiao Qining snorted and made a gun gesture with her right hand.

Ye Chi was not afraid of this and said: "If you are not afraid of accidental killing, just shoot!"

"You think I'm scared?"

Xiao Qining frowned, the Finger Pistol was really launched, but it was not aimed at Ye Chi's vitals.

This woman is somewhat sensible.

Ye Chi stretched out his right hand, Armament Haki surged out, and the condensed air bullet made a crisp sound!


Xiao Qining looked at the black color on Ye Chi's hand, her pupils condensed for a moment!

"You have Armament Haki?!"

For Haki alone, Conqueror's Haki has different uses, but in battle, the most cost-effective one must be the weapon color.

Although the sight color can dodge attacks, the strong armed color person has a strong physique.

If you hit him, you may be slightly injured, but as long as he hits you once, you will be left unarmed and the game is over.

Just seeing Armament Haki made Xiao Qining feel turbulent in her heart!

She opened her mouth wide and said in surprise: "You... are not the first order!"

How could the first level have an armed color?


He is most likely level three or even level four!

Xiao Qining hurriedly pulled her left hand, but the handcuffs she locked at this moment really made her regret it!

In this situation, even if she has knowledge and knowledge, she cannot be a match for a strong Armament Haki!

Ye Chi saw all her anxiety and said jokingly: "Are you scared now?"

Xiao Qining was indeed extremely frightened!

A gunman locking himself together with a strong physical martial artist is simply seeking death!


Before Ye Chi made a move, Xiao Qining struck first and hooked her left hand with all her strength.

The third-level strongman used all his strength and caught Ye Chi off guard, grabbing his left hand.

Together with his arms, he pulled them out of the window.

Xiao Qining tried her best to control her muscular left arm.

She hurriedly took out her mobile phone and prepared to call for support.

Being a police officer is enough trouble, but Ye Chi doesn't want to be accused of assaulting a police officer.

The entire left arm was hardened and the window of the off-road vehicle was very large. Ye Chi jumped out of the vehicle.

Xiao Qining's mind was on her cell phone, and she was suddenly hit on the chest. She fell back involuntarily, and her cell phone also fell at this moment.


Being overthrown by the other party's sudden outburst, Xiao Qining was extremely shocked, and actually used her knowledge to warn him.

When she reacted, Ye Chi's figure was like a hungry tiger pouncing on its prey, pinning her down!

Ye Chi said angrily, "Silly woman, if I were a murderer, would I talk nonsense with you here?"

Ye Chi was very close to her, and a strong masculine aura hit her face.

Hearing the angry voice of the young man beside her, Xiao Qining was startled, and then when she realized what she was doing, her pretty face was full of shame and anger!

"Let go!"

She struggled vigorously, but her wrist was held tightly by Ye Chi, whose strength surged.

The armed, lustful and hard hand showed no mercy, pinching the opponent's fair forearm until it turned red.

After struggling again for a moment to no avail, Xiao Qining had no choice but to stop.

Her beautiful eyes glared at Ye Chi angrily, her plump breasts rose and fell heavily, and she cursed: "Asshole! Let me go!"

"Let you go? Then my beating was in vain?"

Ye Chi stared at her in the face and was shot for no reason. He had no such masochistic taste.

Hearing the other party's tone gradually calming down, Xiao Qining also realized that she might have really misunderstood.

How could a normal gangster let go of the opportunity to attack her at this time...

"You...I apologize to you..."

Xiao Qining looked at this boy who was at least six years younger than herself (24). She never imagined that he would have Armament Haki!

"Is it useful to apologize? If I don't have any weapons, I still have my right hand just now?" Ye Chi said coldly.

I twisted my wrist, but still couldn't move. It seemed that it would be difficult to let go.

Xiao Qining was pressed in a very inelegant posture, and in some places she was in close contact with the other person.

She tried to show weakness and said: "It was my fault before, please let me get up first, and we can talk after we remove the handcuffs, okay?"

"not good."

Ye Chi refused indifferently.

Isn't it nice to hold such a stunner down?

Why stand and talk when you can lie down? Moreover, with a beautiful woman as his back, Ye Chi also unlocked an unprecedented feeling.

Xiao Qining gritted her teeth, he definitely did it on purpose!

Xiao Qining groaned, she could hardly breathe!

Ye Chi looked at her appearance with satisfaction, her pink and thin lips without any decoration squirming.

"You attacked the police, that's why I..."

"Stay strong, I don't want to waste time with you anymore."

"This time, let's take it as punishment."

Ye Chi's voice was clear and clear, and his eyes narrowed slightly.

Xiao Qining didn't know what punishment he was talking about.

Just a moment later, the woman screamed suddenly from her open mouth!