
Devil Fruit Era: My Full Level Armed Color Emission

Ye Chi ventured into a world reminiscent of an urbanized rendition of One Piece! Here, Haki, Six Styles, Swordsman, and Devil Fruit are prevalent. The unique aspect lies in the requirement for everyone to venture into the Devil's Space upon turning eighteen in order to acquire the Devil Fruit ability! With a one-hundred-fold amplification system, Ye Chi commences his journey armed with full-level Armament Haki! He can seamlessly transition from any knife to the formidable Yama in the blink of an eye. His awakening enables him to perceive, discern, and directly connect with the essence of all sounds! Post-amplification, Conqueror's Haki can enshroud the very essence of his attacks! And the tale doesn't conclude there! Upon attaining the Devil Fruit ability, Ye Chi stumbles upon the revelation that the fruit's powers can be further enhanced! Who can withstand the might of a Devil Fruit ability amplified hundreds of times over? It's an unstoppable force!

AARYAN_PATHAK · Anime und Comics
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24 Chs

Chapter 18 Desolate End Of Despair-Midnight River City

Just when he thought he was going to be run over by a car, the car stopped.

The license plate was only one centimeter away from his head.

Fortunately, I didn't hit him and I still have a way to survive.

At this moment, Shark Tooth breathed a sigh of relief, and he collapsed to the ground completely powerless.

No strength left at all.

The temperature emanating from the vehicle is so inviting in the cold night.

But there is nothing the shark tooth can do, no matter how hard it is, it can't stick to it.

The visitor looked down at the poor guy with a sarcastic look.

Zhou Changxiong is covered with brown hair and has a slicked back hair, with a sideburn curled at the corner of his forehead.

Wearing a trademark suit, he has a tall and straight figure, two meters and three meters tall.

Middle-aged, with three-dimensional features and a cigar in his mouth.

The mouth biting the cigar moved, and his voice had the arrogance of a superior.

"Sharktooth, are you cold?"

Shark Tooth turned around and was startled by the appearance of the person coming.


With a hoarse sound coming from his dry throat, Zhou Changxiong glanced at the shark's teeth.

He held up the big hair with his hands behind his back, bent his long straight legs in a suit, and Zhou Changxiong squatted down.

The calm eyes stared at the shark's teeth.

Nearby, the car lights were very bright, shining on Zhou Changxiong's face, and the reflected light made the shark teeth very dazzling.

His throat rolled and he trembled: "Tsar...save me..."

Zhou Changxiong stared at him.

Those sharp eyes like an eagle are like Shinigami's gaze.

"You broke my rules."

A harsh voice sounded, and the shark's teeth trembled unconsciously. He hurriedly quivered and said:

"No! I had no intention of hijacking the military's car. It's all because of a boy. He knows Haki, Armament Haki! Otherwise I wouldn't lose!"

"A boy who knows Armament Haki?"

Zhou Changxiong's eyes rolled, and Shark Tooth quickly responded: "That's right! He's not very old, he's very evil!"


With a cold snort, Zhou Changxiong stood up.

The shark's teeth looked at him from bottom to top.

At this moment, Zhou Changxiong seemed to be his god to Shark Tooth.

Zhou Changxiong can save himself!

With this injury, as long as Zhou Changxiong is willing, he still has a chance to survive!

But the words that came out of God's mouth directly made Shark Teeth despair!

"No matter what you encounter, or what Gyūki snake god deceives you. If you break my rules, you will be punished!"

At this point, two of Zhou Changxiong's men stepped forward.

"Tsar, his left hand is broken. Should he chop off his right hand?"


After spitting out one word, Zhou Changxiong gathered his hair and got into the car.

The two men held up Shark Tooth's weak right hand, Shark Tooth was extremely frightened!

"No! Don't chop my hands!"

"Tsar! I am the third level! I can work for you while I'm alive! Without this hand, I'm dead!"

"You can wait until I am healed and then chop it into pieces! Please! Tsar, I, Shark Tooth, will work hard to repay you in this life, no, in the next life, and in the next life!"

After this series of begging for mercy, the men once again cast their unsteady eyes on the man who dominated everything in the car.

Zhou Changxiong stared at the hesitant men and said impatiently: "Chop!"


Shark Tooth howled in despair, no matter how glorious the past was, he was just a lamb to be slaughtered at this moment.

His subordinates spread out his palms and pressed his five fingers on the sand.

Looking at this method, this punishment is actually to chop off five fingers.

The five fingers are connected to the heart. If one is broken off, it will be extremely painful. No matter how you chop them off one by one...


With one slash, the bones and flesh were broken and the thumb fell off.


The shark teeth hurt like a shrimp and arched its abdomen.

No matter how he pulled his hand away, he was still hopelessly pinned down.

The subordinate raised his hand and struck again.

The long index finger suddenly flew out, leaving the base level with the thumb.

There was an extra knuckle on the ground that was covered in sand and slightly longer.

Another stab, and the middle finger was chopped off.


On Shark Tooth's right hand, there were only two trembling fingers left, the ring finger and the little finger.


He was still begging for mercy at this moment, but if Zhou Changxiong didn't speak, his men wouldn't be able to stop.


Accompanied by two chops, the shark teeth screamed in heart-rending pain!

The veins on the palms were bursting, and the five short, seemingly missing finger roots were oozing with blood.


The blood that was about to drain away was already very thick, and his face was twisted in pain, and he was rolling on the ground.

The Tsar raised two fingers, and his men immediately understood and prepared to withdraw.

When the car was about to start, the shark's teeth sounded gloomy, like an evil ghost crawling out of hell.

At the last moment of his life, he roared bitterly and bitterly:

"Zhou Changxiong, you loser! You don't dare to touch the military's vehicle. Who do you think is the king of the Western Bandits?"

"You dare not proclaim yourself emperor to the Federation. You will only huddle in the desert. You are just a bedbug with no vision! I am blind when I come to seek refuge with you!"

"You trash! Trash! Useless piece of shit!"

The driver's subordinates' minds were buzzing with shock when they heard that Shark Teeth dared to insult him like this.

Just as he was about to drive away, Zhou Changxiong stopped him.

Arriving in front of Shark Tooth again, Zhou Changxiong knelt down and said solemnly: "Shark Tooth, people can be ruthless, but without righteousness, you are not even considered trash."

This sentence made Shark Tooth dumbfounded.

Zhou Changxiong turned around and got into the car, and his subordinate asked: "Tsar, do you need to kill him?"

"No, you can't even make garbage out of trash, just feed it to the wolves."

The car drives away.

Not long after, the cold eyes of the wolves lit up in the dark night.


The hungry wolf went crazy after smelling the blood, and the shark's teeth turned into a pile of debris in despair.


The time came to midnight, the entrance to the suburbs of Jiangcheng.

The passage between two trees is exactly where the wind enters.

There was a motorcycle parked in the shadows on the side of the road.

A man with short green hair, carrying three "knives" on his waist, wore a tight-fitting coat that was more elegant than warm, and his thin body was shaking constantly.

The man with the same red bangs as Iori took out several lunch boxes from his motorcycle.

"Brothers, let's have a meal first. It's so cold at night, so let's get some hot food to keep warm!"

The gangster in the muscle coat stood up and took the lunch box, which contained hot fried rice noodles.

Sitting on the side of the road, enjoying the heat from the powder, he expertly poked out his chopsticks.


"It smells so good!"

"How about some beer?"



Three bottles of snowflakes collide, and the cool beer enters the stomach, which relieves the greasiness of fried noodles.

The cool drink washes over the body on a cold night.

The three gangsters excited themselves in unison, and then burped heavily.


That is, after the beer enters the throat, the pleasure subsides and the bitterness infiltrates back.

Iori hugged his knees and said, "Our life in Jiangcheng is getting more and more difficult."

Sandaoliu looked at the brightly lit road and sighed: "Who told us to live in a world without cracks?"

"In the past, if I stayed in a big city, I could at least go there and pick up some things."

"Hey, that guy in the community was just so lucky that I actually found a bunch of blood blueberries for him. A tree of blood blueberries is worth at least hundreds of thousands, right?"

"No, there are so many. He said there was a small basket after picking it off, worth at least half a million!"

"You're so f**king lucky!"

"Is there any cigarette?"

"Brother, all the money was used to buy powder and wine."

"Hey, this life is so frustrating!"

The muscle gangster sighed unhappily, and suddenly, the expressions of the three of them changed.

They heard the sound of a car engine.

I stretched my head expectantly and saw a car approaching at the end of the road.

The three of them were extremely excited!

"Brother, the order is here!"

"Let's go, I hope it's not a hard fight!"

On the highway, beside the bright road, three people suddenly walked out.

They look like streetwalkers, blocking the road without fear of death.

Seeing this, Ye Chi in the car raised his eyebrows.